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Bilk \_/

A member registered Jun 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing through so many times.

I'm glad the character personalities came through.

I do regret giving up on save functionality. I will (hopefully) figure out how to do that.

As for the story, the original idea was a lot darker. It is based on certain anime tropes. I did try to make it more grounded at the beginning.

There is a way to resolve things peacefully, but there isn't much in the game to direct players. I'm not surprised you ended up in the default ending multiple times.

I'm planning on adding some features to help the player understand the consequences of their choices and get more endings.

Thank you for playing. I'm glad you like the writing, it took a while, even with both of us.

You are quite right, it is hard to "win." It's pretty clear with comments, that story progress is too obscure. I will try to add more obvious direction for the player.

I did create a way to make some motion, and we did plan on having the main characters show emotions. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and decided the story was more important.

Thank you playing. We will be working on improving the game in an update.

Thank you playing so many times!

Sorry about the difficulty, only six out of the seventeen ending are "good." With how unclear some of the effects of your choices are, and without knowing what the endings are, it can be hard to earn a "good" ending.

A save button is a very good idea. I decided against it in the face of the deadline. Thinking back, to have people play through multiple times, it would've been an encouraging addition. One I probably shouldn't have cut, and will probably add when updating.

Thanks for the feedback.

The cutscene sketches and story were good. I don't entirely understand the story, but it was still interesting, and impressive to tell it without words.

The character graphics were good, but their animations were lacking.

Overall, it was an okay game.

The game was fun, but obviously still a work in progress.

The theme and focus are implemented in a simple and obvious manner.

I like the teaching sections, they're very calm and direct. 

While the platforming sections are incomplete, I like the concept of infinite cycles being literally represented among the fauna; every plant is destroyed and reborn.

My only note, beyond the game being unfinished, is that the jump seems very short for a platforming game.

This was a fun concept. Going through a maze-like building with a children's book as a map.

The ambiance was isolating, and the voices were unsettling. This game did amazingly with it's horror aesthetic.

The controls were confusing for me because of a glitch. The "Left Mouse Click to open doors" didn't show up for me on my first playthrough.

Thank you for being so empathetic to the characters.

You are correct, most paths lead to the player's character being mean. However, being nice isn't always a bad ending.

We told a story of jealousy and obsession, both of which lead to people acting uncivil. While acting responsible is still a valid way to play, talking through those emotions can earn a happier ending.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story. And thank you for your comment.

The game is a simple platform-shooter.

Good job on adding invincibility frames, and a game over screen.

But the game doesn't end if you remove all the lava creatures.

Also, you should clarify your controls, such as using the spacebar to fly.

The game was good, and the story was interesting.

The story was well-integrated into the game, and the theme is included very directly.

The controls did take a little to get used to. And I didn't know I could jump on enemies until I did so by accident.

But overall, I did have fun.

(1 edit)

I like the story being told in bite-sized pieces around the house.

As a short story it's nice.

The lack of music, and the minimal sounds leaves something to be desired.

Overall, I love it.

This game is amazing... conceptually. I feel disappointed that this game is so good yet still falls short.

This game has a few (but very notable) flaws. With some better balancing, I would genuinely feel compelled to get all 12 clothing items. But as it stands, it is too difficult.

The game is well made, and has a lot of content for a game jam game.

  • I love the slenderman/baldi's basics aspect of finding items while being chased.
  • The contrasting blue and red on top grayscale is an amazing artistic style, and the pixel artwork itself is beautiful.
  • Not being able to talk to shy guy while being chased is an interesting mechanic.
  • Only being able to talk to the brat by the locker if I have enough clothes is also interesting. (I assume this is the case. Once again, the difficulty is infuriating.)

It'd be more interesting if Mothman was avoidable. Because then, it would feel like my fault when I'm bit.

As it stands, I'm not even sure it's possible to get all 12 items. Because my losses feel arbitrary, I don't even feel like trying anymore.

