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A jam submission

CosmocatsView project page

Submitted by Woolstone — 20 minutes, 33 seconds before the deadline
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Correlation to theme#4113.2643.264

Ranked from 53 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Very diverse OST, love it!

Enjoyed the swing in MEAL RUSH and, in fact, the rush!

Well done!


Great mix of sounds and feeling on this one. From the kinda 80s scifi movie feeling of Cosmocats to the jazzy Meal Rush, you covered a ton of ground


Great Work!

Cosmocats - Has a very triumphant vibe to it which I enjoyed a lot. Orchestration is on point.

Wistful Mistin' - A nice chill guitar track with nice percussion from the tambourine. The whistle instrument gives it a slightly spooky vibe which was interesting to listen to. Sounds like it can be for a village of sorts.

Meal Rush - Very creative percussive rhythms paired with the piano and horns. Also love the bassline.

Delivery! - I liked the electric guitar used in this. This track has good energy.

Captain's Orders - Good orchestration and arrangement. I Iike that the track doesn't overstay its welcome.

Quips and Quirks - Love the piano in this one a lot and the shakers add a fun vibe to be felt. (this is my favorite track.)

Treacherous Space - This is so beautiful and has a vibe that crave in orchestral pieces. Love the violins and violas paired with the low piano notes (actually I changed my mind, THIS is my favorite track.)

Overall, this was a very great submission. Keep it up!


Thanks! I'm surprised how many people enjoyed "Quips and Quirks" and "Treacherous Space".


It was an exciting adventure, where there were a lot of cats, good music and fantastic work...

Cosmocats is a wonderful orchestration! It sounds like the beginning of some major... no... A VERY big movie. Honestly, I was surprised by your soundtrack from the very first track! Interesting... what's next?

 Wistful Mistin' - ...and the next one will be something cute! An accordion? A guitar? Cool! (Heh... I love this metronome at the end of the composition)

 Metal Rush - oh... And now it's JAZZ time! A wonderful composition with an interesting alternation of instruments. So... This soundtrack continues to amaze me...

 Delivery! - YOSHKIN-KOSHKIN (Why does the drum part at the very beginning of the track remind me of Take On Me, Lol). These are heavy chiptune synthesizers... They sound cool! You somehow managed to combine several interesting genres in a small track... And they sound full-fledged and complement each other well!

 Captain's Orders - SIR YES SIR.... sorry... It also sounds like a composition for a big movie, but the movie is already about ships... It sounds great!

 Quips and Quirks - Damn, I'm surprised by the variety of this soundtrack with each track... This "confrontation" of something large and massive with something small and nimble sounds like a Tom and Jerry confrontation... A very funny composition!)

 Treacherous Space is the last track and this... SPACE? A very mesmerizing track... I can't say anything else, because I can't even find such words, heh

Overall, you have a VERY unique soundtrack! Each track has its own atmosphere and beauty, style and theme. I like it!
Thank you very much for the fascinating journey through... it seems to be everything that is possible. Heh)

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the detailed retrospective! It really helps me understand how different people perceive my work.


Very charming OST you got here! Not only it is varied in genres but you've composed them pretty well and accurate to your settings! My favorite tho was Wistful Mistin' and second one was Quips and Quirks, the idea for a dialogue theme is great and the track really delivers! The least one that I liked was Cosmocats because it feels a bit bland compared to the other tracks. Overall I've really enjoyed listening to it, great work!


I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Nice ideas! Really liked the variety in the tracks, a great submission!


Thank you!


Such a retro ost, it'd fit so well in a SNES JRPG, or a game inspired by that mood! I got the impression that the fun tracks are your best ones


Interesting observation. I was more inspired by the K.K Slider tracks in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but I can see your point.


I don't know if you agree, but for example Comoscats reminds me of Dragon quest, and Delivery of some side-scroller from the SNES era


Interesting. I'll have to look that up.


Soooo retro vibes ost. You need better mix in your music but the idea is cool <3


Thanks, this was my first attempt at properly mastering my tracks, and I think that it turned out pretty well!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

yo! this is honestly a super quirky and fun ost. i like the way you interpreted the theme---the music works really nicely with the idea of being transported into a webcomic universe about space cats. was definitely getting animal crossing vibes from tracks like quips and quirks, only to be followed up by cinematic orchestra in treacherous space. pretty cool dude !

