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A member registered Apr 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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I spent so much time making it easy to add new levels, that I had not much time left to actually make them ! I'll add more once I'm allowed to (after voting period I gather).

Thanks for the kind words, and for giving it a go =)

I had a lot of issues with the ordering of the deletions, which led to this bug, and a few other ones too.
The third level is actually the one I liked a developer. It requires to think things through...or be lucky. But you're not alone in giving me this feedback, so I guess it'll have to go !

Thanks for giving it a go!

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I think I should somehow make it clearer that we're giving the robots' motor a direction rather than giving them an impulse. 

Good feedback, thanks !

Thanks for the kind words.

I agree on most counts and currently am in the process of correcting those (pacing myself tho!). The one I'm not totally on board with is the mouse3 panning. It's standard indeed in graphic programs, but many games are using right or even left mouse button. On my mouse the middle mouse button is annoying (different from the wheel, so can't really both wheel and mouse3), so i naturally gravitate towards other solutions.

Hah! I'll keep adding a little bit to it, more levels, more orders, sound, music, more tiles. Thanks for giving it a try !

Now that's an interesting one ! I never encountered anything remotely close to that bug, and that's not for lack of play-testing =).

I totally agree about screen movement, it annoyed me as well.

Thanks for playing !

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Oh I'm sorry to hear that. This is actually my favorite level in the lot. I guess that's the risk when going more puzzley. Thanks for giving a try tho !

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I expected more of these kind of games, nice entry !

Edit: Oh there is something a tad annoying when multiple ships fire at the same time, the sound gets so loud. Don't know how to fix that though.

Ah that's good feedback. I was thinking maybe doing one click placement, then add a handle on mouse hover for the rotation. What do you think ?

Will change this as soon as I can upload again. Thanks for the feedback.

Nice art style.

Pretty hard. but quite fun !

Looks great. Bacteria moving a bit too fast for me so I can't distinguish the patterns.

I suck at this ! Maybe start a bit slower =)

This looks great ! Really shows how far bevy has come. Unfortunately the controls feel all turned around for me, so I had a pretty hard time with it.

Don't ever let me drive a spaceship.

I wish I could use a magic hand in real life. wasd only works with qwerty keyboards, use scan code !

Controls sometimes stay blocked. Also walking into the walls ! Yet going 3D was brave and the rendering is nice.