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A member registered Nov 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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a cute lil rat mutilation deathmatch game <3

would've appreciate a teemo TW ;) The art style really made the atmosphere of the game! Unique lil game!

Art drew me in, reminded me of a classic flash game :D I wish the "mode" aspect was integrated in a more interactable way, but I think the platforming aspect of this is done well! The lasers also led to some interesting unique mechanic, would love to see this fleshed out into a longer game!

Really fantastic art, though the animation was a bit choppy on my computer. I like the general gameplay idea, though I think the modes could be a bit better balanced, I found the game was just easier on perma ranged. Would love to see this extended to a full game, really interested in seeing how the other musical modes would be interpreted!

All around a great game. I practically enjoyed every part of this game! Well, narrator talks maybe a little too much ;) but I can tell a lot of thought and care went into making this game. From the synergy/balance of the different modes, to the additional tips if you linger in the tutorial - I'm seriously impressed! Nice game :D

Really unique interpretation of the theme and well executed too! Not too much to add that others haven't already touched on, but nice job!

Super cool style, unique in all aspects. I really like the differences in each mode, and small details like the woosh of a projectile flying past your head are sick. I think this game could benefit from a lot of gameplay clarity things, like giving a crosshair to know where you're aiming, and some simple instructions on the objective. I should be saying "wtf" at the visuals, not how to play the game if ya feel me ;) Other than that I enjoyed this game, I'd love to see the visual style applied to different stages too, could be interesting! 

love weird little games like this, reminded me of a more wholesome babbdi :) I would heavily recommend tuning the movement mechanics, platforming parts really killed me (the trees... god help me) but at least it's consistent so you can blame the player for being bad :P Really enjoyed the world you built and the artstyle is super dope. nice game!

I had a very similar idea when trying to think of games for this jam, but there would've been different modes to toggle to see different entities. I liked your interpretation/implementation though! The music is pleasing and chill, and the art also has a cool low res style. Everything is pretty well thought out, I like the breakdown menu at the end of each level! Solid game and entry, good job!

This game is seriously impressive, tons of fun with a great amount of polish. I enjoyed the art, music, sound effects especially, and the general gameplay loop is addicting. One quality-of-life thing I would've liked is the ability to lock a mode, sometimes I would realize I don't have enough for one, try to save for it, and then it wouldn't be in my shop :'( Still this game is great overall and I hope you guys get more eyes on this because I think it's underrated!

Really impressive for your first game! I'm sure you've learned a lot through the whole endeavor :D One piece of feedback is that the player is slow which feels bad, especially given how large the map can be. Another thing for future jams or games in general - music and sound greatly change how polished a game will feel. I think the art can be bad (just call it style), gameplay could even be boring (idle games exist), but having sound will instantly add responsiveness to feel more like a finished package. 

Still though, this is much better than my first project and I hope you continue making games! Really cute dog too, hope to see the others in a game one day ;)

cute slime, polished art, and I really enjoyed the sound effects - satisfying! The slime cannon placement was also personally amusing ;) nice job on the game!

Nice game! I think this would be fun as a daily puzzle, like a crossword or wordle. Thought you did great with the amount of time you had :)

wizards only, fool! this was an interesting one, I get that it was kinda like a sandbox, check out interactions type of thing but setting it in a battle is kind of confusing because your instinct tells you there's a fight and you need to win. However, any indicators towards that goal don't really exist so I was left in confusion at first. Still nice job with the sprites, and I bet you had a lot of fun thinking up those modes ;)  

Simple solid art style, great execution on the theme. The game is hard but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think some small quality of life stuff like an indicator for, otherwise unreactable obstacles, would be nice. Good job on this one!

I enjoyed the sound design of this game, there's a nice ambiance set and it feels really gooey like inside a body. I think the core gameplay has grounds, and if this was fleshed out more it could be a pretty fun game. Right now there's not a lot of enemy types, or it's hard to discern various attack patterns. Add some music and details to each level and bada boom bada bing. Still really impressive given it being a jam, good job!

Good visual polish on this, I thought the sounds were also quite nice. I appreciated the starting tutorial room to get used to the controls, which was definitely needed. Speaking of the controls, this game is really hard which isn't a bad thing. Maybe some kind of noob feature or easier mode would be nice for people like me lmao Overall though I really enjoyed this one, nice job!

Fun game with nice graphics! I thought the gameplay loop was satisfying, definitely makes you feel like a lil loot goblin. The Microsoft Sam TTS works with the graphics and adds some charm to the game. I wish I had a crosshair, but also understand if it's a choice to make the game harder. One thing that would help though is some additional visual feedback, both from damaging enemies or taking damage. Other than that, solid game. Nice one! :D

Awesome game, the art, music, and sound design were really good - I especially like the splat sound when you kill an enemy. I like that there were multiple weapons but the hacking mode felt a bit underbaked. I never felt any reason to switch really and it was easy to get lost since there's no overarching map system. Also, an installer for a jam game is kind of much ;P You ideally want to make it as easy as possible to play your game, that way more people are likely to play it! And more people should certainly play this game, it's great!

Wow, amazing game! I love how while each mode rotates out, the gameplay evolves so it always feels fresh. Visuals are superb as well, and the writing was really funny! Slug a la mode is easily my favorite, I found myself chuckling a few times playing it. Our game has a rhythm component too, but I think you guys used the correct DDR layout ;p Congrats on getting this out, I can tell y'all put a lot of love into it!

