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Rise of NecromancyView game page

Raise the dead as ally forces to take down the Kingdom!
Submitted by HadiLePanda — 1 hour, 55 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 118 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Yes. Quaternius art assets | OpenGameArt CC0 audio & UI | for icons | Mixamo animations | Unity Asset store free assets

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Loved it, very fun. It was exciting to see my group becoming more and more powerful each time I resurrected more enemies..


Great RPG! Was really engaging and fun just like the old school RPGs. Would love to see you expand upon it and make a really beautiful game!


Thank you for playing! It is in my long term plans :)


Really felt like I was playing an old-school MMO or RPG, well done!  The floating tutorial text was a nice touch.  I was playing the web version and it did slow down a bit in the final fight when I had ~30 minions, but still playable.  Very satisfying to grow in power with larger army.  Excellent in-game UI, too.


Thanks a lot for playing, appreciate the positive feedback. Very happy I was able to convey the old school RPG feeling! :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Yes I really like it and have added it to my collection to play more after the Jam.
You seem to have done the RPG course and used it well.

Btw I love your font choice.

My only question is why you used a flat terrain instead of a more bumpy one, I think that would really lift the game. An excellent submission.


Thank you for playing the game! I'm humbled to hear that it's a game you would play more later, means a lot.

No I haven't used the GameDevTV RPG course, although I can agree it is looks very similar (it's an RPG basically! xD)
I've learned from their course a few years ago. This project is the result of every knowledge I have cumulated over a few years from different sources, so it makes sense there are some similarities.

For this project everything was made by me manually during the game jam period. If you're interested, you can check out the public source code to see the building blocks of the game.

For the terrain, it was sadly a question of time. I was supposed to take care of the programming side and managing the project, but had to do the game design and map art for the last hours remaining. If I had more time I would have put more details to make a more compelling experience!

Thanks again for your feedback :)


I totally get what you are saying, the first jam I did two years ago I leaned heavily on course material but this time I just went from memory (and google) and did 100 hours in a week (18 on a Sunday) and it just flowed, and its a great feeling when you don't feel tethered to course material anymore.

I would really really really like to see you expand this with a stronger terrain, more fog, different health bars etc, you have the game mechanics sorted and you clearly have great artists involved, I don't think its far from a commercial release (not that I have done one yet). It could be the next V Rising.


Really cool and fun game!

I love how you can build an army of undead and lead them to vanquish your enemies.

The skills were really cool and well made.

Good job!


Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it!


Really fun game! I enjoyed it a lot (a fascinating mechanic to resurrect enemies and build an army). The aesthetics and music were on spot!


Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed playing :)


This is a great submission. Thanks for creating this. 


Thank you for playing! :)


That was fun!


Thanks for playing, glad you had fun!


Really good game for a game jam game. I almost cannot believe you managed to create this in only 10 days! Some further feedback:

  • Really nice graphics and sound track. They fit the game well and help building a great atmosphere for the game.
  • Theme was well included in the game. Using the bodies of the killed enemies was clearly necessary for advancing in the game.
  • The game genre is not for me but it was still interesting to try it a few times. Even if only to see how polished game you managed to make for a jam.
  • The progression of the game was really good. The game felt like becoming more and more challenging the further I got and gaining bigger and bigger army felt rewarding. The tutorial introduced all the abilities clearly one by one so they were easy to understand and learn. Maybe one way to make the on boarding even better would be to disable the spells that are not yet introduced so the player does not start playing with them before they are introduced. I tried using the 5 spell for enemies many times during the beginning and was really confused when it did not do any damage!
  • One improvement that I would have like to have in the game is being able to know currently selected spell without looking the bottom of the screen. This could be easily done with different kind of target indicators that would match each spell. This would also help with another problem that I had: it was impossible to know the range / affect area of an spell because they all shared the same target symbol. Spells that target large area could have as big target symbol, so I would know which characters the spell will hit.
  • Relating to previous point, Drain Mana attack was super confusing. Its name and the spell target indicator seemed to indicate that I would have to target the spell on someone to steal their mana. It took  me long time to realize that I just gain mana each time I cast the spell and I don't have to target anyone.

