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Gabe Stott

A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah! okay yeah we'll have to check that game out!

We did initially want to include an auction feature but we didn't have time to add one in. It's very interesting hearing that suggestion come back around.

Love those ideas personally, will definitely feed them back to the team during our next meeting!

(1 edit)

Sounds like a fun game!

We'd love to continue work on the project and expand on what we've already made!

We have lots of ideas for features and new artefacts!

Hopefully if enough people are interested in the game we'll be able to make it happen!

We hope you enjoyed the demo, Thanks for playing and commenting :)

Thanks for playing! We're glad you like the dog, he is adorable isn't he. Awesome feedback so thank you for that, you made a lot of great observations and suggestions. I've only just worked out how to fix the physics on the smaller objects like the books and boxes so unfortunately it's too late for me to put that in the final version for the jam but It's something we'll take with us into future games. As for the bark we put in a delay so that the audio wouldn't overlap although the delay could easily be a little shorter yes.

Thank you, our modellers will be pleased to hear their work is being appreciated! 

Thank you so much! Everyone worked super hard on this one so it's always great getting nice feedback. There's definitely room for improvement as you saw. We're making it better and better with each change.

Glad you picked up on the reference, in all honesty I didn't realise that's why we were calling it that until one of my team pointed it out to me. Looks like the game has had the desired effect on you which is absolutely fantastic! 'Are the collectibles too complicated?' is certainly one of the bigger questions. So thank you greatly for your feedback! Let us know if you manage to get the good ending 

Hey, thank you so much for playing and taking the time to leave some feedback! It's always a big help. Everyone on our team is also studying game development at uni so we wish you the best of luck with your studies. Our Modellers will be thrilled to have such awesome praise!

Really glad you liked it, if you fancy playing again there's a newer polished version out now which fixes a lot of the issues with the original build. You're right! Yes it was a bit. We're always quite ambitious and so we're very pleased to have pulled it off this time round. 

Thanks you so much, our environment and character artists will be glad to hear you liked their work! We always do, hopefully you enjoyed playing too. Thanks for playing!

On screen instructions were a bit misleading. Said to use A and D for rotation but instead used Q and E. Mechanics controls weren't inherently obvious but didn't take too long to learn and overall the mechanics were actually quite interesting. Most enjoyably though I managed to create a flying machine through a bug and so I give it an unofficial 5/5 for the comedy aspect.

Think I could possibly shave at least 1 move off the last level but I'm pretty sure the rest are at their absolute minimum without finding some game breaking bug... like completing level 3 in 1 move...

27.  2 7. lets go joe

(2 edits)

Try and beat my scores!! you can't can you.

Try beat my scores. or don't cuz you can't!

That makes a lot of sense! I think with that added functionality the game would feel whole and complete. It's a fantastic game, I think you guys did great. It's such a shame having to stop working on these before we've implemented all the ideas we have for them!

I had no idea they were voice acted, that brings a whole new level to it!

Honestly this surprised me a lot. Then it didn't... Then it did again...  and so on so on. 
Quite the emotional roller coaster tbh. The intro is truly scuffed and although I thought it was pretty funny it gave me the impression I should have very low expectations for the rest of the game... So I mean that might have even been a pro play considering it meant I was all the more surprised by how well put together the first level was then the somewhat comedic genius of the script writing and the tokyo drift music together. It was appreciated greatly that I could fast forward the beginning credits. 
It would benefit from being a little harder in some areas and more forgiving in other areas. In the first level you shouldn't be sent right back to the start for hitting one asteroid but as I have seen from your other replies this wasn't by design and therefore isn't my biggest criticism. My biggest criticism is that  level 2 and 3 are easy... way too easy...
The game has a really strong start with its models and level 1 design but then it's carried by the characters interactions with each other throughout level 2 and 3. As is also mentioned if this were a commercial project you'd want to make sure the music is copyright free but to be fair I don't know, ... maybe you did check... maybe it is copyright free???

Any which way you slice it... Despite the game not taking itself very seriously, it still provided an enjoyable experience... An experience that's in a big way unforgettable which is very hard to argue is a bad thing.

