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The Early Worm Gets The BirdView game page

The early bird takes the worms brother, but this time the worm will be early for the bird.
Submitted by AxonXP, iOmen — 2 hours, 7 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 46 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It reverses the roles of bird and worm in the common phrase the early bird gets the worm.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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The movement was a bit weird sometimes but it was very fun, the music was good, and it had fun areas/levels! If you keep going on this, maybe a healthbar for bosses! Felt like a smaller version of hollow knight, and had good theme for the game Jam!


Hollow Knight was a bit of the plan! glad you enjoyed!!


Fun story, nice worm with shoot gun platforming game!


Nice game, I like art and sounds! Unfortunately, can't pass second tutorial level, platforming sections are too hard for me.


understandable, we didnt finish tuning the levels lol. hope you still enjoyed!


WOW! This has got to be one of my favorite games so far, so well done and very polished! I loved the story, the controls are really nice (except for wall jumping its very unforgiving sometimes). I had fun trying to figure out how I can combine my jump, wall jump, and shotgun blast to boost myself up!

Great levels and an amazing amount of variety which is impressive for a 48hr game jam! I love the art and the SFX are very funny, the music is nice and exciting I think it fits it perfectly!

I was playing in windowed mode on browser when I encountered the boss and saw this 

I thought it's intentional at first but then I fullscreened the game and the boss fight was much easier LOL, great job on the game, very well done for a 48hr game jam!


Yeah that's a weird glitch, it never happened when playing the build on my computer, but when showing a friend on theirs it randomly happened there too. I honestly have no clue why that happens with the boss lol
Either way thank you for the kind words! I appreciate the feedback!!!


Anytime! It just happened because I wasn't in fullscreen while playing the Web build I think


glad you enjoyed man!


haha I laughed at the idea of the worm going all rambo as soon as I read the game title xD

I think you guys nailed the story/setup, the art and the sound effects. I believe however that the concept of the game could have been more focused on the worm actually going "rambo" and spreading carnage around, instead of having a lot of platforming/exploration (and I have to agree with other comments, the wall jump was a bit too harsh, maybe a bit overused, though the momentum thing was a neat idea).

I seriously think you could have a good thing going here, even more so if you decide to push harder on the "-this is a nice day to hunt me some bird-, said the worm", bombastic aspect of the game.

Thanks for the good laugh!


I'm a big meteroidvania fan so I wanted the player to explore to find his friend [although the game is kinda linear] . I also  wanted to try to fill the world out a bit more with more bird challenges to make it more rambo-like but there was very little time lol 


yeah, level design became more of a last-minute thing which def sacrificed some of the whole bird-shooting action. still hope you enjoyed it!


This game is so cute, I love the art, and the idea is so interesting. All of us fellow worm lovers shall unite to take out the government controlled birds! >:D I'm gonna go and invent a worm-friendly shotgun.


worm-friendly shotguns is the best idea I have heard in a while LMAO


I really liked the premise and the art alongside the sound effects were super cute. Seeing all of this cuteness with a shotgun was jjust hilarious.  Unfortunately, the wall jumping felt a bit clumsy.


Excellent art and game! I really enjoyed the platforming mechanics, although the wall jumping was a little difficult to figure out at first.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Good take on the prey becomes the hunter idea! I liked the worms jump mechanic, made me think to "Worms" the game actually :D
Great job!


while making the game we wanted it to be kinda dark and a twist on revenge and we thought a worm with a gun like the games worms was a fit! glad you figured it out!!


Nice graphics and nice game :)
Maybe the controls are a bit hard tho, like arrows + mouse + space is maybe too much


have you tried using WASD? should be much easier!


its easier indeed but im still stuck at the second level, also the wall jump is really hard and not intuitive


Im not sure why so many people are having wall jumping issues, but if its a problem what we usually did is just spam spacebar and then shifted back and fourth with A and D! maybe people are trying to time it causing issues?


That's the cutest worm holding a shotgun I've ever seen!! But seriously, very good graphics and super responsive controls. Great work!!


glad you enjoyed it!!


The sound effects were beautiful. An awesome platformer with funn mechanics. Great job!!


Very cute art and sound effects.


glad you liked it!!


Amazing sound effects, art, and amazing story lol.


we do love the silly little story!


Nice graphics, but it's kinda hard to do wall jump though :)


The nice is game but the platforming is pretty hard !
For those who want to go further, use arrows + space for the wall jumps and wasd for the shoting parts !


I might have been missing an extra control, but I couldn't get the wall jumping working in the second area :(


some other people couldnt get it handled sorry to hear that, its not a second area thing i believe its just a weird input in general so its understandable you had issues. either way i hoped you enjoyed!


I found it very difficult, as another person said, I think the wall jumping is much easier with 2 hands on arrow keys and spacebar instead of WASD. Regardless, the art is fun, music/sound effects are very good especially the sound when you flip up from the top of a wall onto the platform. I also really loved the intro scene- we had something similar in our game with a "cutscene" at the beginning so it's nice to see someone else who did as well. Great work!


Very mechanically complex platforming, the wall jump is indeed a bit too difficult. However, other parts still feel quite smooth and the art is amazing, especially the intro sequence. Great job!


Nice style and story! :) The controls feel alright, except the wall jump. I really struggled with that a couple of minutes to get out of the cave. I eventually gave up at the shotgun jump part of the tutorial, because it was too painful for my wrist to try to wall jump all the time.


sorry to hear about the difficulty def should have tuned that more, if it helps almost all of the platforming can be done without the shotgun! doesnt make it much easier tho lol. glad you liked the story!

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