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Petville (Brackeys Game jam 2024)View game page

Raise some cute farm animals!
Submitted by KingdomPots, timniz, cyclone2048 — 1 day, 8 hours before the deadline
Rated by 79 people so far
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How does your game fit the theme?
Spoilers, there will be storm!
Weather changes.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
99% of art are made from scratch, music was produced by our composer and code is built on top of existing frameworks.

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Nice and cozy game! Art style works well in this, fun to watch them grow bigger. In the browser the audio had small bugs but did not bother me. Good job!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I also get that bug too when I played this game. However I notice I was using a specific kind of USB audio interface and if I plug in some headphones to the  jack on my computer that uses the regular stock audio that comes with the computer, this issue just goes away.

This is usually only an issue I found that's really specific to Godot web exports made with certain 4.x versions (it's possible they got rid of this issue in the very latest stable, 4.3, but I'm not 100% sure, and I think it's there in most 4.x versions of Godot) and when someone uses certain kind of USB audio interfaces that aren't the standard audio.

However here's the thing. This game isn't made in Godot! It's made in Unity! It's really bizarre to see this issue in a Unity web game, I thought this wasn't an issue in Unity web exports, so it's strange to encounter that issue in this game.

Could you check if for some reason if you change what audio device you're using, the issue just seems to go away? I am curious what causes this kind of issue so I could possibly keep it in mind in general when developing games.


I checked it out more in more detail. Used chrome for this. The audio bug occurs when i scroll down the page to look description, but seems like it does not happen in game. In firefox it does not happen when scrolling down the page only when i open other tab. I think this is not a bug that you need to be very concerned about. Very bizarre bug. :D

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

It's really bizarre. On my side, I get all the audio crackling, the whole time, and for the whole game unless I use the stock audio only. it's also for this specific Unity web game in particular, and not other ones, for some reason. So I guess for you this might be a different kind of bug not the one I thought. I might double check that mine is not the same as yours, but I think it might not be the same one.

Submitted (3 edits)

Oh I know which one you mean now, it's when you scroll, the audio starts repeating a small part over and over again. I know about that one too, but I guess I didn't really pay much attention to it as I wasn't sure if it mattered too much. Yeah I think that one might be pretty minor, not sure what causes it. Though I wonder, if it's happening on only this specific game, perhaps it also happens at the same time with the weird persistent audio glitching bug I get when not using stock audio hardware (but, not sure about that)


It's weird that why does it happen with other than default audio for you. Used the default and usb audio interface and I only got the weird scrolling audio bug or tab bug.

Submitted (8 edits) (+1)

It might be the specific Unity version and maybe it also only happens on particular USB audio interfaces and not others. I just ran into a download-only Unity game in this jam and in the USB interface, it always crackles, but in the stock audio, it doesn't. Almost always, neither WebGL nor download crackles for me on any Unity game on the USB interface.

The only way to be sure now is I should finally try Petville on download (which I never did yet) and see if the same thing happens. If it does, there might be some strange audio bug similar to the one Godot 4.x has (but I think that Godoit one only affects web, this Unity one would seem to affect Desktop too so it might be worse in a way), on some particular Unity versions and particular USB interfaces. Right now, I did not confirm that it does this on the download version of Petville, but if it does, there may be some combination of specific audio interface and specific Unity version used that causes persistent audio crackling.


I really enjoyed this game! The art style is adorable, and it was a lot of fun watching my pets grow and evolve. The storm caught me off guard, and I wasn’t prepared for how intense it was, but that just added to the excitement. I did encounter some bugs, like pets getting stuck or overlapping, which made feeding a bit tricky, but overall it was a great experience. The mix of calm farming and sudden chaos kept me on my toes, and I love how well the theme was integrated. Fantastic job on this, and I look forward to seeing future updates!


I like the idea a lot and it was cool seeing multiple evolutions of your pets. The initial wave like others have said is crazy, it didn't seem like my pets should've died but they did (2 full grown). And the next wave came very quickly after before I could figure out how to actually repair the shop. Great job!


