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A member registered Jul 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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My ears are bleeding my eyes are bleached and my brain took a vacation. Also why are the dead bodies static I would love to push them... oh wait right 2 hours.

Alright I have a few suggestions. Like always I try to give some tips for improving so a bucket list it is:

- Text during gameplay: I understand the want to include the story into the game, but the gameplay doesn't really support it. A big no no, you can see it with notes in games which I don't think most people read those.

- Bugs: So many bugs, playtesting is important above adding new features and just from the first session I encountered some problems with the player oscillating up and down when hitting obstacles as well as level 4 sending the player to level 2 for some reason.

- So much text o_o : I know it's ironic when it's coming from a guy who's two out of the last 3 games were narrative based ones, but you can definitively cut a lot of the text in the tutorials and replace that with sprites.  To make it easier to digest.

- Movement: It feels really slidy and the time it takes to gather some speed is really slow, making the acceleration faster and cutting the time would make for a more frantic experience.

- The balance: So you gain an enlightenment point per finishing the level, and you lose them per hitting one obstacle I don't think that is a great trade if you can lose points faster than you can gain them. I would understand something like failing the level loses you one point but hitting an obstacle seems to harsh.

- The collisions: a good practice is to provide clear telegraphing for everything. The boundaries in the level could have been either a fall or a wall but here you can't really tell how far you can go before the death collider gets you. Another thing would be to have a smaller collider for either the obstacles or have another small one for the player that only counts collisions because weaving is hard enough and adding a bit of grace zone to obstaclesis a common practice

And with all of that I still think it's a solid first entry. It's normal for the first game to have a bunch of issues but we learn and overcome :D

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Yeah that I couldn't fix that before the deadline, that's why I provided the download if the lagging was too much of an issue. But it's gonna be fixed post jam

Yeah sadly couldn't figure it out befor the rating period but thankfully it will be fixed for the post jam version :D

For some feedback the first level was pretty good the only thing is that putting outline on both the stairs and the metal bar ment that it was way to hard to find it. For the second level I would love some changes like player flashing red to know when I'm hit and definitivly some hit sfx for the boss and the player. Also a hold to shoot would work better as clicking, aiming and dodging is way to much stuff to have on your head. Also a dash or an actuall dodge with I frames would be great as it's extreamly hard not to get hit close to the end where fireballs cutoff any way to get through the bullets.

Honestly hard to find much wrong with the game. I feel like making the player tap space to clean the puddles could have been nice to make cleaning them more engading and allow for players to clean them faster, also maybe make the tiles lower in height so they fit more into the bird eye view of the other elements.

(1 edit)

Alright I don't know if I just picked an op spot (pallets in the garage), but I just sat there and got the neutral ending so I didn't manage to meet JJ face to face, but overall great job on the atmosphere, I just wish there would be an actuall incentive to leave hiding and do more sneaking around the house as I missed a more interactive playstyle for this game. Also give me a break with the audio balancing because the scariest thing that happened to me was the ending blowing my eardrums out.

So the game is way too slow, it could definitively do with faster progress for making items, but I still don't know if that is even a part of the game that is actually required and if it wouldn't do better with just being done automaticly or instantly by a menu to focus more on the elements of the actuall rush hours as that would sound way more fun. Also for stuff not realated to changing the direction of the game compleatly the game lacks many sfx for different actions, a time limit could be nice if you want to run with it and the music has the problem of not looping properly

As far as fun is concerened I had it but here is some feedback: The anti-lightning block seams a little to powerfull as the cloud doesn't move and it has a lot of hp so it takes quite a bunch of rain to destroy it maybe making the cloud spawn in different places and making the lighting take multiple paths would make it more of a strategic choice. I feel like the disasters that spawn could do so a little faster as there was a bunch of waiting involved which kind of taken away from the feeling of chaos that these should bring up. It would be nice if blocks would have an animation for being destroyed as in maybe they would detach and lose the hitbox so hay would fly away with the wind and getting smashed in would send them flying down towards the edges of the screen. The game could also benefit from sfx when a block is broken.

(2 edits)

(I'm gonna skip the point list)

The game has some problems with movement only sometimes rotating the movement vector towards the camera position, that was probably the bigger enemy out of the two. The sky is way to bright compered to the rest of the level and actually while at this point, the level is huge but it's mostly just flat and empty plane no trees, rocks, paths. SFX and movement are especially important for first preson horror games to make the player connect to the person, so some footstep sfx, fast breathing for running and low stamina and making the player accelerate a little slower to give him some weight and making him turn a little more slowly when running to really sell the effect. A optional headbob and leaning while turning would also be pretty nice.

