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A jam submission

Don Gi - Mothers Guidance (OST 7)View project page

a mothers melody
Submitted by Don Gi — 3 hours, 17 minutes before the deadline
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Don Gi - Mothers Guidance (OST 7)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#364.1754.175

Ranked from 63 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

OST Game Jam 7



Genre: Fantasy, Orchestral, Hard Loopable


Runtime: 3:46

Theme: Ephermal moments make permanent memories


The game narrative was simplified to fit the scene at hand:

" Within her lies an intimate memory that she holds dear. A mothers tune, sung to her daughter while dancing among the bubbles. The ineffable joy stored within these memories drive her to explore an unforgivingly bitter world. A journey of self-discovery, tolerance, and understanding."

3D Platformer, abilities based on discovering new melodies hidden within her own memories. Power of the voice, song, a lot of melodic/angelic sound design envisioned.


Used various kontakt libraries:

Stradivari Violin - Solo Violin
Jade Orchestra - Percussion, Women Choir,
Stock Kontakt - String Ens, Choir Ens, Glockenspeil, Grand Piano
(Other misc stuff I forgot)

I used granular synthesis and vocodex mod to create some of the blips and bubbles.

Inspired by Square Enix games and prods.

altered cover bg by

Message from the artist
Looking forward to hearing your feedback! :)


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to add a narrative to the scene provided at that specific moment. We see a familial figure and a little girl holding hands, basked in ocean refractions and surrounded by child-like crayon drawings. This was a memory, a very cherished memory, in the world of the little girl's mind. In this unforgettable moment I envisioned them dancing and singing in folkish waltz style. As they sung and danced, bubbles fluttered by, the ocean sang in harmony, all creating an iffeable experience to imagine.

I took a very literal approach to incorporating these elements with forceful bubbly sound design, ethnic east asian instruments, and the idea of ocean "waves" into the volume/reverb automation. I wanted my track to breathe, move, and expand upon the idea of falling deeper into the scene. Momentum progressively builds through each section, signaling growth and excitement towards the exploration at hand. Instruments clash and exchange as moving parts flow and flutter around the listener to provide nice ear candy.

Certain sections were relatively calm, while others bursted in various dynamic instrumentation. I wanted to replicate the feeling of nostalgia within the melody, so having it repeat multiple times allowed it to grow as more instruments were added into arrangement. The instrument selection also morphed through the sections to replicate familarity. The closer she got to the real memory, the closer the instrumentation got to more worldly/east asian influences based on her garment/envisioned background.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Excellent combination of instruments and sound, they all blended well together into a cohesive whole and were used to reinforce the natural rhythms of the track.The addition of the blips was surprising (when compared to the bubbles, which felt like a logical interpretation of the theme) but it was incorporated well into the track. Where did you get the inspiration for it from?

Mixing was well done, every sound element had a good position in the stereo field, which created a very 3 dimensional stereo image. The score was beautiful and constantly evolved, never settling down in one place. Overall very strong entry, it was only one track but the amount of effort that went into it must have been crazy.


Thank you!!! I referenced some of NiER Automata's tracks while trying to idea craft: they actually use a lot of electronic/idm blips paired with a lot of metal/anvil-like strikes.  Really fits their narrative, not sure if the electronic stuff here does for mine but I just love them too much 


Ooh sweet perc right off the bat. Cool dorian usage, and addictive synth fx.  This is some brilliant composition work!


Oh there's a surprise around every corner with this track! Awesome work


This is beyond beautiful and super heartfelt! I love it. Such great work here. I really love the instrument sets and use of orchestration! SO beautiful. Congrats, it really fits the theme well.  As a fellow composer, where could I find that Stradivari Violin?

All the best to your composition!


Stradivari Violin you can find from Native Instruments, it comes with one of the Kontakt Ultimates but I'm not sure how low those go for (say on Black Friday Deals).  Would defiunitely look out for it and I'm also looking into SWAM physical modelling instruments!  


Very cool! Thanks for the heads up, I will keep an eye out. Again, well done!


Only one track but really well produced !! ear candies synth loved that :)

Great harmony and melodic writing!

Great job ^^


Thank you! Wish I did more but that'll wait till next jam.


I really liked the middle part with the bubble sound and the piano intricate harmony! The thematic and instrumental progression throughout the tracks help to keep the attention, well done!


Thank you! Keeping the melody the same while keeping listening experience good was one of my main concerns, so thank you for the generous feedback!


