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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah, thanks for giving it another shot :p I appreciate it. And yeah I'm seeing now that it's too subtle. I probably should have had one more puzzle at least with invisible walls so that players are a bit familiar with that mechanic... But until then, I will add a later screenshot :p

Thanks for your response! I'll give the game another look :)

I guess my inspiration for the game were mysterious/obtuse games like Myst or The Witness where it really takes awhile to even figure out what the puzzle is about and that basically cool, strange things seem to happen and you just sorta have to go along with it :p But clearly I missed the mark a bit on giving the player *just enough* info to get going and the movement just doesn't make exploration fun enough to keep the player curious. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing :) yeah i realized afterwards that the movement speed is frame-dependent (woops) so any frame rate drops will cause the already-slow game to be painfully slow 😬 i appreciate the feedback, especially your notes about the audio! Incorporating more sound feedback is definitely on my list, but i hadn't thought to blend it more seamlessly with the music :o

Thanks for playing :) curious how far you got into the game. I'm trying to see if people were able to make it through the invisible wall section...

The invisible walls are a puzzle to solve with the laser and are completely on purpose (you can see the "disco balls" trace the boundaries of the room). I wanted the laser to interact differently with different materials, but couldn't figure out a way to differentiate them visually before the deadline -_- So that might've made things a bit unclear, though I feel I've played more confusing puzzle games in my time haha

And honestly I'm not discouraged at all; pretty proud of what i came up with under the time constraints. And for what it's worth, I tweaked the movement a bit if you wanna try it out again :p I wanted to keep the acceleration/deceleration in... Do you think it's unworkable as a movement script?

I was running the game on Brave which is built on Chromium. It might've been blocking some of the unity scripts or something like that since the actual fullscreen button was unclickable -_-

I agree that the first jump was a bit too tough (I think it was the hardest one in the game for me...) and also thought that maybe there were a bit too many deadly spikes. I liked the difficulty, but just a little breathing room after beating a miniboss would've been appreciated (I almost flew into some spikes right after exiting the boss room). I liked the enemy variety and the animation of the player character is super nice. I also thought the music complimented the overall style really well.

I thought it was really fun and I was pleasantly surprised by how cohesive and complete it felt :) nice job!

I really enjoyed the music quite a lot. There's a really good contrast between the sections that really gives the whole track some extra oomph.  I found myself generally just spam-building turrets and couldn't really tell what the difference between the different types was. I also didn't notice that the enemies could take away your movement :o It was also a bit hard for me to know when I was repairing or when they needed to be repaired so I kinda ended up just placing them everywhere since usually money was not much of an issue. For some reason, I couldn't fullscreen (probably my browser) so I had a bit of trouble understanding action, but still had a good time :) nice job!

I'm not sure if I like the timer or not :p I tend to like to take my time with puzzle-y games so it was a bit stressful. Also didn't feel good to be sent back to a previously level. Maybe would've been alright if you fail twice on the current level?

Nice job! :) I kinda felt that I was basically ignoring my health and barreling through until I died. I like the timer idea because it really incentivized finding the big golem as soon as possible because he's basically impossible to kill if your timer runs out. That made it a sort of search-and-destroy mission to find him where you're dodging all the arrows on the way.

You could try maybe adding some more movement patterns for the boxes to add some variety to the gameplay. I got a bit bored after realizing that the movement was basically random

The animations and art really sell the game! I could actually see this being expanded further with like different "recipes" maybe in an Overcooked style so that you have to manage different "lemonade dances" (the arrows reminded me a lot of DDR). Like maybe a raspberry lemonade or one with extra sugar having different "dance" steps that you need to remember and perform at the right time. Fun idea and solid execution!

Played and rated yours (nice job btw!). here's mine if you haven't played/rated yet :D

there's a way out of the room with the two cubes! the rays of the stars sort of "sketch" the exit and then there's some a section where you have to use the light ray to explore in the dark :) if you're at all interested, I can dm you a build of the game with improved movement speed as that's been a common complaint. I also 100% agree that the mechanic is a bit underutilized, but the puzzle in the dark is my favorite one so I think that'd change your opinion a bit if you played through it and also you'd be a bit more satisfied in general if you made it to the end :p

Thanks for playing and for the feedback; it's super helpful :)

thanks for the reply :D I might give it another shot!

No, that's really helpful! I was a bit worried I was adding too much dissonance which might've been causing that sense of uneasiness so I def appreciate your thoughts on it. Thanks for your feedback :)

Thanks for playing :)

The main concept is a good one, but I found myself basically just solving each ball's maze one after the other instead of having to think about how each of movements was playing out in the other parts of the puzzle. I think it might make sense to scale down the levels a bit and make them more interconnected so that moving one ball actually has some consequences on the other ones (the spikes someone else mentioned are a good idea!). Increasing the time pressure could also be another one as someone else mentioned. I would also suggest maybe having switches or triggers that one ball could activate which would then open doors or get rid of traps that another ball would be safe to go through :)

For the music, would you mind giving a little more feedback? I'm used to making pretty experimental stuff so unsure where to strike the balance when writing for a game soundtrack and would be interested to hear where I "lost" ya with the track. Thanks for playing :)

A "help" command and being able to use up like in the terminal would make this game so much friendlier, but I really enjoyed it :) my first instinct was to use a lot of bash commands so maybe some easter eggs for people already familiar with the command line could be sorta fun. I unfortunately got sorta soft-locked somehow. I was watching the map after tapping into the cctv and then switched back to the terminal and suddenly I wasn't getting any helper dialog and just couldn't continue any further :/ nice idea and good job! I hope you get more people and some more ratings cuz this was a little hidden gem for me :)

Really enjoyed it, but got stuck on the 4th level (with the small gaps between the lines). Just couldn't move fast enough :p really fun game!

