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A member registered Jun 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Amazing. I loved it. Perfectly nostalgic. Walked the line between spooky and scary. Great art, nice story. Solid game.


yeah. You found the one bug. I discovered it after I’d submitted and figured I’d fix it after. 

I’m glad everything was cool!


I was running out of time so I kept the puzzles pretty simple and focused on the story. I'm glad the humour came through. I'm trying to push myself into making some more interesting narratives, with humour and some "sweetness" to them.



P.S. I loved you game as well!



Yeah, I originally wanted to make more animals have different abilities... but I was just running out of time so I went for polishing the story instead. I might add some more after the jam.

Nice! I wish there was some music and sounds, but otherwise, solid entry.

Excellent work. I loved the aesthetics. Classic retro arcade feel. Good sound. Nice little animations. Very clean and polished. A simple idea well executed.


Cool... I loved the way the music shifted as the character decayed. It added some great mood.

Good luck with the jam!


Nice work on the art and sounds. Looked cool. The controls were smooth and worked great. 

I didn't feel like there was much of a game to play, mostly just dragging and clicking. But it felt like it was more or less the start of something... I'd like to see what you could turn it into if you had more time than just a jam. 



Excellent game. Way more fun than I thought it was gonna be. I loved the puzzles. I loved the mechanic of the puzzles. I loved that when I died it was easy to just get back to where I had gone wrong.

Solid entry. I think the only thing I could fault it on was the use of the object... but that's a tiny thing. Overall, such a great game. Loved it. And refreshing to see decay used in the nuclear way.

Good luck with the jam!


Nice work. Fun matching the boxes and wands. And I loved the wand artwork. Well done.

Good luck with the jam!


I liked the sequence in order to cast spells. Super fun idea. 


Solid game. My only complaint is that it was too short. Would love to see what the next levels are gonna be.

Great entry. My top game so far for sure.


OH! I missed that. I'll give it another go!

Nice work. I love me some Kenney art!

Well implemented game.  I always like killing zombies.


Fun to run around and watch things die. 



I liked the idea of sucking the life out of plants and watching it spread.

Sometimes it's nice to be a bad guy!



I loved the sounds and the design. Nice work.

I wasn't sure what the coins were for? Was there originally going to be some upgrades to buy? That would've been cool.

Nice work though. Good luck with the jam!


Great style. Loved the pixel-y look of it and the sounds were fantastic.

Nice work.


Fun little game. I liked the flapping and shooting. And the vulture was a nice take on the theme.



I loved the retro style. It felt like an old school arcade game.

Really fun idea.



Nice little game. I liked the aesthetic of the game and the sound design was nice.

Good luck with the jam!


Totally. For 12 hours… amazing work.

Fun little game. Loved the style and the music. Simple concept executed excellently.

Good luck with the jam!


Super fun runner. Loved the music and the general premise. I did kinda wish the wand could do more than just blast the chasing decay. Like shoot things out of my way etc…

If you keep working on it after the jam, I think some variation in the levels would be a fun thing to add. Like running through a castle, or a swamp, or something. Just to keep the game changing… but for a game jam game. Solid. Good fun.

Good luck with the jam!

Nice work. 3d is way above me, so I was impressed.

I’ll be honest though. I didn’t get to Level 9. It didn’t seem like there was enough to do, or enough going on to keep me past level 3. I think some variation in the early game… maybe the rocks gets used up and you have to find another one, or something like that would’ve kept me hooked for longer.

Great work though on the art and graphics though.

Thanks. I had a hard time thinking of something using “Connections” that was within my skill level. I’m glad it paid off.

And yes. The final full stop I added at the end because I felt it had to be there. I’m glad it paid off.



Thanks! I was trying to lean into the simplicity of it. Make it more of a journey than a challenge, if that makes sense. 

Looking forward to playing your game.

agreed. I kept it simple for the jam. Afterwards I might add some harder levels at the end

Thanks for playing. 

Nothing much to add other than what other people commented. But, nice work.

Good luck with the jam.


So far I agree with what everyone else has already commented.

But I'll add... I loved the art. Super cute and charming. Nice work.


Nice little arcade game. 

I liked the art and the sound. The game was simple but fun. Nice work.

I didn't want to play again right after though... so maybe it could've used some other elements to add some random element. If you want to add to it after the jam I think there's some places to take it.

Cheers, good luck with the jam.


Great looking game. Cool concept. Used the theme well. Totally easy to understand and play.

I found the jump controls a little hard to get used to. And the level with the double jump with the key over the spikes finished me. I just couldn't hit the timing on it, so eventually gave up.

Other than the difficulty ramp, I though the game was excellent.

Nice work.


Loved the concept! Loved the style and look of the game! Well explored theme. Great across the board...

... but (you saw the but coming).

...But... I found the gameplay very difficult. Not because I didn't know what to do, I just couldn't execute what I was trying to do. The jump delay made it all really really hard. I think too hard. I gave up on the second level because I kept messing up the jump and fell on spikes like 20 times. I dont' think you meant it to be that hard to jump. 

I think if the jump worked as expected, this would be an almost perfect game of this jam. But I couldn't get far enough into the game to truly enjoy it. Sorry man.

Can't wait to check out more of your games though. You got great design ideas.


Cute game. I liked the simple platformer element. The chill time was nice. 

There was a little too much text on the signs. I didn't read most of it and managed to figure out the game. It felt wrong to stop and read so much text when I was trying to get through the level before I melt.

Otherwise, great work.


Nice simple game. I think the difficulty ramp was a little off. It took me longer to get the first level (because you had to use the exact number of moves) where as the second one I had 2 moves left. I'd switch that to be more forgiving early on and then harsher in later levels.

Otherwise, cool mechanic. Nice puzzles. I liked the style and sound. 



Nice work... especially for a first game. Great use of the magnets, and the ability to reverse your magnetism, and switch the magnet beams was super fun. Led to some good puzzles.

I also got stuck on level 3. The box wouldn't respawn... :( I think it's a quick fix to make the reset also reset the boxes.

Great game though. Cheers.


Loved it!

Really cool mechanic. I liked that it started as a platformer (sort of) and then became a daisy chaining puzzle game.

Nice work.


Nice style. I liked the old school arcade look and feel. I did find the controls pretty difficult. I think mouse aiming would've been a little easier.

Otherwise, cool game. Good luck with the Jam.