Nice work guys 

Honestly this surprised me a lot. Then it didn't... Then it did again...  and so on so on. 
Quite the emotional roller coaster tbh. The intro is truly scuffed and although I thought it was pretty funny it gave me the impression I should have very low expectations for the rest of the game... So I mean that might have even been a pro play considering it meant I was all the more surprised by how well put together the first level was then the somewhat comedic genius of the script writing and the tokyo drift music together. It was appreciated greatly that I could fast forward the beginning credits. 
It would benefit from being a little harder in some areas and more forgiving in other areas. In the first level you shouldn't be sent right back to the start for hitting one asteroid but as I have seen from your other replies this wasn't by design and therefore isn't my biggest criticism. My biggest criticism is that  level 2 and 3 are easy... way too easy...
The game has a really strong start with its models and level 1 design but then it's carried by the characters interactions with each other throughout level 2 and 3. As is also mentioned if this were a commercial project you'd want to make sure the music is copyright free but to be fair I don't know, ... maybe you did check... maybe it is copyright free???

Any which way you slice it... Despite the game not taking itself very seriously, it still provided an enjoyable experience... An experience that's in a big way unforgettable which is very hard to argue is a bad thing.

Nice work guys 

What a visually stunning game! The vibrancy of the colour and fluidity of movement makes this arguably the best game on this jam. I'd be shocked if this doesn't win best Gameplay. The sound design is brilliant too and the implementation really just works. This is truly an outstanding game and I am thoroughly impressed.
My only real recommendations would be: Stop the player from being able to move through the floor. Add a way to refuel your ammo, or remove the limited ammo feature completely. Add a sound effect to indicate the player has taken damage. Implement a personal best/ highscore save system and make it harder to get high scores to add more meaning to the score earned. This could be done by lowering how many points you get from each orby thingy. 
Once again well done to everyone on this project.

Really cool concept and it's definitely brought to life by all the 3D models! The fish, the sub, the chests and all the other scenery pieces were really brilliant, so simple and so well done! The look of this game is what makes it stand out from the rest! The sound design also really added something special to the experience.
The shooting mechanics were really smart and I liked how their direction was controlled by the mouse position. The barrel roll was pretty comical as a reference to the iconic line in Starfox "do a barrel roll", it's just unfortunate that there was no sideways movement for the sub.
The ending was a bit unexpected and it felt somewhat premature.
Overall though it's a really nice game.

Relaxing, use of multiple music tracks, innovation of the concept, lack of shooting, missing something? cool level design.

Really liked the feel of Paperthin. It was a really relaxing experience and I even completed both levels. I think the music helped enormously with making it such a relaxing experience as well as the really unique take on the Starfox 1993 (on rails) style, of not being combat based. The only thing I can say I would add is smoother movement, perhaps some more animations to make the movement of the plane feel more fluid. There is also in my opinion something missing... Try as I might I can't quite figure it out. I'm not sure if some kind of abstract story line or points system is what's needed... I can't quite put my finger on it. 
Regardless, the game works excellently and even feels fun and relaxingto play. Great job guys! 

I had a lot of fun playing this! 
Those duck sound effects are genius, especially to have 1 for damage and 1 for defeating the ducks, I have noted that as a fellow sound designer.  Also the music worked well with the theme and sounded well made.
The look of the game is fantastic too, I could really feel the bathtub vibes.
The mechanics were cool too. Having the shooting mechanic change directions was well done and I t adds a lot to the feel of the game.
Would have been nice however to see a score or a number of ducks defeated. 
Also would have been good to know how far into the game I'd gotten or if it just loops forever as it wasn't clear to me and I left the game wondering if there was more but knowing I didn't have time to play it for any longer.

Good challenge, took me a couple tries to defeat the first boss/ boss the first time... couldn't tell if it was the same boss or a different one. 
Would benefit from checkpoints of some kind and a menu. Having to defeat all the small enemies then two boss enemies without a checkpoint is unfortunately quite annoying when the boss enemies take so long to defeat. A menu would also have been a nice feature.
Another feature that would have added to the game play would have been to have the turret fire at a limited speed/ have a weapon cool-down. Then again I do enjoy being an unstoppable, never reloading, flying mini-gun.
This game definitely has  a consistent theme that's reflected in the art style of the models and environment, as well as the music and it all works with the genre of the game. 
Overall it was pretty good.

Another brilliantly innovative concept here. I love the use of a mini tornado as a double jump mechanic and seeing how well that was combined with a dash mechanic was even better.  I got through the first few checkpoints and it's fair to say this is not an easy game but with some perseverance you can get quite far. 

The art is simple yet effective and the only thing this game is lacking is a soundtrack to partner the already great effects.  

