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Inner DiveView project page

Semi-Orchestral OST (8') about exploring emotions.
Submitted by Ménure — 19 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#584.0684.068

Ranked from 59 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Inner Dive is a Semi-Orchestral OST (8') made for a 2D Platformer akin to Celeste using Ableton Live.

The main character is a little girl who has the power to generate bubbles, which she uses to explore three different levels that are representations of her negative emotions, slowly diving into obscurity : the Clouds of Doubt, the Forest of Loneliness and the Ocean of Fear. She also has an imaginary friend she "invokes" by creating a human-shaped bubble.

The Soundtrack is meant to follow those three emotions/levels, as well as an additional Final Boss Fight theme, a Title Screen / Level Select track setting the tone and a Level Complete theme.

The set of instruments used is quite consistent through the game : the Djembe as a main percussion imitates the bubbles, and the duo of Cellos used throughout the whole OST is a reference to the girl and her imaginary friend. Overall, it's meant to present a dream-like sound, achieve by having lots of delays and reverbs. A subtle leitmotiv links the tracks together.

Message from the artist
Love <3 idk


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Inside My World : The imaginary game is about exploring the psyche of a child, so the whole game is Inside Her World.

Picture : The girl is the main character, the bubbles being her power (and her imaginary friend). Both are represented by instruments in the OST. The image served as an inspiration for the Ocean of Fear track too.

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Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It's really hard for me to pick a favourite track cos all of your tracks are so catchy!! I think you did a great job at portraying the dreamy aspect of the game, and I especially adore how you use the percussion to create the bubble imagery. Incredible work! Easily one of my favourite submissions.


You're too sweet! Thank you so much, I'm probably blushing right now.


Beautiful instrumentation!  And very solid submission as a whole! Loving the bongo and shaker/tambourine in the pieces. Great job!


Thank you very much! :D


Each track had a clear meaning to the story you were telling and didn't feel out of place. I liked the way you used percussion and rhythm in these tracks and how they added character and movement.  Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for the kind words ! :D


i loved the chords here, they were beautiful! great soundtrack! 


Thanks! :D


Love the story telling in each of the tracks!  Very simple instrument choices that work really well with eachother, especially that LP'd bongo/conga/thing you hit.  Love how you kept using it in each of the tracks, really made it a cohesive listen that seamlessly transitions (even in soundcloud).  Also, can't have an OST without a level complete track! Great work.


I love it, I can't put my finger on it but it sound like "tiny" orchestral, in a good way ! Listening to the track really made me feel like I was the little girl.

Developer (1 edit)

I see what you mean, I actually take a lot of inspiration from chamber music in my composing! And it's exacty this, "tiny orchestras" with usually just a modest strings section, some woodwinds, a single percussion and a harpsichord (which I replaced here by a piano but which I use a lot usually). Thank you for the kind words <3


Hi there ! Your submission is awesome, I absolutely love the OST of Celeste and I see that you imagined a 2D platformer with some emphasis on storytelling. Your music does great justice with what you imagined I think, the overall ambience was great!

(Loved the title inner dive too)

Favorite track was the boss theme ! Thank you for your submission :)


Thank you a lot! Those are such kind compliments <3

I don't even know if the title makes perfect sense in english but I thought it sounds well haha


Don't know either, but I understand the idea behind the title so that's worth it !


Inner Dive: Loving that subtle percussion. Love the add9 chord at the beginning. 
Clouds of Doubt: That add9 motif returns! Floaty track.
Forest of Loneliness: Opening with the i-V for some darkness. The sparse textures add to the loneliness feel.
Ocean of Fear: Love the idea of using bells. Dark track with some cool chord choices.
My Greatest Fear: The percussion here adds a sense of urgency. Another dark track.
Deep Breath: Nice level complete jingle to round out the OST.

Great work!


I didn't even pay attention to the fact that the add9 chords linked the first two tracks together. Happy accidents happen! Otherwise, that was all intended so I'm glad you noticed :D

Thanks a lot for the thorough commentary! <3


The piano/drum ostinato in the title screen track is beautiful - it really glues the whole composition together! I’m really into the drums being filtered so aggressively, really lends to the ‘underwater vibe’ you’re going for! Love what you did with the cello and piano on Ocean of Fear! Very solid soundtrack - well done! 

