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My First Jam! Happy to rate your games (first time or other), please rate mine if possible :)

A topic by moocow17 created Aug 08, 2020 Views: 786 Replies: 63
Viewing posts 1 to 32

My first Game Jam! I had massive game-breaking issues last minute which caused me to have to slash functionality I'd built, and the version I reverted to wasn't fully finished (as you'll see; excuse the issues please). When I went to upload with 15mins before the deadline I realised I didn't have the Web GL module installed, so had to upload the .exe version, which Windows flags as potentially dangerous (it's poorly coded, but not dangerous I promise!). 

My official link for the Jam:

The exact same game but in WebGL version (which i uploaded too late to be included):  (I haven't changed a single thing compared to the official link, it's just uploaded in WebGL format; so feel free to  play this link and review on the other link to save you from having to download anything).

Please share your Game Jam stories (pains and pleasures), and/or post your games and I'll try to review as many as possible!



Sorry for the delay; just getting back to replying to these now. Just left you a review and some feedback on your page :)



Haha, I just got back to this post to start going through the games and realised I'd already played your game :) As you know by now, I liked it a lot :) 


Sure.. Check out mine too.. Thank you :)


Done! I enjoyed it! Well done! 

I left some more detailed feedback in the comments of your game page, hope you find it helpful!

Submitted rated


thanks! just rated and gave you some feedback too which I hope you find useful,  well done!  sorry it took me a while to get to you, i'm slowly working my way through all the games in this thread now haha.


Congratulations on the Jam! Our team will play your game! Leave a comment on the submission page so we will know


Done! Sorry for the delay! Finally getting around to reviewing all these game! I provided a fair bit of feedback in the comments though, so hopefully you find it helpful :) (it may sound negative, there are definitely things to improve upon, but overall your game is quite impressive in a lot of areas too!)




Done! Well done :) Quite a nice game! I left some feedback in the comments section on the submission page; hopefully you find it useful! :) 


Try it out tell me what u think


Woops, I forgot to reply here, but I did rate your game and gave you some feedback which you've already replied to I see :)


Here's mine:


Finally just getting back to this post and playing all the games; I liked your game (although eventually gave up at the acid bit as I couldnt figure it out); I posted a fairly lengthy comment on your page; I hope you find it useful. Despite what the wall of text may sound like, I did like the idea of your game! 


try this one

Submitted (1 edit)

Why did you post a youtube video?

Submitted (1 edit)

To Rick roll

My actual game:


This is our's

It's a narrative game about death, memories and family :)


Hi, I got a bit stuck right and the start and wasn't sure what to do; if you can give me some hints on what i'm meant to do when the guy says my family will be here shortly I'll go through and play again and provide a rate/review :)  It looks quite promising!


okay sure, hehe seems that many people got stuck right at the start.


At the start you need to talk to the hallway nurse and then go to the counter.

once you take the pills from the counter the nurse will clear the path to the hallway, if you follow it you can enter your room, (the last one) and there's a trigger cilinder there, that will activate the next events on the game.


Sorry for not making this clearer heh, let me know :)

Submitted we would like some more feedback, so if you have some spare time try ours :)


Great game! I left some minor feedback in the comments on the page, but my main feedback would be: keep up the great work! That is up there with the best games I've played from the jam so far! :) 


I rated your game. I hope you can check out mine, too. (It's also my first Game Jam and I struggled with the short time)


Played it and left a comment on your page :)  I did get stuck on the 3rd level, but I enjoyed the pixel art and concept. I also struggled with the timelimit (although I only started on wednesday, so that's my fault mostly :P ), next time I'd recommend trying to set some time aside for a little bit of audio, I think it could take your game up to the next level :)

Well done on completing your first jam! *hi5!* Good luck for your future games :) 


I'm playing your game now.