I thought it was really solid game! I tried to be true to by circle self on the last level, but couldn't find the way through :/ so then I gave up my individuality and was scolded by the game xD music matched the aesthetic well and getting judged by all the squares and circles at the end was strangely embarrassing. nice job!

Really could've used some music and simple sound fx to liven it up a bit. But it's good that the work you put in, you put into the movement because that's working really well :)

but you could've... not used bloom ;) there's a glitch in my title screen which shows a shade of gray so I'm also hiding from the FFFFFF/000000 police

I also just ended up spamming walls and switching between dimensions as fast as possible. It was a little rough working around the colliders of the "invisible" enemies and sometimes my walls didn't seem to be placed exactly right. I think there's a lot of potential, though and I really enjoyed playing it! (definitely felt nice and accomplished when I saw that timer run out :p)

(1 edit)

Good initial concept to take away moves from the player, but it just ended up with me standing and waiting to get back the spacebar and my right arrow key so that i could make the next jump... It would probably be better if the randomness were toned down a bit so that maybe the keys are turned off in a specific sequence and you have to plan your moves accordingly so that you can still complete the challenges even with a certain key gone. As of now, all it does is make the player wait for the right combo of usable keys. 

Again, I really liked the concept, but thought it could be a bit more refined! Nice job with the game :)

Got too frustrated after reading "you need at least 1 bubble to teleport" on the second portal... I think that the bubble takes a bit too long to activate and makes the game a bit too hard, though the generous checkpoints are nice for redoing parts. maybe have the player be able to charge the bubble while moving in order to time when the spell activates a bit more precisely?

Otherwise thought the art style was cute and the game was quite charming. Good job!

Didn't find the memorization too hard ;) basically just picked the path that seemed to have the hardest platforming and chose that one :p fun little game with a nice vibe. Good job!

I was trying to find a way to not make it bounce around so energetically, but I actually quite like the discotheque vibe in the circles  :p I'll experiment more with the ray length, though. I think there's a happy medium! Thanks for playing :D 

That sounds ideal; options are always nice :D

The sound design is really nice and I appreciated the super abstract cutscenes, though would've liked a tiny bit more clarity in the voice/symbolism. The aesthetic is really strong, but it edges a bit into "too artsy" and takes away from the visual interest of the animations. I was getting Unity errors in the switch level and couldn't progress (nice that you uploaded a dev build xD) so that's where I stopped. Had a good time up til then, tho! Nice job :)

Pressed ESC by accident while in the city part of the level and didn't wanna start from the beginning again... A menu and confirmation screen would be nice, but I know with the time pressure, these things fall by the wayside (my game needs to be closed by actually closing the window so I empathize). I really enjoyed the vibe and the visual style was a really nice way to deliver the story as well. I actually think I like reading the dialogue more than I would've liked hearing it so I wouldn't change that. I also think the dialogue was just vague enough to give me some idea of what the background story is while keeping an air of mystery so great job with the writing as well!

I feel like I'm missing something with the gameplay. I'm just kinda floating around in the (very pretty) first zone, but never make it into the 2D part of the game?

I really like that I only have to worry about the attack and jump actions. I found that I don't much like moving with arrow keys so it was a nice change of pace. Has a very good difficulty balance and the procedural generation felt really nice as well. I didn't make it all that far, but had a great time playing it!

You lose horizontal momentum super quickly so even the first tough sneak-jump ends up being a bit challenging. Got too frustrated on the last part of the spikes and gave up there. Not a bad game, though! Just tough; I think the horizontal movement could potentially be tweaked so that you can move a bit more while in the air. Nice job, tho! The vibe and art are really nice

not sure if you encountered this problem, but I didn't know how to fix it...

When I opened your game on my computer, it opened in a tiny window which I couldn't resize so I couldn't play your game :(

Really beautiful! If I had one complaint, it's that the gameplay got a tiny bit stale. I definitely liked navigating and the lightning-illuminated art is breathtaking, but I felt that I wanted a different gameplay interaction than just rowing.

If you continue with the game, I feel like the game is begging for a voice-over; a gruff, gnarled pirate guy would really sell the already-strong atmosphere :) great job!

Really nice art style :) and the music really complimented the visual feel. Sometimes I really couldn't tell what I was clicking and would just click all over the screen til something happened ;) maybe some sort of "clickable" state change with the mouse cursor would be helpful just to show what can actually be clicked or not. Nice job!

I wanted the game to feel a bit "swimmy", but I guess that sorta clashes with the precision needed for the laser locks. The Space idea is an interesting suggestion, though!

I guess I wanted the player to *want* to move slowly, but definitely towards the end, there's a lot of ground to cover so I can see why the movement felt too slow

Thanks for playing :)