There are several problems. Individually, they are miniscule and I would've ignored them. But together, they ruin the game's balance.

  • Mothman shouldn't spawn on top of me. Being bit instantly is unfair.
  • Mothman shouldn't be able to spawn immediately after he left. I should get a grace period between spawns.
  • Mothman teleporting on top of me feels unfair. I work so hard to gain distance, only for him to ignore it.
  • Mothman gets insanely fast as I pick up more items. Because he can go through walls,  it feels impossible to get everything to the locker undamaged.
  • Mothman being faster on diagonals doesn't help.
  • The only way I found to stop Mothman is to glitch him onto the NPCs. But even then, he teleports on top of me anyways.

Less notably, I had some problems with game's feel (beyond the balance of Mothman.)

  • It would be nice to have some kind of indication of my remaining health and stamina.
  • I don't understand how I'm supposed to find the football field without just wandering. It's isn't visible until I've already decided to leave the path.
  • The collision check for the grass is too unforgiving. If I'm on the path I shouldn't be slowed.

The graphics are grotesque, and have great detail for only 4 colours, good job.

DJing is very fly; the story integrates the theme nicely.

One thing that isn't explained in the game: if I mess up a note, I do not continue through the pattern; I have to do each note to complete the sequence.

Also, trying to keep the beat was too difficult for me, after the first level, so I started only doing the sequences by colour.

Thanks for trying out our game.

If you want play again, there is a way to get a good ending without being unfavourable.

I like the styling of the story being a sit-com. The laugh track was excessive, but I understand that that is often attributed to sit-coms.

The story was clear, and the puzzles were intuitive. When I explored, I understood what I needed to do.

However, traversing between the attic and the garage was repetitive (took too many clicks, when I already knew where I wanted to go.)

(1 edit)

We did try to make (almost) every choice matter.

But yeah, the feedback for how the choices affect the endings are not obvious.

When we get around to updating this, I'll bring that up.

Yeah, that's the exciting part of game jams. Future you is not as far in the future as you'd like.

Overall, the feel of the game isn't horrible. I had fun for while I played.

Although, the random generation sometimes makes impossible or really hard jumps.

Having more variety in the game (be it new enemies/platforms/abilities) could keep the game interesting for longer.

The levels were too large, and took too long to traverse.

The character being centered was jarring to look at, and the magic beam not stopping on impact was very confusing.

The graphics and audio were nice and cute for a game jam game.

Making objects hover and taking of them with magic is a great implementation of the theme.

The graphics were cute, the story was very simple.

I didn't know the text was selectable at first, but otherwise the game was overall good.

I like cats.

The story was short but sweet.

The graphics were good, but the gameplay was a bit simple.

Thank you for the suggestions. Better UI would have made the game more complete.

Having a warning when a corrupted antivirus is targeted would be nice, especially when the player has groups of them. It would have also helped explain why the heat gauged changed. If I update the game, that would be good to add.

Thanks for the feedback. More information indicators would've been useful to add.

Taking damage reduces your max ammo, but not the recharge rate.

Less ammo makes the player weaker and leads to a snowball effect, which can be annoying. This was decided to better fit the limitation and story of the game.

I think it forces the player to be mindful, as every hit taken actually matters. I had tried making the ammo cost proportional (also damage.) It made getting hit feel inconsequential and only lead to needlessly drawn out sessions.

(1 edit)

The game is visually appealing, and the cards have unique effects. Good job on making a functional card game.

The games are really short, but this is good for a short experience (which is good for game jams.)

A better enemy AI would've been nice, as some cards are clearly made to be sacrificed (for example: a 1 damage shield.)

It's an okay puzzle game. And the fake out paths were well made.

Restarting is tedious. If you make one mistake, you have to re-select the same abilities, then wait the explosion before being able to try again.

Some of the time limits are very tight.

Decent graphics, okay voice over, good game. I like the exponential clicker-like growth.

