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A jam submission

Raw meatView game page

Submitted by RicoTV, Fidel Delgado — 18 hours, 54 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nope but some sounds from were used in edited form.

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Good job on the atmosphere and gameplay. I thought this was fun and immersive, nice submission!


Thanks for the feedback :)


Nice little horror survivor. I loved the little introduction scene.




really gives the horror and creepy vibes. first of all the  main menu is awesome, along with intro. The art style is great and fits the theme of your game. very well done on this one. I had fun playing it.


The game is cool! the intro was really impressive! The art looks unique. Very cool!




Incredibly atmospheric opening! Great graphics, but I did struggle a little with the controls. Impressive entry and would love to see more though! :)


Thanks for the feedback both the postives and negatives :) 


Very impressive!

I love the opening cutscene, the artwork, the voice acting and the music.

I found the controls a bit awkward, especially the way the character drifted and the fact that he only shot in the direction he was facing rather than shooting at the reticle on the screen. I also found that the enemies got stuck a lot and I could easily kill them without them being able to move or hit me.

Overall though, very good game, especially for a short game jam. Great work!


Thanks for your feedback. I will try to improve upon the negatives next time.


Add me to the list of people really impressed by the opening cutscene!

Here's a list of what I thought was great:

  • The artwork as a whole, but especially the cut scene and animated menus (like the game over screen)
  • The voice acting and SFX
  • You made the music? That was also really good
  • The story telling - it was really immersive
  • The general uniqueness of the game - I already mentioned the cutscene but you won't find that in a whole lot of game jam submissions

Here's what I thought could use some improvement:

  • The controls didn't feel very responsive and it felt immediately very difficult
  • I'd consider making player direction independent from move direction and link it to where the reticle is. That way you can more easily move and shoot

Great submission! I'm seriously blown away by the positive aspects


Thanks alot for your feedback :)


The story cutscene in the beginning is so impressive. The monsters are terrifying! Loved the game.


Thanks man really appreciate the feedback :)


I was so impressed with the intro and everything and the voice acting. And the style and the animation and everything. The gameplay itself was a little disappointing but bro this submission was so sick. I really really liked that intro so much about it was so cool.

One thing I didn't like about the gameplay itself was the fact that you had a reticle but you shot in the direction you were looking, it kind of made the reticle feel a little useless. But very very cool submission


Thanks for the lovely and honest feedback a fine example of one of the most important aspects of gamedev "find the fun".

Proud of the concept and and story aspect along with the music. Yeah mouse was a bit if a misstep but I fully committed lol.


Very cool intro. Everything was stuck the first time I played the game. The fire was flickering but the controls were unresponsive. There were two monster on screen but they were not moving. The game worked after reloading. Wish you can aim and shoot with the mouse. The game is kinda hard if you can only shoot in the direction you are facing.


Thanks yeah I am still at the level of gamedev where occasionally I build it things I can't see that cause the in-game characters brains to melt lol. 

Thanks for restarting and having a proper go I know that isn't always guaranteed when there are so many jam games to play 🩵


oh and yes you are right mouse aiming properly would have been good to have on the table at the beginning. Once sprites were there kind of made it hard to make look good.


The story mode at the the beginning with nice cutscenes and really good pixel art had this console like kinda feel which I like!

Nice game👌


Thanks mate I was proud of the concept and art would have liked to have delivered better on the gameplay.


Very Runescape-esce. Lured those werewolfs behind the fire like they were a bunch of moss giants. Exactly what I'm looking for in a game!


Really cool intro sequence and story, didnt have much for the actual gameplay but the cinematic was really awesome and super cool artwork. I played your game on my youtube and talked about it as i was playing if you want to check it out you can here 


Cool use of the theme, great story, Loved the sound design


Thsi shit is cool as fuck


Thanks mate 👌 


Nice intro sequence. 

As other have mentioned, it's a shame you're not firing where the cursor is, Think that would have made the game more manageable and fun. 
Well done though, hope your team stick at things and make more.


Nice visuals but I feel that the cursor is kinda pointless.


True story... could have thrown the mouse out but committed to the idea in my head lol


The gameplay wasn't there for me, but I appreciate the art!


Yeah I wish I could have done more gameplay wise.


Congrats on your submission!  The intro was amazing.  I died once because I didn't understand that the shooting was actually in the direction that you were facing instead of the location where the mouse was.  The cursor being crosshairs threw me off.  Second time around I don't know how many of those werewolf looking things I killed.  I lost track, but after a while, I couldn't control my character and the werewolf things couldn't kill me either, so I'm guessing I got a weird lockup issue.  It looked like it kept resetting after I killed 4-6 of them.  My character would disappear and reappear under the fire.  I tried wandering off away from the fire but I couldn't get anywhere.  I don't know if there was more to the game. 


Thanks for playing yeah it just loops going for the last stand theme I didn't want survival to be possible. I wish I could have added better enemy AI and some more content.


I thought that might be the case.  I found that I could get the enemy stuck behind the campfire to survive which is how I got so many kills. 


Wow, incredible art and sound!