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Echoes of RedemptionView game page

Submitted by vpool — 2 hours, 33 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Personality/Narrative: Characters, dialogue, plot, and other story elements.#24.2354.235
Game Feel: Feels good to perform actions. Controls responsive and satisfying.#33.8243.824
Gameplay: The game is fun to play and engaging.#34.0594.059
Environment: Art, level and enemy design, placement and pacing of challenges.#33.9413.941
Determination: You clearly challenged yourself. Not an easy game to make.#34.0594.059
Emotion / Mood: The game has an emotional impact.#53.4123.412
Originality: Your game presents very fully original concept.#63.7063.706
Theme: The game creatively uses the Jam’s Theme.#73.8823.882

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Sources Cited
Pixel Art Animations/Sprites Character

Pixel Art Animations/sprites Enemy

Pixel art, converted to tilemap to build enivornment

Pixel Art Background

Pixel Art Tile map
Fantasy Music

Fantasy UI Sprites

Your Name (Required for CSC 355 Students only)
Joshua V

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Game worked really well besides the ladders and a bug i found. the ladders would just sometimes get stuck, if there was a platform above them you could sometimes not get through it, and it was generally hard to climb up them and you would just fall down sometimes. The bug was if you hit/killed and enemy while they were mid air (it was fine if you were in the air) it would just straight up crash and have a little popup bug report from html. but other than that which was very easy to avoid the game was very fun, engaging and good looking too.


I think it is a cool idea, but I kept getting stuck on ladders, which sounds weird but idk. I climbed up a ladder and the ground above had a collision that wouldn't let me pass, and then I wasn't able to go back down the ladder either. It happened twice, even after I reset the game. But I still think it was cool.


I like the environment and large size of the level. Some of the combat mechanics felt a bit off, like the fact that if you jump on top of an enemy neither of you can attack each other or the fact that blocking kills some enemies. 


very cool game! after playing it you can tell this game took you awhile. it was also a pretty environment. only thing i wish to see is maybe a health bar or some sort of health indicator.


plays well, and i had a bit of trouble with the combat but other than that it was fun, I enjoyed the mechanics and everything that was put into the game!


Combat was fun and engaging! Game has an overall great look and feel. I did notice that to climb a ladder, I had to keep pressing the spacebar. I think it would work better if you just had to hold it instead. Overall great job! It was a lot of fun to play


looks and feels great! the combat is a little wonky, I was struggling to determine if i had been hit or if the enemies had been hit or how the block worked but otherwise very cool and fun to play


The game was fun and it reminds me of Lord of the Rings because of the knight and  the music. I liked different movements and defense. but I was not able to climb the ladders. I liked the option menu. the script at the beginning was informative but the skip button could be placed out of the text area.

Submitted (1 edit)

Really good looking and put together game. I wish there was more of an objective to it or something rather than just running around fighting endless enemies, but that is still pretty fun too. Only issue I had was that the ladders would get me stuck into the land and unable to leave sometimes.


Hi Bug Hunter Chris here. I see that some of your ladders do not allow you to go through floors, many enemys die just by blocking their attacks, the menu is behind some assets, and the death of the character crashes the game. Other than that the animations were very smooth and the gameplay was fun. It would be neet if I could see how much health I had, although I would at no point say it was required. 


Hi Bug Hunter Chris here. I see that some of your ladders do not allow you to go through floors, many enemys die just by blocking their attacks, the menu is behind some assets, and the death of the character crashes the game. Other than that the animations were very smooth and the gameplay was fun. It would be neet if I could see how much health I had, although I would at no point say it was required. 


I like the scrolling text with the story but it possibly scrolls a little to fast for people who don't read well? I'm thinking maybe slow it down or potentially add a voice over? Accessibility is what I'm thinking. Good job with it otherwise.


I loved that you included a story with the character! The scrolling opening text was really cool to. The enemies seemed a little wonky but I kinda found that be funny. Does the player have infinite health? Seems like I was able to take a lot of hits from enemies jumping around. Overall I like the game a lot, good job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback, I tried to save time and modifed an existing a player controller from the assest store and unfortunately it broke the night before the deadline and nothing worked except moving left and right, so I didn't have a game any more. 
I lost days worth of work on enemies, and animations,  etc. 
so I had to completely rebuild the player controller and  all the scriptes for the player from scratch, and rebuild the bandit. 

I had to scrap blocking  because it no longer was working correctly still and the new bugs that created prevented me from fixing the ladders which used to work
I had to drop an entire level from the game as well, I had to scrap enemies and so much stuff just to deliver less than what I already had working, UI/Health. Everything I did for this game, turned in to a buggy mess.   

I have a new appreciation and understanding for game developers now haha  


I really like the story bit, and the options menu was very nice! The ladders were very hit or miss for me, some of them worked some did not. But other than the character seeming to move a little slow, it's a promising adventure! 


A very fun proof of concept, loved the Star Wars style text scroll. Overall has great visual style, the animations are great and transition really smoothly, but I wish there was some more visual tie-in to the theme. There is some mechanical jank, unfortunately, the character seems to struggle just a bit with getting on/off ladders and the hitboxes for combat were a bit inconsistent, but I can see the start of a very fun game series here based on your lore, and until then it's a very fun space to run around in!

Give it some more time, a little debugging, and some polish and this will become a great game!


I thought the animating and controls were pretty well done - a little slow to respond, but I don't know how to help with that. I thought climbing was broken for a bit but eventually had a little more luck. The enemies were running at me but not attacking for a while. Eventually I got one to attack me and I got a crash, so maybe it was better that I just mowed them down for a while.

I really liked the menu - it was neat that A and D adjusted the volume slider while playing, and I could just close the menu by clicking. It let me do the whole experience without stopping or taking a break!


I'd like to see something done with the rolling and blocking as of right now they don't do anything other than play an animation. Blocking doesn't appear to prevent you from getting hit and neither does rolling. Rolling would be cool to increase your speed during the duration of the roll and for the block to actually block. In addition to that, it would be nice to have an HP meter or something of the like. So really all the controls that we are given are just WASD + attack - all the others are just animations and don't really DO anything to enhance the gameplay.

The AI does kinda bug out and they start doing little mini jumps towards you slowly. I did end up getting a crash in the game as well, unsure what caused that - something about a Runtime error: memory access out of bounds. So no idea there. Also thought it was odd to see mixed assets being used with the level, why not keep it consistent?

There wasn't a real challenge to the game as there is no challenge, there is no end to the level and there is no threat of the enemies.

The music slider was cool to see, as well as there being a main menu showing all the keybindings and such.