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah I think the filter on the Djembe is really what gives it this "bubbly" sound and I'm happy it works. Thank you very much! :D


Very calm and relaxing! Maybe the two cellos in "Clouds of doubts" could be even more in front of the other instruments as they are representing the main characters!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I agree actually, I think I planned on raising the cellos a bit last minute but completely forgot and I didn't notice it anymore. Happens haha

Thanks a lot <3


Inner Dive is a strong opener, matches perfectly with the vibe you're trying to set. 

Clouds of Doubt has an underwater feel to it, as if trying to pull down the bright air of the track. Really cool.

Forest of Loneliness turns a bit more mysterious, I like where this track is going.

Ocean of Fear, I like the bursts in the first half, made things quite interesting.

My Greatest Fear sounds like a nice track for conflict, definitely boss worthy, although perhaps not as a battle theme but more as an introduction to the boss theme.

I liked it overall! Inner Dive is my favourite, but Clouds of Doubt was also quite nice in how it combined things. Good job!


Thanks for your thorough review and the compliments!

For the Boss Fight, I envisionned it less like a dynamic fight but more like a tense moment. I didn't want to go on the epic side of boss fights, but I understand that it could feel a bit underwhelming.

Thanks again ! <3


Nice atmosphere, very ambient and "space". The title screen Inner Dive is my favourite, I love the little piano motif and the rythm I think the composition is nice, the re-use of the bongos on all the tracks is a nice touch to keep everything consistent. Only thing to fix is the mix being muddy most of the time, you have have lots of mid and low-mid but almost no high end, I think I like Inner Dive the most because its not only a nice composition but its well balanced compared to the others. Good job !


So chill, great atmosphere. "Ocean of Fear" is so groovy while still capturing that angsty feeling. Great submission :)


Thanks a lot! <3


I really enjoyed the ambience of your overall soundtrack! It works incredibly well and is very cohesive. Every element blends together seamlessly, creating a fantastic listening experience. Great job!


Thanks a lot!! I'm glad you liked it <3


Really nice soundtrack, I love the philosophy behind the instrument choices you explained in the description. My favourite track has to be Ocean of Fear, the cello stings are really funky! You managed to capture different emotions and settings on each song using similar instrumentation which is impressive!

Great entry!


Thanks a lot, glad you liked it ! :D


Loved the use of the strings throughout, especially in “Forest of Loneliness”. All the OST is very well produced and mixed. Great job!


Thanks a lot! :D


i really like how chill this soundtrack is. my only complaint is the seemingly lack of diversity between the first 3 tracks, as they all kinda blended together for me. doesn't mean they're bad, just means they needed more of their own identities (IMO). great job though, still very high quality work.


Thanks! You're probably right, it's a tough balance between cohrence & diversity. I tried having unique instruments for each track to differenciate them but they probably deserved a bit more.


My fav - Forest of Loneliness!

Pretty solid work, I like the concept, vibe and atmosphere. It feels like to be somewhere at the beach, distant from civilization. 


Thanks a lot! I understand what you mean, it's true it has kind of a calm beach vibe haha


The entire OST is beautiful, as is the accompanying game concept :3 I wish I had seen this jam sooner & had the time to put this much thought and effort into a submission myself! My personal favourite was the first track, Inner Dive, but they're all wonderful & fit the concept game you described perfectly.

The autoplay on YouTube decided to randomly stick on some other playlist after yours that was made with AI... I listened to it for a few minutes out of interest, and it felt like my soul shrivelled up >.< It was just so hollow. Unlike the meaningful music you made :3 The tragic thing is, the AI music had thousands of likes :(

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so, so much, such a sweet comment! I know right, I'm sure you would have done wonders. <3

Yeah I really hate AI music and AI as a whole, it makes us feel so useless sometimes you know? But that's precisely why I try to inject my own emotions in my works because it's the one thing AI will never be able to replicate.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Every single song sounds amazing. The audio balance on the percussions is my favorite thing here, it's no cap spotless. Djembe is a fun choice that gives this soundtrack character and your idea of using it to represent bubbles is quite genius haha. This is a great submission! I FORESEE TOP 20 MATERIAL!!!


Thank you so much !! Getting so much validation is such a great feeling. T-T The Djembe was a fun challenge to pull off so I'm really glad it works!

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