Funny game with unique gimmick. Would like to see some more polish, but maybe the jank adds to the experience ;) A couple small stuff just so the player understands whats happening would be good though, like I had no idea what that spinner in donkey mode was supposed to indicate for me. I liked the inclusion of hearing my own voice, really set in the tone haha

Well-designed game, I would love to play a full version! A few quality-of-life changes would make this a really solid puzzle platformer. I think switching modes is a bit tedious, there's a lot of buttons you have to press if you want to cycle through the modes and it kind of breaks the pacing since you're ideally switching often, testing an idea, undoing, switching back, ect. Options menu and level select would also be nice but I understand if you couldn't get it done in time. Also default volume is like 15% too loud imo (gave me a heart attack). I think this is a really good game though, nice one!

Really well done game! I think the platforming was well designed and the art is pretty well polished, great job on the animations. I was worried that the Tetris part would just be an afterthought but in the later levels, I was forced to plan where I was going to put my blocks. I think a fast fall button or something could help with some pacing issues. Right now you swap between platforming and then switch to a slow Tetris. A way to reward fewer block usage could also be interesting. Overall though a well thought out game, nice job!

Surprisingly this is the first big mode game I've played, and even more surprising was how unique the gameplay would be! Seriously unique game, I don't think I've ever played another game with this kinda mechanic. The multi-camera set ups were awesome and the sound of popping people was so satisfying :) I had an issue where enemies were piling up behind me so I couldn't get rid of them, but other than that this is a well made game. nice one!

Another game with hand-drawn art style ;) I thought it was really cute, I like the dango looking slime ball you play. The modes were a ton of fun and the platforming was at a good challenging level, with varied designs utilizing each mode. The music change is also a nice touch. 

I think my biggest gripe is the aim indicator, having it on mouse is OK but the fact that you can't see the cursor makes things harder. I think most people are used to a crosshair or something on the cursor, or even just letting you see the indicator in all modes would help. Going from yellow to green/red while midair means I usually have to flick to where I need to aim. Other than that this is a well-made game, nice job! 

For feedback, I don't have much to add that other people haven't already said, regarding the info/tutorial/start of the game. After learning though the game was quite fun! And of course the visuals/audio are immaculate. Seriously impressive amount of polish, just a bit of gameplay tweaking and I could see this in a store. Nice job on this game!

Really unique and interesting game! Creative interpretation/implementation of the theme, the characters were written well and the visuals are very polished. One point of feedback is I don't think the actual gameplay loop is that engaging, you're mainly waiting for your crops to grow and then sell. Of course, this is only a jam game but I see a lot of potential if you want to flesh this out into a full experience. There's a ton of heart in this and I enjoyed playing it :D

First of all kudos to the artists! I really really like this games general aesthetic, Bobby looks weird and freaky, the background is gorgeous, and the music is killer. The platforming is also really interesting! I wish there were checkpoints or maybe some type of terrain that you can't phase through that acts as a player safety net.

As it is at some points, I have to guess where to go and that might mean phasing out and having to start from the beginning. Which can be frustrating since I want the soup as badly as Bobby :'(  There's a lot of potential here, I want to see this fleshed out into a full game! Will be following for future projects ;) 

The music and visuals are well polished, I think everything looks nice. I think having the mode switch on a single button would've helped, and dash on 'J' is just a tad awkward. The wall jumps were also really hard for me but that might be a skill issue. Otherwise, this is a pretty solid game, nice job!

Nice job with the 3D modeling! I really liked the wide cast of characters you have even if they're locked away :') Movement felt a little bit too floaty/unresponsive for me but that's a stylistic choice. That being said,  I think this could benefit from additional varied platforming and a checkpoint system. The special abilities are also really OP, maybe have them on a cooldown? Another thing is player feedback, as in it's hard to tell when I've hit an enemy or gotten hit. Other than that this is impressive for a second game, I hope you continue with everything you've learned!

Really impressive making a full racing game for a jam! The controls felt pretty good on controller and I like the idea of switching between modes to maneuver around the map - the tracks do a good job of promoting that mechanic. Love the cast of characters and the art style gives the game some charm. I'm a Norman Feetus main ;) Would love to see this with polish in the track details, cart stuff, but you have a solid foundation. Nice job!

I love coming across underrated games like this! There's a ton of personality and I thought you implemented the theme in a very creative way. The art, general level-design, and mechanics are well thought out and the dialog is funny. Love the fun gags and details littered through the world. Unfortunately, I think I ran into that bug at the end, but aside from that mostly everything worked. I will say I was able to tap to the max bar which should count for something, and I have a phobia of eggs ;) Nice job on this game!

A neat game about managing your attention. Felt very polished, from the music, to the art, and the design. That damn flight attendant would give me a heart attack each time. Well done!

A polished, fun platform that wears its influences on its sleeve. Don't sleep on the overworld! Really enjoyed the art as well :)

Incredible amount of polish in so many places. I love the art, the differences between remaster and classic mode are awesome. I love the chill main/pause menu too! Level design is top notch, I feel like it was really solid in using all the mechanics of the game and the check points felt fair. Really good job, y'all should be proud! 

I love playing another music-based game! The aesthetic was nice and syncing music to actions is always so satisfying.  I wish it wasn't so hard, but I probably just need to get good ;) Nice game!

The dances were funny, I liked the video of the dancing guy that plays even when you pause. I think the concept could work with a little more visual clarity, it was hard to distinguish dances as well as tell who was a guard or not. Lobby mode was insane... ;)

This game has a ton of personality! I wish I had a Game Boy Color to run it on. There's an actual story to this game which I appreciate, and I really liked the general aesthetic. Very nostalgic for me. And of course I love the clowns, nose topping was amusing. Had a little chuckle when I saw the delivery guy too ;)