Beautiful trip. Very professional and reflects the topic perfectly. You are amazing!


Thank you!! Crafted it just for this scene in particular, so I'm really impressed with submissions that broke the beyond the picture and found unique interpretations like yours!


Wonderful layering of all the instruments and sounds at the beginning - it feels so naturally progressive with more and more subtle elements coming to the forefront the deeper I listen. The crescendo into that middle section is absolutely gorgeous - fantastic use of various articulations and the female choir just adds this flavour atop that really brings it home. 

Inspired by Square Enix and definitely on par with something I think they'd do. Production is on point, too. Could easily imagine this in one of their games. Stellar job with this, for real. Best of luck!


Wow this is really awesome! I love how it dips after 1:50 and changes up the vibe and groove. And MAN the introduction of the vocals at 2:30 is incredible! I wish there was more! Great submission


Thank you! After seeing the amount of amazing tracks everyones produced I'll definitely dedicate more time towards these jams!


Hi there, absolutely loved your tracks! Definetely hear the inspirations about Square Enix's productions, and the bubbley part around 2 min is really great, especially since it developps the overall music toward the end. The vocals were great too, thank you for this submission !! :)


Thank you very much!!


OOOHHH this track is lovely! I just wanna die for that violin section, its so glorious... Oh, and it loops too?! Simply fantastic.
Great song, woulda loved to see more from you :,)


I had more ideas in mind but I started too late... hopefully I can get more done next jam!


Gorgeous song, you mentioned you were inspired by square and I really see it here, both in instrumentation and actual composition style, this sounds plucked right out of an octopath traveler cutscene! Your use of each instrument was incredibly professional, I love the push and pull that you create with that repeating piano arp, and you also add a lot of variation to keep it interesting. I especially love what you do with the piano in the section around the 2:00 mark, its super fun, and builds really well back up to the climax of the song, where the vocals just carry me away into this world you have made here. Excellent!!


Thank you!!! the comp was initially based around the piano, so I wanted to keep it interesting in the composition with variations fluttering about.  


Mix seems really bright with really harsh 18k-20k which is quite painful in some places but other than that it sounds pretty good! Really cinematic too which I love! 

Developer (1 edit)

I agree completely, did not flechen the munson and might've used an exciter for things don't need excitement 

Will definitely keep those ranges in mind;

One of the most important feedbacks I've gotten so far: so thank you!



This is so beautiful! The buildup is magic, and I adore the use of the various bubbles and such :D The entire thing is very charming, reminiscent of certain Square Enix games as you mentioned being an inspiration. It sort of gave me the same feelings as some of the FF Crystal Chronicles soundtrack in that it was enchanting with a playful & hopeful atmosphere, only your track is more epic!


I've been listening to so much Square Enix that it's been rubbing off into my composition style... definitely a plus! Thank you!


i loved this track a lot! it felt very adventurous, and i LOVED when those vocals came in! great work!!




Really neat quality and subtle sound design all along ! There are a lot of developements around the main melody. I especially liked those descending piano bit around 2.20 for example :)

It would make a great background track for a scene in the game with the picture theme.

I at first thought it lacked a bit of dynamics as if the track mainly always "full or filled". But on a 2nd listen I beleive that it makes a great loop. Depends on the perspective I guess.

Very well crafted track!


I also agree on the constant fullness on the track, a lot of the sections were re-arranged near the end to make it loop transition to the first section easier (end -> start).  Originally it had a section with the lead violin playing very softly accompanied with granular drones in the start and end, but it was scrapped while restructuring sections. So the dynamic range pretty small besides the middle section:

Definitely would've been a different listening experience in that scenario (and probably better), 

So thank you for the feedback about it!  I appreciate your input :)


I would have love to hear that section how you describe it! Yeah hard to make choices in art sometimes haha! But the result is still full of life ;)


The soundscape is so dreeeeeamy, the composition and instrumentation is really impressive here! Only downside is that there's only one track, I'll def keep an eye out if you happen to join future music jams!


Thank you!! I only had about 1 day to actually work on this game jam, but after seeing everyone elses extensive track list, I've been pumped up to finish a whole OST next time ! 


Oh wow! For a 1 day work is amazing, great job!


Wow this is incredibly good, I love all the little high frequency ear candy!!! Also paced really really satisfyingly!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! I actually started with the ear candy first and it helped my workflow (fully placebo)


This soundtrack reminds me of Arrietty by Studio Ghibli. XD

Amazing !! <3


Thank you!! 

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