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it. The dialogue track "Quips and Quirks" was actually intended to go after the title theme, but I felt that placing the mission themes before it would help solidify its role.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Solid submission, the vibes are there and they are strong! The compositions are enjoyable but could use way more variety, and the production was good but there's definitely room for improvement. In particular, I really enjoyed "Delivery!" and "Treacherous Space". I also liked your story as displayed on your page. Good job! :D


Agreed. While composition is my stronger suit, I wanted the tracks to have a more "loop-able" aspect as they would always be playing whenever the player was doing something, like a mission or chatting with one of the NPCs.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Okay general comments first. I really enjoyed the OST. Super varied and interesting.

If I had one nitpick is definitely that some I feel lack movement at some point, so some tracks should either finish a bit earlier, or introduce new things to keep it fresh. The most notable example of that is definitely Cosmocats.

In saying that in doesn't deter at all from the great ideas and the really good execution. Also mixing and mastering are flawless so it's really a comforting and interesting listening experience you got us there!

Treacherous was the highlight for me, but it's mostly because I love drama so much xD

Quips and Quirks was exactly what the title suggests, really nice :)

Overall it's one really really good submission! Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for your feedback, and here's a little easter egg just for you. Quips and Quirks was the first track that I composed before I started composing the others. I originally was going to call it Quirks and Quarks, but felt that the name didn't work with the setting.


My pleasure, insane that you would start with the most unique one first, nice job! 


Incredible range on this! Very creative OST that sounded consistently great throughout! Only minor criticism would be the sometimes the levels of instruments feel a little off - for example on Captain's Orders, it felt like some of the strings were a little bit loud compared to others.

Amazing work!


Mixing was one of the struggles that I had overall with the tracks. I'm not a producer by trade and I had to fiddle with a lot of sliders to get it to work.


I think you did an very nice job, especially with your triumphant horn lines!!


Thanks. The trumpets and horns actually are doubled with Logic instruments playing in a lower dynamic and BBC orchestra instruments playing in a higher dynamic.


Very heroic/advanturous opening track :)

I liked the fun of the bass run in Meal Rush, jazzy vibe for a cool action moment!

Delivery was the most original in my opinion (well Quips and Quirks was a fun surprise!)

Treacherous space might be my favorite, and feels like the most complete and most acheived.

Great job :)


Thanks! Delivery was the third (or was Wistful Mistin'?) track that I composed and I decided to go with mixture of rock and electro music. I felt like it suited the character behind it very well.


Enjoyed Treacherous Space the most, very dark and atmospheric!


I'm surprised that you liked it so much! It was the second (or third) to last track that I composed and it was originally going to be the title theme. The darker turn caused me to select it as the final track in order to add intrigue to the overall album.


Cosmocats: This is a very nice space adventure theme! It sounds so heroic - I love the use of perfect 4th and 5th intervals for the main melody to really highlight the adventure quality. Great use of brass and percussion to add gravity to the theme.

Wistful Mistin’: Guitar and accordion set me in the farm vibe right from the get go. I really love the B section harmony at ~0:19 and the dissonant chord at 0:27. Compositionally, this is very well made with great harmonic interest, orchestration, and structure!

Meal Rush: The jazzy vibes had me toe-tapping throughout! My favorite sections are when it’s just the 3-piece. The whole thing makes me feel like I’m in a big fancy restaurant with a trio up on the stage setting the scene for the dinner rush.

Delivery!: I love the energy of this track! Great job getting so many different genres in this soundtrack! Having folky-farm followed by club jazz followed by rock is not easy to pull off, but you made it make sense!

Captain’s Orders: I really like the use of brass to represent space. I think this space theme works well as a before the mission type of briefing track.

Quips and Quirks: I get the Animal Crossing vibes the most from this track! I love the idea of writing music specifically to overlay dialogue - it helps give so much character to the conversation.

Treacherous Space: This track exposes lots of great emotions and tells me a lot about the villain. I get hints of betrayal, sadness, and loneliness from various sections.

Overall: What a creative and eclectic soundtrack! You managed to pull off many different genres and tie it all together nicely. Well done and thank you for sharing!

Developer (2 edits)

Wow, thank you so much for this summary of my work! It really helps me understand what you felt as you listened to the album. Here's an easter egg as a token of my appreciation. Wistful Mistin' was one of the most difficult tracks to produce, and I went through five different masters before I settled on the final one. It's actually intended to play as the first mission theme of the game.


Kind of reminds me of the old Soulcalibur ost crossed with animal crossing and I love it. Favourite track is either "Delivery!" or "Treacherous Space".


Nice! I actually prefer "Captain's Orders" because of the triumphant brass and corresponding woodwinds.

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