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Daydreamer(Jam version)View game page

A game about daydreaming a fun adventure when you are bored in class.
Submitted by NuNoiNung — 1 day, 6 hours before the deadline
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First_Aid_Arcade from Vintage Collection by iamoneabe (

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A very fun experience and a great idea to go with the theme! The audio cues to get your attention back to school side was a nice touch.

Thanks for the game! I can see myself playing this more.


Thank you for playing! Glad you liked it!


Very enjoyable game. My only feedback is that sometimes it feels like the teacher turns around too quickly, but not always. Good job!


Thank you! I set the minimum writing time for the teacher really low so that can happen. I will make adjustment in future version.


I must have spent half an hour in the game and it was really awesome. You definitely nailed the implementation of the given theme and the whole concept of the game with daydreaming is really something new. 

At the beginning I thought the music was missing and when I switched to daydreaming the music flew around my ears, what a terrific banger ^^ 

I liked everything about the game and had a lot of fun playing and trying it out.
I was pretty bad and it took me a while to get into the game, because the enemies were very fast in the beginning . 

Maybe you could make them a bit slower in the beginning and eventually the speed will increase... that would have saved me a lot of frustration ^^ 

But that should not detract from the fun of the game. Really great! :)


Thank you for playing the game. Difficulty scaling is something I wanted to implement but weren't able to do in time.


Fun and cute! Enjoyed switching between the two and trying out different weapons in the daydream. I found it really hard but fun to play again and again.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!


Really fun game! Reminds me of being back in class. I love the different weapons and having to quickly "pause" your daydream when the teacher is looking. Fun concept!


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it!


This was incredibly fun, the tension of switching between the two modes was great.

A prompt at the very beginning telling you that Space switches between modes would be great(unless there is one and I just missed it)

But apart from that, it’s very fun, and the shooting side is surprisingly complete with different weapons and whatnot.

If you’d like to carry this further, I would love to get some kind of reward for switching quickly back from the daydream, perhaps something that helps me in the daydream and viceversa?

Anyway, great job!


Thank you for playing the game. Yeah, the game would benefit from some kind of in-game tutorial. Thank you for your suggestions.


Ooh, I really like this idea! I like how the main character imagines themselves in the Daydream, in full Western attire and everything, very cute~ Also, the weapon power-ups very a very nice addition that helped me to stay alive in the Daydream, as normally I'm soooo bad at endless shooters, haha! I also really liked the teacher's little grumbles - great game! ^^


Thank you for playing the game! Glad you liked it.


Super fun and addicting, worked the theme really well and creatively


Thank you for playing! Glad you felt that way.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I love it! The idea is awesome!


Thank you for playing the game! Glad you loved it.


I love the concept of this game! Nice job on the submission! 😎


Thank you! I'm happy to hear that.


Fun play on the theme, I know I'm guilty of daydreaming when I should be paying attention. Nice job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for playing the game!


Oh wow another game about daydreaming at school! I loved it! Really cool idea and execution!!


Thank you! Glad you liked the game!


Omydog so true to life! Fun little game, and a very relatable concept. Great stuff!


Thank you for playing the game! Glad you liked it!


I really love the setting used in this - I've been guilty of daydreaming a lot during school. I like the contrast in that there is nothing to do in the classroom other than to take stock of my current weapon, health, score, enemy positions, and wait for the teacher to turn around, whereas all the action is in the daydream - It makes me feel impatient as I'm forced out of the daydream and have to wait to return to the main area.

I might have been unlucky with my runs, but it feels like the period where the teacher faces away from the students is often shorter than when she faces to the students, and that the frequency that the teacher turns to face towards the students is rather high.  

The use of the score multiplier resetting on switching out of the daydream is clever, as I'm tempted to remain in the daydream section to squeeze out the most of my higher multiplier before it resets. The sound effect for when the teacher faces you is helpful in being reminded to switch out.

The use of warning indicators for enemy spawns is extreme useful. I think it is a good design choice for this type of game as it gave me a chance to plan around incoming enemies. The locations of the weapon crates and that they randomly open also discourages me from running in a large circle around the map to try to kite enemies. The base weapon is alright for small groups but it eventually cannot handle larger swarms. The amount of enemies that appear necessitates getting these weapons for better crowd control, and increases the rate that I can increase my score. 

I think a possible improvement would be to have a mode where there are stages with a global timer. For example, the level ends when the class finishes and you have a final score. This would increase the sense of impatience when the player is forced out of the daydream and would tempt them into trying to stay in the daydream to maximise point gains and risk a game over due to being caught daydreaming. It would also allow different enemies, weapons and level layouts when the stage changes i.e. a new class starts.  This may also help with forming a story for the game in general, which is the game's only major weakpoint.

Overall, I like how the two dimensions gave an effect on each other, and how it encourages scoring the maximum amount of points.

A relatable arcade game about engaging in fun escapism during boring periods.


Thank you for playing and leaving such an in-depth review! Glad to hear that I was able to deliver to feeling of wanting to stay in daydream as much as possible. And thank you for the suggestions. I'm sorry to hear about your run, while I did set the writing phase maximum time for the teacher higher than the talking phase, I also set the minimum really low, so that can happen. I'm going to make adjustments for the minimum time in the future version.


Cool concept, nice interpretation of the theme; the visuals themselves are nice and simple; the music and SFX are great; I believe it has potential for more content because it was fun! good job! :D


Thank you! Glad you liked the game.


Dealing with both dimensions at the same time was pretty challenging!


Thank you for playing the game!


Very interesting concept and well executed! I wish there was a little bit more to do in the non-daydream world, but the daydream dimension was a blast to play in. You've done the endless shooter very well! 


Glad that you liked the game! And thank you for your suggestions.


Ahh this is fun!! I'm trying still right now to breakthrough to really being able to extend my run. Took me a second but the not-getting-caught part is a little easier for me now. The not-getting-killed-in-the-daydream part is what I'm trying to improve on lol

The concept is great, haha I love the sound effects of the teacher :D


Thank you for playing the game! Glad that you're enjoying the game.


This is creative and fun game. I enjoyed the shooter. 


Thank you for playing the game! I'm glad you liked it.


creative interpretation of the theme, there could be another difficulty where there's more game played by another student while playing the endless shooter one. Nice game!


Thank you! That's an interesting idea. Thank you for the suggestions.

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