More complex drinks should be worth more per ingredient. The voice lines when serving got repetitive.

Jump, Shoot, and Knock..... There is no death plane.

The game was good, I like the variety of the upgrade and the enemies. The sprites and background are well done. It's nice that the camera follows the gun. I like the wobbling animation from shooting mid air. 

The bats' health indicators are subtle but work. Would've been funnier if the cat had 9 lives. The cats pistol hand is weird.

The random seed is the same every round. The bats get caught outside the map. Scarabs shoot without anticipation. 

why is there a 0.1.2 if 0.1.3 exists?

Fun short experience. Interesting limitation to have movement stop firing. Only successive failure actually kills you, that's very nice for a game jam.

You did spoil the "surprise." It is weird that enemies rotate to face you rightwards, while the player has an arrow.

Loved the game. I got 43/42 (on first time I clicked spared.) There is a lot of detail in this game. I like the character design, but the UI doesn't fit. The wording was a little rough, but always understandable.

I was a little worried right at the end, as it doesn't indicate when you found all the information, I had to recheck every area to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Having an indication of what you've already asked would've been nice, especially when I was trying to find all the info. The bonk sound effect was really loud whenever I cancelled an action.

Overall, this is a nice lemmings game. It has cute graphics and intuitive levels. Also it is cute that the big slimes slow down for the little one.

Notes for improvement:

  • No hotkey to start the level
  • Launch pads don't reset vertical velocity
  • The current 'selected form' button is only subtly changed
  • Each level starts too zoomed in
  • No warning to the slimes popping
  • Game boots to level select
  • The menu sign doesn't fully dip into the lava

Once again, I did enjoy the game, these are more so nitpicks.

The game is simple, consisting entirely of QTE. Having the action button be in different places, and having some fake out prompts keeps the player focused. Overall a fun experience.

The game is blurry. As soon as Jerry moves, he and all of the background blur (I think it's automatic anti-alias.) This is most noticeable during the slow motion.

Very well put together game. Visually appealing and mostly fun, but the energy refill is too slow.

The art is okay. The game is fun conceptually.

It's a bit repetitive, which is only a problem because the distance is too long.

There should be something to do while using the battery on a machine. Perhaps it'd be better with a time limit or maybe being able to drive while the battery was in a machine.

Pressing Q and F exactly once each is weird. Why not skip and pick up the battery with E?

Fun adaptation of Asteroids. I do like shooting oneself to heal, the laser and meteors add to the challenge, and collecting points to score is simple.

For improvements: spamming to fire isn't too fun, neither is collectables spawning off screen. My biggest concern is that the difficulty doesn't ramp enough, making the play time too long for me to want to play again.

Good use of the theme and limitation. I also like the cute art.

I couldn't see the thermometer, fullscreen or not. And there was no leeway on touching the purple.

It seems okay without attacking. Its a simple game: dodge the snowballs, turn on 8 furnaces.

An easier mode with the life system would've been nice. The lack of anticipation for the snowballs is what made me lose.

Overall its a fun game. Good job putting this much in a game jam. I love the art style.

I had some problems that add up, and dampen the experience.

  • Having to spam fire was less fun.
  • Its weird that I need to move before running, and that I need to read the online page for controls.
  • Some platforming leniency would be nice. Such as coyote time and bigger windows to hit the Xs.
  • The flying enemies are annoying as I can't shoot up, and they seem to get stuck on semi-platforms.

Great level design, good job filling space with supplies. Fits the theme well. The graphics are well done.

The big enemies are a bit weird, I didn't understand I was stunned when I was first hit, and I don't know the hit box.

Cute graphics and nice effects. Good job having a quality setting for a game jam. The music is nice. Clever implementation of the limitation. But...

I can't experience beyond the first level, as my screen is too tall. The fullscreen cuts off the edges, so I can only pay for 2 things in the shop, and I can't read the tutorial.