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A jam submission

AcanthariaView project page

Short soundtrack for my participation in the Lone Rabbit's OST Composing Jam
Submitted by Koushy — 1 hour, 33 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#264.2384.238

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I imagined myself in a softly-paced adventure game, focused on exploration in an aquatic world, with a hint of mystery and a very ethereal atmosphere. The musical genre is mainly electronica with orchestral parts. I used Ableton Live.


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to use and process sounds to convey a dreamlike, aquatic world.

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Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (Game Jams)

For game jams only

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I listened to your soundtrack yesterday, but I forgot to rate it... I'm sorry...

I really like the melodiousness, dreaminess and a little magic in this soundtrack. The various effects make it feel like I'm in a cute little fairy tale... and I like it!



that is so sweet, I'm so pleased you appreciated it ! ♥


I think you nailed capturing the atmosphere of each track title within the music! Really nice job!!


Thank you very much !! :)


I loved the way the echoey bells in the first track would detune sometimes!

There was also a synth in the first track that reminded me of the perplexing pool in pikmin!


so glad you liked it!

Oh interesting! I don't know very well pikmin tracks, you made me curious, I'm going to have a listen for sure! 


You achieved pretty unique sounds in your compositions.

Really unique vibes, love it!!

What synth did you use at 0:20 in Achantaria?

Depth is definitely my favorite one, surprised me a bit at 0:50 

Cover art: super CUTE♥

Well done!


Thanks for your kind words <3 I'm over the moon that you liked it! 

I'm not 100% sure which synth you're referring to, but I'd say it's the "Waterbug" from the Ableton library to which I've applied lots of different effects (like echo, redux, reverb) to make it sound like this!

I hope this is the one!

Have a nice day!


WOW one of the more unique submissions I've seen thus far. Every song was chilling & mesmerizing. 
I want Ocean Glitch in a game NOW. That key change at 1:20 is the greatest thing ever xD


A huge thanks for your kind words, it means a lot to me !! <3


Really awesome work! Vibes are immaculate :D I could listen to this to chill out anytime. The cover art is adorable.

Developer (1 edit)

So glad you liked it! 🥰 And thanks for the note about the covert art, I did it on Canva because unfortunately I'm not good enough at illustration but I was super happy with the result aha 


La french team est folle. L'OST est super, tu as bien fait de partager ton travail c'est vraiment unique, et j'en suis à 130 reviews faites. 


Ahaha je trouve aussi, de ce que j’ai pu entendre, qu’on a pas mal de pépites ! Et plus globalement le nombre de participations talentueuses dans cette Jam est incroyable ! Merci infiniment pour ton commentaire qui me fait d’autant plus plaisir 👉👈 et bravo d’avoir autant pu contribuer aux reviews !! 


Franchement le plaisir est miens, plein de taff très inspirant dont le tiens, pour un débutant comme moi c’est une mine d’or lol


Woah, dés que j’ai lancé j’ai eu des frissons, et après avoir tout écouté je peux dire que c’est super curieux la sensation que ça m’a donné, un peu comme si j’étais dans un petit monde d’eau, mais dans l'espace? (Hein?) Je ne saurais te dire x') mais j'ai aimé. Je trouve ta musique très douce et très cosy, parfaite pour un jeu. J’ai l’impression aussi d’entendre un peu d’influence classique de temps en temps mais tu me surprends avec tellement d’accords différents que c’est impossible de définir un style, tu varies beaucoup, ça rend unique et captivant, bravo ! Bonne chance et continue de nous créer d’aussi jolies pièces :3

PS: Ocean Glitch ma préférée littéralement celle qui me déconnecte et que j'écoute la bouche ouverte la tête dans la lune haha xD


oh wow 🫣je suis toute émue, ton commentaire me fait ultra plaisir !!! Ravie que l’ost t’ai fait ressentir tout plein de choses ! 🥰 Et j’aime bien le concept du monde aquatique mais dans l’espace aha, même si ce n’était pas forcément recherché, je peux comprendre pourquoi et ça me plaît aha! En tout cas merci encore, vraiment !!


I really enjoyed the variety of sounds and melodies.


oh thank you so much !!


I love the atmosphere you've created with this submission. Technically, everything sounds super well mixed and clear. Compositionally, I love the melodies you've created, particularly in Depth. Emotively, you've got a cohesive submission that tells the story you wanted to tell.
Great work!


It makes me so happy to receive your kind comment, I'm thrilled this atmosphere resonated with you !! 


J'ai été plongé dans une ambiance subaquatique ! Très calme et apaisante ton ost :) ça correspond très bien à l'image que je me suis fais du jeu que tu décris au fil de l'écoute.

J'ai un coup de cœur pour A Child's Smile ! La suite d'arpeges en ternaire est juste trop entêtante ! :D

Bravo belle Ost :)


Oh c'est super gentil, merci beaucoup pour ton retour !! Très contente que A Child's Smile t'ai plu ! :)


1.) Acantharia

Very atmospheric and calm! I especially love when the track picks up pace. It makes for such an enlightening and relaxing experience.

2.) A Child's Smile

A little bit more energy than the last one, but more or less the same nice and calm feeling! I especially love the ending part where the track calms down a bit and then throws you straight back in for more greatness!

3.) Ocean Glitch

A lot more slow paced and chill compared to the others, which I really like. It also has a hint of a somewhat ominous feeling nearing the end which I like a lot.

4.) Depth

I love the ominous atmosphere this song gives! I'm a sucker for the occasional eeriness every now and then so this track is much appreciated. Again, another dramatic rise in pace which I like a lot, nice work!

5.) The Kelp Forest

Again, another chill and ominous track. Idk why but this track gives me a sense of... mischievousness? (If that makes any sense at all lol) Nonetheless it's a nice and chill listen!

6.) Submerged Temple

A simple intro which builds up to an epic atmospheric track, I love it a lot! I really like the chord progression with this one, nicely done!

Overall just a great atmospheric and relaxing OST with a hint of eeriness and mystery (especially prevalent in the last three tracks). Great job!

That's all I have to say really, have a good day :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to write such detailed feedback!!! I'm glad you enjoyed listening to it :)

"hint of eeriness and mystery"  : I'm glad you pointed it out, since that's something I've been eager to convey!

Thanks again!


w0w this was such a calm and cosy listen, definitely waiting for more. great work!


Many thanks!! That was the vibe I was aiming for, so I'm very appreciative of your comment!


Synth-driven goodness! Great choice of timbres throughout; keeps each track feeling unique. I think Submerged Temple is my favorite of the bunch - soaked in moodiness and mystery. At times the voicings remind me of something I might hear on an N64 - Ocarina of Time comes to mind in particular, actually.

Great layering of patches and the production keeps them sitting well in the mix. Good job!


Oh thank you so much for your feedback and developping your thoughts on my music, it means a lot! really happy you appreciated it. 


Sounds really good and atmospheric! Acantharia is my favorite


Thank you very much !! :)