Just wanted to say I played this a few more times and I really enjoyed it a lot. If I keep the pets away from the edges to avoid them from going into the ocean, and don't fertilize the tree past about 146 or so rate, I was even able to survive more than 3 waves, it might have even been more than 10 but I lost count at some point. 

Really, really cool game, this is one of my favorite submissions from this jam. The music is amazing and the aesthetic is really on point. I just enjoy this game a lot. Very good job making this, congratulations!

Submitted (1 edit)

Cool game!

  • Nice graphics and music.
  • Was very satsfying to see the pets and oak grow up on feeding.
  • But it sure is difficult to keep feeding the pets. They get hungry too often, and some died. Couldn't manage more than about 5.
  • The first wave of enemies was too powerful and wiped out all pets and me.
  • Did the onslaught trigger on time or because I bought the scythe? With the long period of waiting, I wasn’t prepared for this onslaught. Maybe better to send smaller waves of enemies earlier, so the player can plan better.

Overall this is a good concept. Well done!


hey thanks for your feedback. We definitely wanted to have a shock value for the jam submission. We will experiment and fine tune the gameplay based on all these feedback after the submission is over


I am so mad. Here I was enjoying my pets making them grow, it was lovely, they all had names, and there were mummys and daddys, we were happy. I would say I did this for 15min before THAT happened. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS..... So mad....Well Done. 

This is what games are meant to do. To make people have an emotional reaction to be involved. I loved it. 


thank you so much for the nice feedback 😊


How did I make negative money? Nice little addition to the jam.

10/10 would go bankrupt again


I think it's a bug since I did get it when playing and noticed it. If you wait from time to time you're able to even buy stuff with unlimited funds, but it also goes negative and in those moments you can't buy anything. 

I think it's because you should try not to fertilize past when the tree looks really huge and you see a rate of 146 or higher at the top to avoid this problem.  I played it again recently and included some screenshot somewhere of how the tree looks when you shouldn't upgrade if you want to avoid getting the negative money.


It's a good game, but at some point, the tree disappears and I end up with negative money, making it impossible for me to continue.

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

Actually when I played it I noticed that if you wait from time to time it turns to infinite positive money, so it's a glitch you can use to buy more stuff without restriction. The problem is when it's negative, you can't buy anything and have to wait until it alternates to positive.

I played it again recently since I really liked this game, and what I think though is once you see you are getting a rate of about 146 or higher and the tree looks really huge in a specific way (I put some screenshot somewhere further down), just don't fertilize the tree anymore past that point and you can avoid getting this issue for now.


The games was fun, enjoyed the idle farming sim section, the weather change was very sudden and maybe a timer or a hint could be put in place to allow players to prep around it more


For some reason I liked it without the timer, for me it really made the contrast between the calm and storm much more dramatic and it was I think a strong point of the game. I think with a timer for this one it might mess up the aesthetic, but I don't know, it's possible you're right.


This game is as fun as it is buggy, one of the species always gets stuck outside the world boundries, if one of them dies the first time you buy a new one it looks like it's completely evolved, but then it moves to the first level again. The waves start only if you buy the sythe, and after the third wave i stopped getting my money. And also it is irritating that they stuck with each other and you can't feed one of them. I almost lost one of the wave because i couldn't buy food because the stall wasn't giving me interaction properly. But overall, i can see a lot of potential here!

Submitted (5 edits) (+1)

I did get the boundary problem in one of my first playthroughs, it can help to keep the pets away from the edges I guess for now.

I played it again just now, was able to survive past the 3rd wave somehow (for several waves) and I didn't stop getting money after the 3rd wave.

If you saw the tree disappear, that might be a different glitch, it alternates between positive infinite money and negative infinite money, and that would affect you on all waves or the whole game once it starts to happen. You may want to try to avoid that glitch by not fertilizing the tree past a certain point (about 164 or higher rate, and the tree looks super huge).

You can also use the glitch for infinite money because there's moments you can't buy when it's negative, but there's moments when you can buy whatever you want because it's infinite positive. However, I think the glitch is unpredictable and you may not be able to buy stuff when you need it, so I see it as more of a hindrance than a "cheat" that gives any advantage. So I think it's better to just avoid it. I have some screenshot somewhere on how big the tree looks and how the rate number looks when you should stop fertilizing the tree to avoid the issue.

