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Currit Games

A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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They do nothing in fact.

Nice presentation, a 3D game in godot and it works :)  Good idea to have different skills on the dice faces, putting the dice in the center of the game while adding interesting mechanics to it.

Wonderful graphic, nice word play on the name (and other references in the game to the real world) ;)  I enjoyed the dialog system but I wish I could skip them on places I have been before.

Cute kitten combined with dicing, what can possibly go wrong with that one!  Getting kitty to it's ball of wool is a must, very lovable and cute game!

End of level was not clearly announced, maybe some animation when reaching the ball of wool?  Something to give a sense of achievement.  Possible moves were not so easy to understand (or just a bug on my machine?), I did not clearly see when I could move in a direction.

But cute it is!

Wonderful presentation of the golf game with dice.  I like the small objects around the golf course!  Good animations and ambient sound as well as a clear goal.  A complete and lovable game.

Again a top game.  Complete with sound, animations and a clear goal.  Mechanics are easy to grasp and it is a lot of fun to play.  Definitely one of my favorites of the jam!

Apart from being a really nice puzzle with tutorial, sounds and levels, I liked the roll animation for the dice a lot (which I had this in my game).  Also it is cool to have extra goals apart from reaching the exit to solve a level.  Excellent use of the theme!
The needed values to activate slides / passing are a bit small and hard to read.

Great idea, very well implemented with sound and "animations" showing what is happening.  I enjoyed playing this!  The use of the theme is very creative, dice are central to it and it adds maths to it.  Just like a "real" fight is a lot about knowing you and your opponent and determining what will happen next.   A true gem!

Thanks for the video review!  Yes, the game has no end and no goal yet ... well it was 48 hours, but it was fun!  I really liked watching you "think" while exploring the game, that is a very welcome feedback on how new players perceive the game.

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Nice game!  Theme is definitely used but it could be more central to the game.   The animations are really nice!  In future versions, the given fight mechanic could be wrapped in a story with cutscenes and other things, so it is a good basis for a more developed game.

Nice game, it is fun to play - audio, visuals and gameplay are very consistent.  The theme is not very central to the game and appears to mainly be used for randomization.

What a cool and enjoyable game!  Quite hard at the start but once I got the hang of it, the bugs started falling ...

Nice usage of the theme, it is central to the game and well used.

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Excellent work!  Challenging, but not too much and once the die has all the correct stickers, it is rewarding.  I like that the theme is central to the game and not just used to roll some initial values.  One really has to roll it here.

Quality of life: please support arrow keys :)

I like the visual appearance, it is a very nice starship and the background with all the stars and galaxies fits nicely.  It is not so hard to steer the starship, a bit too easy I think.  Maybe if the ship keeps its inertia after a launch?

What a nice concept!  I have seen it in other games in this jam, too.  But yours is graphically the most appealing I have found so far.  Very good implementation of the rolling dice, I wish we could have done that, too!

Good job for a first submission!  It is a hard game and I died a lot in it before I got the hang of the game mechanics.  Still for it's simplicity it reminds me of very old console games and there is a certain beauty to them.

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It's a nice game which already received a lot of polish.  I like the board game style, that is actually a good idea to realize the dice theme.  Playing it, it feels a bit lengthy at times (it took a couple of rounds to defeat the alchemist) - but maybe this is just the nature of the game and I am not used to it.

I had a lot of fun playing this game, it is one of my favorites so far!  Nice usage of the themes, the flexibility of the dice as a tower or just as something to throw at the enemies is great!

Please add: (1) more levels, (2) fullscreen option and (3) support for other keyboard mappings (e.g. allow the arrow keys as directional keys and use the physical WASD [but this is an issue for user of Dvorak/Colemak/Workman/... keyboard mappings).

Very nice graphics, also it is in itself complete with ending, that is amazing for 48 hours.  It would have been great though to have the dice also in the actual game and not just when determining "run" paramters.

Very nice game, pretty complete mechanics so far.  I liked the separate battle screen, although it took me a while to really make some damage and defeat a foe.  Music fits the general appeareance well.  Some gaps in the level are a bit tight to get through easily.

I am not a card game type, but this one I like.  Excellent presentation, excellent idea to implement it as a board game resembling actual board games I played as a child.  

Good use of the theme.  It is challenging to win ... err ... hit at all, but I managed to defeat the AI :)  I would love to have a better AI, mine got stuck in a corner.

We like this game the most so far.  Highly addictive and an ideal way of killing time.  Excellent implementation of the theme, thank you for this!

Very enjoyable and a creative use of the theme. Huge variety of weapons and mobs and a challenging but fun gameplay!

Very beautiful game, the mechanics appear to be quite complex for 48 hours, very well done!

I like this game.  Although the idea is not brand new, the execution still is fun to play!

The info button for the dice is sometimes hard to activate and I recommend to have a broader overview on the map.  But given the two days time, this is probably something for the next version.

Very nice presentation, I like the art of grainy images and "pieces" of paper. 

Nice art, on my machine the beast nodded to the beat which made it very impressive.  It took me a while to understand that the dice is on the bottom left.  But once I got it, it was an enjoyable game.  Thanks for the experience!

Yes, more levels please - still very well executed and enjoyable.  Instantly reminds me of sokoban which was a nice game.

I like the Idea, but a tutorial or something would be nice.

Nice game with nice graphics. Wonderful.

This is such a cool game, I can hardly stop playing it. Please expand this after the jam!!!

Good looking game, I like the sparse usage of colors.  The idea fits the theme nicely as well. Very enjoyable puzzle game.

I tried to play it, but this is the first game I could not start on Linux using the Windows emulator wine.  

That's a good suggestion!  I could either make the undead keep their distance or - given I have levels with obstacles - use different pathing solutions for them.  Also thanks for playing!

oh ... thats a first.  You can use the native version for windows or linux (whichever you have), to play the game.

Which OS and firefox version did you use?

Nice take on the theme, peaceful yet challenging to memorize the map.  A success sound when reaching the crystal might be a good addition.  Having more challenges (collecting multiple gems, their rays showing paths only when they cross, ....) can extend the gameplay too.  As is: a complete game, cool!

Fun game!  Makes me stretch my hand in times to reach that dreaded I character ... so far away!  Very nice 8bit atmosphere, the graphics are really good.  I like that I have to physically join something instead of linking bullets/characters.  This way the game happens both in the machine and the real world, I think that is a truly unique approach.

Very easy to play (thats good) game, I like the embedded tutorials.  Funny game concept which has potential for many levels and maybe other unique features of the shadow goat.

Too bad I don't know ahead which goat I need so I had to restart often.  But then ... if you see a goat you don't need: don't waste it, it will be needed later on!  Fun playing, thank you!

Cool game ... given the corona related rise in parcels delivered, it has quite some actuality.

Nice soundtrack, well presented interface.  I would LOVE to get some visual feedback if something fits and can be dropped.  Sometimes it took some fine grained positioning to get things into the box.