Here's my game


Thanks, hope you enjoyed it, I appreciate any feedback I get, good or bad :) 

I really enjoyed your game! Well done! I rated and left a comment on the submission page with more detailed feedback too :) 


Hey! I would love to hear what you have to say about my browser game: Any feedback or constructive criticism is much appreciated (:


A very cool game indeed! I actually thought it was hard to find faults with it! You did a really good job! I've left more detailed feedback on the submission page! Well done :) 



Submitted here is ours, wish you like it :P


Haha you already posted in this thread already... Gave you some feedback already :) (hint: it's positive)


Please Rate Our game

This game is about a girl, trapped in her mind. 

After a traumatic experience the girl has fell into coma.

Trapped in her dreams, she can't remember her past.

The pieces of puzzle are representing her memories, and every piece reminds her about the past 

And when a piece is collected, she sees really what had happened, and the real steps she had taken.


Just reviewed your game and gave some (rather lengthy haha) feedback. Really liked it overall! 


Please give us a rate :)


Reviewed and rated! Excellent game! I left some comments on your page already :) Well done!


Thank you very much!


Here is mine:


Played it and left some comments on your page! Hope you find the feedback useful! I think you've got a cool idea there!


Here is my puzzle game. The main mechanic is time rewind of your bomb, but enemies react to your bomb is different ways. There are 12 levels and you can do they in any order you like.  I'd appreciate any rating


Gave you a rating and review; I really enjoyed it! Very impressive all around, well done!

Submitted please rate, would love some feedback too!


Done :) 


Can you play and rate my game?

I will be sure to rate yours. Thanks!!!


Done! Nice solid game! Simple but effective! 

Thanks, I appreciate any feedback I get!


Welcome to the FL3R 2.4 Hacking System!


Finished it and rated/reviewed it :) Well done!


Can you play and rate my game?

Thank you!

I rated yours!


Thanks! If you could leave a review/comment that would be great so I know what to work on next time! :) 

You accidentally posted here twice, but I've rated yours and left a comment :) Well done!


This is my first Game Jam as well! I would really appreciate it if you could rate my game! :D

Submitted hey try mine :D


Done :)


hey try my game


Done :) Left a comment on your submission wall; please reply there if I missed something in your game.

Submitted (1 edit)

Try Mine. it's weird game but get used to the controls and your an epic gamer. PLAY IT


Done :) But you've already seen that because you've replied to the review I left :) Well done overall :) 


Hi ! it's my first game jam too !
I played and rated your game, the concept is cool. It's pleasant to watch this rain of bullets rewinding haha. But there is some bug, when I went to the next level my ship was teleported on a bullet. 

Good job !

You can try my game too, it's quit hard but I hope you will enjoy it.


Rated and left a review; fantastic work! One of my fav games I've played in the game jam so far. I'd suggest if you are rating other people's games that you leave a review on their submission page so they see it and are tempted to click on your game too, your game deserves more plays!

If anyone else reads this, check out this person's game, it's great!


and yeah, I know about that bug in my game; unfortunately I introduced it in literally the last hour of the jam while trying to fix another game breaking bug that I somehow introduced a couple of hours before the end of the jam :( very frustrating to have to upload the game with that bug :( essentially the ship just returns to origin at the start of the level and the bullets stay moving (neither of which was intentional) so sometimes you just teleport straight onto a bullet, very annoying :( 

Hopefully you were able to enjoy the game briefly despite that (although I understand that by about level 4 or 5 you already have to plan around the fact there are gonna be a bunch of bullets on screen when you finish the level haha)


Hi! Here is my game: Please play, rate and tell me what you think. I will play and rate your game as well later :)
Here is a google drive link if you want a faster download:


I rated yours. It is also my first jam, you can play mine (WebGL) at

Some reviewers told me that I had forgotten to include the mechanic description in the in-game "Controls" tab (noob mistake, I guess) so, please, read the "Controls" section in the page.


Here is our game:

It is an audio puzzle game where you have to rewind and fast forward tapes to find hidden messages.

Just about to play your game in a minute!