However - it's possible you got a different problem though if it was specifically after wave 3, but I didn't get that problem yet for now.


Maybe it has nothing to do with the wave, the money just stopped ticking, like i had income of 143k but only 64 gold on me, not 64k just 64, that was the main reason i stopped playing.

Submitted (1 edit)

That is so bizarre, I never got that but I guess it might be some other problem.  Probably there's not much to do but restart. In case I play it again I might keep an eye if I get that because if money just stops it might really not be possible to get around that one.

Only other thing I can think of is, and I just thought of it now actually, is that if usually playing the web build, maybe the Desktop build doesn't have the issue (but that's only if you can play that build). I did not get the issue myself and only played the web version, but it might just be a matter of time and I might get the problem as well.


I liked growing the tree and the animals to earn money and to defend the place. I don't know if there was any mechanical difference between the creatures. After a couple of storms/nights, some of my creatures ended up outside the playable are so I couldn't call or feed them.

The new game button on the browser version didn't work.

The art is nice, especially the thumbnail!


Hi, thanks for your feedback. There are supposed to be subtle mechanical difference among the animals where some run away from enemies, some do nothing and some charge towards them. Otherwise they each have significantly different HP/attack power etc. We did note down the boundary crossing bug and we will upload a build with those fixes after the jam is over


Very nice game.  Good job mashing different genres together.  One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that it's difficult to keep multiple pets, as they overlap each other and then it's so hard to separate them.  Feeding becomes a real problem at that point.  I'd also prefer a more gentle difficultly ramp.  It's easy to buy the sickle with just one pet and then you get completely overwhelmed by monsters.  It'd be nice to separate tools and weapons.  For example, an axes that can cut down trees, but not be used for combat.


thanks for the feedback! We are experimenting with the pet feeding mechanic so that pet interaction is less cumbersome. Something needs to be done with the overlap as well, but with so little space having large pets overlap is harder to avoid. Maybe we can allow only one pet of each type to be the max level or something 

Submitted (2 edits)

on inovation 4 stars, there was a bug with $ billions than -16954563, music variable speed, +move away command and +arrow keys, nice to have like that art monster teeth mask


thanks for the feedback! We did notice the negative balance bug. We think it’s an integer overflow issue and will fix it after the jam is over


look at look at $ sign at comments, others have it too, Scroll a few pages till you see the little screenshot image: Petville (Brackeys Game jam 2024) jam comments · Replied to cyclone2048 in Petville (Brackeys Game jam 2024) jam comments


Super fun game lost track of time playing it until my tree turned negative lol!


thanks for enjoying; we have taken note on that bug and already working on a fix 


good farm with repetitive gameplay, i like it!


haha, cool game. haha


haha, cool game. Cute aesthetics, also the pets ARE HUGE! haha


Wow, that's really good music. The visuals look great and it makes for a really pleasant experience, nice job on this! Details like the bell to take them out of the way so they don't block your shop are really awesome! What happens when the storm comes and the contrast is really cool, really great job on this game!

Submitted (1 edit)

I got a strange bug when playing it again if the tree is fertillized too much. The tree vanishes, and it starts alternating between huge negative and positive numbers . It's possible to wait for it to turn positive from time to time, and buy tons of stuff.


We have taken note!


Thanks for the feedback. Good old integer overflow!

Submitted (1 edit)

I played it again, I really like this game. I checked where I think is the max level the tree should be and not to upgrade past this point for now in case I want to avoid getting this issue.

This is the number with no pets, if there's some pets it would show as a bit higher, but it's something like 146 or higher and the tree looks like this when it should stop being upgraded to avoid the issue for now:


hey thank you so much for doing such a detailed testing! It will definitely help us fix this bug faster. There are a few more bugs in the game including the interaction being finicky and the store panel randomly getting closed. We will fix all of those as soon as the jam is over


I totally forgot about the storm! I was happily tending to my creatures when these monsters came out of no where. Also, I've probably unfullscreened the game at least 10 times, trying to close the shop menu. Gamers' habit :P

It was a really fun game and I love the cute art style. Well done!


we are glad we could troll you 😛

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback 

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