Maybe I need more sleep but It made me feel a little motion sick, I can't explain why though. The music is great although I didn't hear much of it because I never made it very far before the I died and the track restarted. Which in some ways could be considered a motivation to keep playing but in this case wasn't enough for me so I became irritated the more it restarted and eventually I stopped playing. This was also due to the fact he slimes and the jump are not as well balanced as they could be. I feel as though either the slimes are too big or the jump is too weak. 

I loved the character sprite, the jump animation and the death animation however sometimes after dying I would still be moving and one time it went on for so long I saw the end of the map which made me even less likely to finish playing. 

Overall the game looks amazing and with a few tweaks you have got a game which is really good.

Great use of music to add character to the game. 

Also really great use of menu and UI, an instructions page is always useful.

A lot of context and exposition was given via the menus it might have been cool to see this reflected more in the game play.

The cover art and art in general for this game are really cool it was one of the first ones to really catch my eye. Good to see a female lead character appear in the jam!

Attacking the robots seemed like more risk than it was worth most of the time and the placement of  platforms/ level design could have been a little more challenging.

(1 edit)

Might just be the best game. 

Sound design is fantastic, the sound effects just work so well and there's enough to make the game feel pretty alive and engaging for the player.

Sprites are really nice and they all fit really well with each other and the game in general. When all the art fits together this well it looks so coherent and consistent and when the art is this good it feels very professional.  

Background with the double backdrop which move at different speeds is another really professional and add a nice amount of depth to the game world. Additionally the platform blocks having sloped edges that allow the player to both fluidly move between platforms and also prevent the player from standing on the edge for too long was genius.

Battle system is also a fantastically innovative feature and was implemented really well with the health bar and the functionality to fire off your spell in the direction of the mouse.  Health potions might be a great idea to go along with the health bar in future levels as the difficulty rises and the length of the levels increases. One issue with the spells is they occasionally get stuck mid air after an orc has been defeated.

Extra spells and boss fights with a much later ending are what I'm told was planned for development but didn't quite happen due to time restrictions. It is a big shame this project didn't make it to it's desired state but none the less it's a truly brilliant project and I would certainly play this at length if it was taken any further. 

The leap of faith at the end is a bit mean in my opinion but I'm a stickler for skill not luck, that's just personal preference at the end of the day though. 

well done guys!

Really love the concept here, I will pay good money for a working version of this game. I love everything from the music and sound design to the sprites, art and level design.

I think the two states is such a fun and interesting mechanic which both challenges the player while they progress through each level and also I'm sure it challenged the devs as they endevoured to make enjoyable and increasingly difficult levels. 

It has a very professional feel about it with the music and look of the game being fantastic. I must say that the only aspects of the game that need improving in its current state is the mechanics need a rework as switching seems to cause a dramatic stutter and other bugs, like clipping through walls and falling out the game world ahaha. Additionally a menu and options for the volume control is always a great finishing touch on any game. Given the scale of the project and the time frame I am absolutely shocked how well it actually works and the master coders behind this one deserve to congratulate themselves on how well they have done to get this far.

I'd love to see this game in a slightly more polished state so I can finish playing it. If this is unlikely to happen I wouldn't mind giving it a go myself in the future so let me know if that's something you'd consider.

Would pay for this. With some minor changes I'd definitely enjoy this game as a mobile app because of the nature of the gameplay. When you're climbing the platforms, you often fall and lose your progress, this can become frustrating over a long period of time but in short bursts it's something I see myself sinking a lot of time into. I really liked the slingshot mechanic and can see that it would also work really well with the mobile touch screen interface.

The UI is very clean and intuitive and feels very professional. 

The only things I'd like to see improved would be things like a frog sound effect would just add that little extra touch to really bring the character of Kaeru to life. The other suggestion I have is that the launcher is quite small and sensitive on PC which makes it feel a little more fiddly than it has to. 

Must say I really love this one though!

This is an interesting project with some really high potential. 

While I love the music and the sprites along with the addition of moving enemies with functioning enemy AI, there are aspects which could use some improvements. Before I talk about that though I will elaborate a little on the above.

The music is at a pleasant volume and didn't require adjusting which is an often overlooked aspect of sound design. It was also a very pleasing tune that made me want to keep playing so well done there. 

The sprites are very well made and frankly they look amazing. The animation on the Hollow Mage is also a lovely touch which brings life to the MC. It's a really nice use of pixel art and goes to show how good pixel art can still look when done right. 