Feedback (things I'd like fixed):

-Menus: As I understand it you probably did them last moment as you're using default buttons, I actually would put at least some effort into the menu as it kind of sets expecteions and is the first thing people see. Also the last menu didn't unlock my mouse which was kind of annoying that I had to quit with just an alt+f4

-Audio: DAMN, I actually got scared when the radio came on, it could use with some audio level balaning at least later on as it gets kind of annoying quick.

-Movement: It felt really slidy and didn't convay any weight to the character which makes walking feel more like steering a camera rather then a person.

-Lack of Polish: There was a few accounts of text just saying placeholder text, fixing this sort of stuff really adds to the finished expirience.

Feedback (things missing / I would like fixed):

- Dialog speed: The dialog was unraveling rather slowly and worse for that there was no button to skip to a fully uncovered dialog, which is a nice quality of life thing.

- Friction: Character had friction against walls which just doesn't feel great when jumping up on objects.

- Not much to do: The game doesn't really feature any choice or active gameplay, so it's more like reading a book of dialogs rather then playing a game.

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I'll probably redo enemy object tree as the preformance issues seem to be caused by first time rendering the sprites

there actually was some music but it played quietly to not obscure gameplay important sfx

Submissions Closed past this point

yeah that's why I gave the warning in the discription, chromium based browsers, but a download was recommended 

I'm always down for some feedback 😎

Just the standard godot pathfinding, tho it's kind of scuffed with me doing it for the first time especially with a runtime baked mesh.

I though I fixed that double alarm bug damn I guess I'll need to look through hoard code again :V

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done :D hope you'll find some time to check out mine (even after the jam)

So this was fun here is some feedback:

- Layering: Something that I feel would be cool is if monsters would be always at like a minimal distance something like one tile because it's kind of hard to feed them when there is 2 guys on top of each other.

- Terrain: I don't know if there is some specific reason but I feel like the tiles you place should have priority over already placed tiles because now you can sometimes place a new tile and it will change like one tile on the path

But overall it was a very solid entry, that feels like a pretty compleated package

done B)

Alright for some feedback (actually I gave some on Ategon's stream):

- Some aditional feedback: Stuff like flashing the player end enemies red and some sound effect for player taking damage would be great

- SFX!!! : I feel like this is the biggest point against this game, it lacks sfx in places like realoading the weapon buying stuff at the shop, and collecting coins which really takes away from the expirience.

-Some envirement : Running around an empty arena is cool, but running around a big arena with obsticles cover and all of that good stuff is even cooler.

-Random Effects: It's hard to realize at first that effects are even rolled or shown, so it would be cool to have possible results cyclic at the top with like a fortune wheel sfx to give it some anticipation and make it more fun

alright rated

The game looks great the feedback I can give is

- Enemy Attacks: I mean you kind of die by proximity which is kind of annoying.

- Lack of an unique mechanic: literaly what it says on the tin, it's just an arena twin stick shooter, it doesn't really do anything elese

- Weapon Varitation: I mean kind of lacking with the player having access only to it, something like limited ammo and weapon drops could have been fun to create kind of a gungame feel.

Not much else it's a good game if you just want a twin stick shooter

Alright done, with some delay ( I'm getting tired )

A realy good entry I loved the energetic jazz music here is some feedback:

- Unpaused Menu: stuff is happening around you when UI is covering the screen which inevitably leads to people bumping into the pallet jack, even when the player can't see where they are going around and already has enough on his head :V

- Pallet Jack: You should probably increase the range where the palletjack is considered near as I often found myself trying to grab him and move around which is also not that fun of an expirience as grabing it can be a little finicky

I might do a durability loss limit per hit but I don't want to compleatly take away the durability loss based on count as it would probably lead to making fighting singular customers too punishing as they would take away the same amount of durability as a hoard and making the player wait for enemies to line up for big multi hits would kind of take away from the feeling of power that having a weapon brings and make the player constantly wait.