Overall, this game has a really good production value for a jam game! I could see this being a part of a "real" game.


Thanks for playing and for the detailed feedback, really appreciate it :)

You've made some great points, I'll definitely take improve the symbols and range feedback into account when making other games! Thank you.


Really nice mechanics well made! I really like variety in spells from the beginning!


Thanks a lot, happy to hear that :D


Nice progression ramp to the game. Letting you become familiar with the mechanics.

Great job at the end making an epic battle with your large army.

Nice variety in spells. Makes you feel like a real wizard / necromancer.

The game is definitely very on theme.

No real downsides for a gameJam project - nice polish!


Thanks for playing! Happy hearing such a positive feedback from you :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Om my god! 

Such a cool game you have created in 10 days' time,  this game is awesome!

Absolutely well done :)


Thanks a lot. appreciate it :)


Feels good to be a necromancer!


Haha, glad the game made you feel that!


Pretty impressive! And just in a few days, you made an awesome game. I didn't understood that I had many powers at the beginning, so I thought it was a little boring just sending energy balls. But when I found out I could ressurect the dead, it was awesome! All my army fighting for me and against the other necromancers, great job and really good for the theme!


Thank you, really appreciate it! :)

Haha yeah having powers of a necromancer certainly feels powerful! Glad I managed to convey this feeling in the game.


Wow awesome what you achieved in such a short time! I would have liked a target indicator to know what I would hit with my spells before casting. And at least the webgl build tankt hard quite quickly.


Thanks for playing and for your feedback :)

I agree with you that a skill indicator would be a nice addition. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to add it. Will note it for future improvements!


Oh I totally get that my game is also missing a bunch of stuff I would have liked to have included! :D


I liked the game and spent a good time.


  • Mechanics are good and I could really see what it could be as a finished game (like direct spells, dots, spells oriented on minions only etc)
  • VFX (spells) are good and polished
  • Tutorial on how to play directly into the game without forcing you to use an ability


  • Camera is a bit odd for me. I would have preferred either a third person camera or a top-down camera.
  • I really hate games where you have to kill wolves: let them alone!
    • (this is very subjective and I did not rate according to this point ;)

I liked the game and spent a good time.


  • Mechanics are good and I could really see what it could be as a finished game (like direct spells, dots, spells oriented on minions only etc)
  • VFX (spells) are good and polished
  • Tutorial on how to play directly into the game without forcing you to use an ability


  • Camera is a bit odd for me. I would have preferred either a third person camera or a top-down camera.
  • I really hate games where you have to kill wolves: let them alone!
    • (this is very subjective and I did not rate according to this point ;)

Thank you for your feedback, really appreciate it and I'm glad you had a good time :)

PS: no wolves were harmed in this video-game, you actually make them your pets! haha


Awesome! I also had the lag at the boss fight, but I think that it is a given considering the time we had for the game jam. Everything else is polished. I am going to have to look at the source code and learn and *cough* steal *cough* the code. Just kidding, I don't really plan on making an RPG game, but if I do,  I think I might want to see how your team did it. This really makes me wish I had put more effort in my game. 


Haha, thanks for playing, and no worries you're free to check *cough* steal *cough* the game code. If it can help you acquire some knowledge it's a win for me too!

It's ok if you didn't put as much effort don't worry. I have a lot of experience hence why I managed to get to such a project scale. You'll get there too if you keep on improving yourself! :)


What I meant was that I had only used 4 of the 10 days given, I had trouble pacing myself, but what I was saying was really just looking back. But thanks, It was a really cool game!


Oh I see, makes sense! I've tested your game and it was great. Next time if you put more time in the project it will only be even better, well done :)


I really liked it - you made a really good cohesive theme with the graphics & sound, it comes across as very polished!


Thanks, appreciate the feedback :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

wow its actually very polished game.


Thank you, I put way too much time working on the project haha

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