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RibbetingView game page

A ribbeting race to the end
Submitted by devtanc — 5 hours, 45 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 65 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Your frog character has the power to grow when it eats enough flies

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used

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It's cute, its charming, is... GOT A GIANT FOG WITH HEAVY METAL MUSIC!!!  I can say that I liked it!!
Streamed today!!


Nice! Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing on stream :)


It's so funny when the heavy metal kicks in and the frog becomes enormous, I was also pleasantly surprised that I could break the terrain, it makes it so much more impactful. I ended up being stuck in a valley with no way to climb out and no flies, but I really enjoyed it up to that point. Great work!


Glad you liked the transition so much :) Yeah, that soft lock is an issue I'll have to get figured out. Thanks for playing ;)


I had fun with this! It's very reminiscent of the "mega mushroom" thing from Mario but it's good and satisfying to grow — the music and alternate sound effects really sell it. The downside really is just the waiting around while flies spawn in the sky or below the floor and that should be an easy post-jam tidy up.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I'll clean that up afterwards for sure. I've had some good suggestions as to how to get it fixed. Glad you liked it!


The art is super cute! It was a bit frustrating at points when I had to wait for flies to spawn low enough at a roadblock but overall the gameplay feels nice and keeping the momentum going when you're in big mode is a great little challenge.


Very cool and fun game :) liked the gameplay! Sometimes a little bit hard to catch the flys but overall great work. Keep it up!


The flies definitely need work. Glad you liked it :)


Hahaha, beeg froggo. Really funnie and cool game


Yeah, I just finished it and my time is 11.41. I really enjoy it. Well done!


Nice job! That's one of the best times thus far :) Glad you liked it!


The switch up between the jolly, bouncy baby froggo to the humongous destructive chungus is funny! The movement feels fluid and the juiciness when I become big makes the game feel satisfying.

Great job!


Fun idea! The movement felt pretty easy to pickup, and the small gameplay loop was fun! I felt a bit frustrated having to wait for flies sometimes since I wasn't able to jump high enough, but overall I still enjoyed the game! Congratulation for making this!


Thanks :) Yeah, the fly spawning needs some work for sure. Glad you liked it overall :)


Very very fun! I like how there are a couple areas that you can only access by digging and alternate routes if you choose to explore. My best time ended up being about 15.5 which I was pretty happy with. Destructible terrain is such a cool mechanic for any game to have, and you made it feel really crunchy and impactful which was great! One thing that feels like it would fit perfectly into the game is having the frog tongue SMASH through walls when big like a huge tongue punch. 

the only issue I ran into, was it was possible to soft-lock yourself if you dug a hole while big that's too deep to jump out of when small, but that's sorta in the nature of the terrain destruction aspect of the game, quite hard to avoid. Plus only weirdos (me) who are trying to find secrets and master the mechanics of the game would really ever run into that so I don't think its a very big problem.

Really fun, really cute, good work!


hahahaha! I'm so glad you found the secret caves! I had added them, expecting them to be a bit easier to get to, but the terrain destruction didn't work quite as quickly as I wanted.  I also thought about the tongue thing and REALLY wanted to do that, but ended up not really having the time to. I might try to add that later :) Thanks for playing it more than just a little and exploring! Glad you liked it!


Cool game! Fun to crush everything as the big frog >:D I think it'd be fun for the frog to have some enemies trying to eat the player character, and then when the frog is big the player can eat the enemies too! It'd add a bit more challenge and be satisfying to get payback on the enemies (kinda like Pac-Man). Also really liked how the music changes between big/small mode, nice touch. Great job!


I REALLY wanted to add a boss at the end that had that sort of mechanic. Just something simple where if the player is small, the boss can hurt the player, and the player needs to get enough flies to get big and eat the boss. I might take the time to look into all that after the jam. Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it :)


Hah! Very cute and a nice idea. Well executed.... I don't think I'll be beating your speedrun time anytime soon!!


hahaha, it's not as hard as it sounds, but I definitely played it MANY times while making it :P


Very funny good idea, absolutely had a blast getting bigger and just nom noming all the flies and tiles.

Great sound effect for nom nom too :)


Very glad you liked it! Thanks for playing :)


I got 151, how did you get 3 seconds xD


If you go fast enough, and keep eating flies while large, not only do the flies each decrease your time, but when you are large, the timer slows down. If you get lucky, you can stay large through the entire level


Funny Game, but there are 2 things I wanted to mentin: 1) The time slows down when you grow (don't know if it's a bug or a feature!). 2) Sometimes the flies spawned inside the floor, so I couldn't eat them. Other than that, the idea is quite funny.


The time slowing is a feature, but yes, the bugs in the rocks are a bug :P Didn't have time to figure out collisions between the bugs and the tilemap.

Submitted (1 edit)

Each fly should have a Raycast to check tilemap collison, so you can prevent them from going further. Regarding spawning below floor, you could place the spawner game objects placed in the sky and activate/deactivate them when they enter/leave the camera. At least I'd do something like that in Unity, but Godot should have something like that too


I haven't done a lot with raycasting. I'll look into that. I do handle collisions with the tilemap via the CharacterBody2D obviously, is it the same with the raycast? Like it would give me a collision that I would then be able to work with and get tile positions from, etc...? As for the spawners, they are in the air, and they have a radius for spawning. I should likely have used that same raycasting to identify if an aniticipated spawn location was a valid location before spawning the fly. Other than that, the spawners only spawn fliws if the player is within a certain radius, which, in hindsight, I probably should have just made if they were in-camera. I appreciate the feedback and advise!


I'ts better to use Raycast, because it you use  the collider of the rigidbody, it may be too late then collision is detected. Raycasts are longer and you can make them detect specific layers. 


Very cool concept! Music change with frog scale was a nice twist.

It was a bit hard to get flies. Probably just need to get used to the timing, but it would make it a bit easier if tongue came out instantly as you press the button. Or making overly-sized tongue might have been good addition!

Overall, game was very well put together and it satisfying to play smashing all the blocks in the path :D


I like the idea of adjusting the timing on the tongue. Maybe I should have made the animation faster. Glad you liked the music change :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Really Nice game, It's hard to imagine you did this all solo. I think the game could be even better if the flies position were a bit more closer to the ground, I got stuck a bit trying to reach them lol. But honestly it's an amazing game. (idk how you finished in 3.27 seconds, I tooklike 250 lol)


I really appreciate that. It was a lot of work, but at lease the spritesheets were all downloaded, so that saved a lot of time. The flies were supposed to fly around more than they ended up doing. I think there's a bug in my vector calculations there that I never was able to pin down. I'm glad you liked it :) The secret to the low time is that you can still eat flies while large, and they will restart your large phase if you eat enough. Kindof a bug, but I decided it was a fun feature.


Nice work!
The switch between the two states is well implemented, especially the change in music that is really satisfying.

I like the retro-aesthetics a lot as well.

My only concern is that the level design is a bit repetitive. I'm sure you can build other interesting situations with your core mechanics.

Good job :)


Agreed. I had originally wanted to put in some platforms and generate terrain as well, but didn't get around to it. Glad you liked it!


Really fun, made it in 77seconds!


Not bad at all!

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