I also liked that the enemies moved towards the Hollow Mage when you approach them, Enemy AI is not something I've seen in these game jams before and I think it's great it was in there. 


Okay, so that being said the level design didn't work hugely in favor of any of these things. The spikes and the platforms could have been made placed with a bit more of a linear progression in difficulty instead of being immediately greeted with two enemies at the point of spawn and platforms that were not visibly on the screen and thus created a leap of faith effect, which seemed a bit harsh even as the final challenge. Also as much as I love the music I did feel like the music was a bit at odds with the combat, perhaps with the right sound effects and added animations this could be resolved. The feel of the music took me to a tavern or a small town. So perhaps having that shown in the background or in the strangely large amount of space, left of the spawn point, would be a good idea. One last minor thing is there appears to be a slider with seemingly either no obvious use or possibly no use at all in the options. 

With these things reconsidered this could be a fantastic little fantasy adventure platformer!

Really love it! The artwork for the background, the UI, the sprites is all fantastic and  really visually pleasing. The music is brilliant and really adds to the game in an exciting way. I loved the brain in a jar spider tank, and seeing it chase me in all it’s animated glory made me wish the level had been a bit longer and a bit harder so I could enjoy it a bit longer. Overall the mechanics work really well but I did find one bug where the game closed when I fell off the first platform ( yes I fell off the first one, I suck at games ). Finally the win state congratulations message felt a little bit disappointing given how beautiful and exciting the game is! 

Overall though, really nice work.

Very fun idea and the music really made it for me.
I love the variations in the cows and the animations are very entertaining.
Having some upgrades would have been cool and added to the gameplay.

well done team, Dream Meme Queens

Very fun idea and the music really made it for me.
I love the variations in the cows and the animations are very entertaining.
Having some upgrades would have been cool and added to the gameplay.

well done team, Dream Meme Queens

This concept really stands out, I'm not sure how much of an incremental game it truly is but it was a fun challenge.
The UI could do with a bit of a tidy up and the overall UX needs some attention.
The mechanics and the art are all very impressive.
The video was also very entertaining and was very enjoyable.

well done team, Punchbag

Really like the concept here, it's really different to everything else in this jam!
The music and the sound effects give this game a really exciting and intense feel. 
The combination of 3D and 2D was also fantastic and I really liked the juxtaposition of it.

I was hoping for a little more in the way of game play, though looking at the development hours it's understandable.

Well done team, Krull

Fantastic Concept and some real innovation.
Taking the incremental genre and combining it with the fighting genre was a brilliant idea.
Really liked all the character design and UI was very nicely laid out too. The shop didn't seem to work for me though which was a shame.
I personally feel the game would have benefitted from some sound effects and music.

Well done to team Omega Lance

Great concept! Love the idea behind this game and all the games industry references inside it. 
Looking at the total development hours I would assume this was made by one person or possibly two tops. 
With that in mind I won't be too critical and I'll only say that the UI could have done with being a little bigger/ bolder and the spacing could have been a little neater. 
I did like the use of sound and the game overall worked so that's a big win when all is taken into consideration.

Well done to you

Great concept! Love the idea behind this game and all the games industry references inside it. 
Looking at the total development hours I would assume this was made by one person or possibly two tops. 
With that in mind I won't be too critical and I'll only say that the UI could have done with being a little bigger/ bolder and the spacing could have been a little neater. 
I did like the use of sound and the game overall worked so that's a big win when all is taken into consideration.

Well done to you

I loved the promo video, excellent use of music and text to make it and engaging and worthwhile watch. 
Good use of start menu screen with functioning quit button, always a great UX decision.
Love the art style and continuity of the theme throughout the art.
It was a shame there was no sound or music as that worked really well in the promo vid.
Really enjoyed playing and even cheated my way to the king rocket with a keyboard clicker macro. 

Huge well done to team TeamyMcTeamFace

In concept this game look stunning both in its gameplay and it's art direction.
Unfortunately the broken UI means it's not playable and It truly is upsetting as this game looked like it had a lot of potential.
It may have also benefitted from the use of sound/ music.

Either way well done team, Ocarina of Thyme

Really liked the video, the gameplay, the UI, the use of sound and music and the overall innovation and concept.
The start screen UI is amazing, the music an the animations really bring it to life and give it a high quality feel.
The use of sound is generally really great, from the hit sounds to the music it's really engaging. I would say that having a volume function would be a great addition though.

Big old well done to team Anything