Alright I gave some feedback :D

Another game that feels kind of polished, I mean of course there are new upgrades and blocks you can add, but stuff I would like to point to is arena being of center (14 on one side and 13 on the other), I mean how could you, also the music doesn't have a seamless loop which was driving me crazy. Also the game could do with something like reseting your build and giving you a longer timer every 5 or so rounds because later on the most optimal strategy seams to be just dropping all the blocks you can on the sides without even a thought about making it stable.

Alright I left some feedback

I had fun playing it. There is some stuff I would like to see tho:

- Tutorial: I don't think anybody understood the premise of make large areas so that rain doesn't fall on the ground thingy, and honestly I don't even know if that was the goal. So it would be nice if there would be some more visual feedback to it, instead of just drops stoping on them.

- Physics: I know I know dealing with these can be anoying, but sadly when making physic based games you need to deal with it, I would guess it either has to do with the way holding works or how the player movement works as there is for sure something causing some wierd stuff as godot's physics aren't this "explosive" usuall.

Also I leave you with this "Where is the player" puzzle:

Alright I finished giving some feedback. But you did a great job :D

Actually I don't have much feedback to give some things that I could point to is that the tutorial could have been even a little longer to show you how to deal with the high up things so you don't need to figure that out during the first level. Also I guess the dialogs could have been shown either on screen or on the bottom as text so I can read them :V. Lastly some more sfx would be great as I missed a them, as additional feedback for stuff like being in and finishing the pointing tasks.

alright done

I still don't know what happened:

- Enemy attack: Again reapeting others there is no feedback, I don't know what enemies attack patterns look like or when they are attacking it would be great if there would be at least like a slash effect from the enemy and it would show them walking onto the player and bouncing back so I can actually see who is attacking me and from where.

- Attacking and moving: I feel like making it that the player automaticly attacks when an enemy is in the range is a little wierd and feels a bit cluncy, as what if I am running away from an enemy and an enemy turns a corner in font of me and between him and me there is a hole, my character will stop to attack the enemy in fornt of me that enemy will jump into a hole and the one chasing me will stab me and kill me... I think making it that the player switches between attacking and walking on his own would be cool, and instead of needing to walk in a direction already it could be that the player needs to skip a turn to start attacking or something.

- Bugs: Now I don't know if it was a problem with sprites missing or with how the grid based movement is set up but I swear enemies are either using bluetooth to attack me from affar like 5 squeres on a diagnal away, or if some are just invisible.

I'm done

Ugh so there are some problems with the balancing so I won't really bog you down with multiple sections and will just write one long one. The problem with this game seams to be that you have by large no way to gain resources in any other way than the battery and with every item costing more to buy then to sell you end up creating a negative feedback loop where trading makes you lose resources 90% of the time. Now there is the battery that is from what I understand the only thing that actually can give you resources, so we are just playing the lottery with if a customer will come around and sell us one, but then again "can" there is a good chance that in a simullar way to how the player can sometimes not be able to afford another battery from the get go he can also lose resources by buying a battery. So am I just supposed to stay put and just eat what I've got untill I die from not getting anything new. So probably it would be a good idea to at least make trading items an actuall vaiable option where the customers items are less valuble or make some sort of haggling system where you'll be able to bring the price down couse as it stands now you are passivly and activly losing resources with gambling being the only way to make up the losses at least a bit.

I left some feedback :D

(1 edit)

Oh I'll need to subsection this feedback:

- AI : it was extreamly simple, too simple even, as I understand this was suposed to be a soulslike and these usually have a preaty expansive ai tree, generaly in this game I felt a lack of moments where the enemy is not rushing straight at you and that with the lack of enemy attack anticipation ment that dodging was more a gimick than an actuall combat strategy.

- Player: The lack of any sort of stamina or other system that would discourage you from just spamming left click ment that player expression was pretty minimal.

- Camera: "Is the camera shifting up?" was the first thing I asked myself when I boot up this game, honestly an orbiting 3d person camera is not great in very claustrofobic locations which made the first section the worst impression that could probably be given, also making camera be attached to the players back made the whole expirience even more disorienting honestly I would just leave it to be always centerd on one point.

- Reseting: As I understand it all the enemies are placed manually into the scene, which means they are not reset on death and nither is healing meaning that you will allow the player to just run at the boss with no health over and over again.

- Tutorial: I didn't find any place mentioning controls for this game, so either do a text tutorial, an interactive one or at least put controls in the discription.

Alright I just realized how much ratings I have left so I'll leave you with the last thing... next time either put up invisble walls or a killbox at the bottom as someone will find a way to fall into oblivion: