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A member registered Feb 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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I love 3D platformers and definitely feel there are not enough of them anymore, so this was a welcome surprise! There were some good platforming challenges here, especially with the disappearing platforms, but as others have mentioned, the floaty jump made it a little too difficult to correctly judge where you would land. I would also recommend adding an animation or sound to jumping on the clams, as I could not tell right away whether landing on them actually did anything. I also experienced a bug in the second level, in the rocky area with all the little water spouts, where I landed in a slight indent between two rocks and could not jump, as the game thought I was still falling. Overall this has a lot of potential and just needs more polish, excellent work!

Surprising to see a typing game in the jam, but it was integrated quite well here! The play on words of the title definitely adds to its charm. Great work!

Haha, that was a ridiculous delight! Short and sweet, but more of a silly little art piece than a full game. But overall, great work!

Really gorgeous visual design and a high level of overall polish! The gameplay is quite difficult right away, though. I'd recommend ramping up the difficulty a little more gradually. The barracuda got me in the first second or two a few times. But overall, excellent work!

Wow, such crunchy sounds and juicy visual effects! They make the experience feel very satisfying to play! And the intro story is the right level of cute and crazy. Fantastic work!

Just that I find it significantly more precise to do a small movement by the tap of an arrow key to avoid a bullet than by click and dragging with the mouse. But this might just be a personal preference.

Great art and very polished animation and UX! I found the movement controls very difficult and imprecise, though, especially for a bullet hell game that requires precision. One recommendation would be to allow the use of Dash while you are still moving in order to give a bit more maneuverability. But overall, great work!

Thanks so much for playing!

There are some really great concepts here in this fun little Hades-like! I would recommend doing a slower introduction of different fish spell types, rather than giving you a bunch at the start. That way, you can feel a sense of progression over time as you find new ones and experiment with combining them. But overall, great work!

Nice little game with a good variety of gameplay styles. Using the concept of a pufferfish inflating to tackle three different movement mechanics is really great. I would recommend adding some more movement options to the last level, though. It is very difficult to react to a car coming with the current inflating ability. But overall, really great work!

A solid little collecting game with nice pixel art and a relaxing atmosphere. I'd recommend adding a few more obstacles to make the sense of progression feel a little more compelling. But overall, good work!

Truly one of the most unique games I have played in the jam! The phishing puzzles were relatively simple, but still required a bit of thought and paying attention. One minor issue is that there seems to be a bug with the scrollbar in the inbox where it gets stuck down at the bottom. But overall, great work!

Excellent old-school pixel art and solidly fish-like movement. It can be quite challenging, though. The fact that you cannot actually defeat enemies makes it lack a feeling of progression, so there is not much motivation to keep going. But overall, great work!

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you like the song choice!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

A cute little adventure game with good interconnected fetch quests and a nice pay off for helping everybody. I'd recommend working on making the pixel-per-unit size of the character sprites more consistent, as they currently have a bit inconsistent sizing, which makes the overall look lack cohesion. But overall, this is a really great start!

Wow, this was delightful, and truly impressive for a first time game! The animations and visuals look very clean, and the gameplay is clear and compelling. It took me a few runs of my fish dying before I realized that you could spend money to upgrade the tools, though. I would recommend moving the upgrade shop to be with the buying fish store in between 'runs', since there is no way to make money during a fish 'run' there is no reason to open that shop at multiple points during a run. Overall, this is really excellent work. Great job!

Really excellent aesthetic with lots of good punchiness to the game feel. I love the little animation of the boats blowing up! I agree that a leaderboard would encourage more replay. I would also suggest making the time period a little longer and possibly adding a few mechanics to encourage destroying boats quickly, such as losing points when fish are hooked. Overall, really great work!

This is a nice start for a platformer. I would recommend taking a look at a few platform controllers to see how to implement some quality of life elements like jump buffering. This one is pretty easy to understand: https://github.com/Matthew-J-Spencer/Ultimate-2D-Controller

But overall, nice work!

Wow, this truly blew me away! The level of polish in the UX, animations, and game feel are all exceptional for such a short jam. The attack queue battle system is also something I have not seen done before in this manner. My one minor quibble is that some of the text can be hard to read, and some of the symbols aren't differentiated enough from each other to tell what they are at a glance. But overall, this is easily the most ambitious game I have seen in the jam. Great work!

Very fun little mystery story with cute art and killer music!

Some really interesting systems here, the core loop of going down to search for food/mates and back up for oxygen is compelling and resonant with a whale's experience. But I would love to see some more long-term goals or mechanics that reward exploration. Overall, great work!

This was incredibly fun! The different attack mechanics for the different fish were really well balanced and never felt like any one kind was overpowered, and the introduction of varied crab types over time kept it fresh. I think you could iterate on the economy a little bit, it felt like it took a few waves before I had many interesting purchasing  decisions to make. And as others have mentioned, the UI is a little crowded. But overall, really excellent work!

Thanks so much for playing!

Super fun movement mechanic in a simple, easy to pick up racing game! Love the flat-shaded art and good auditory feedback. I'd love to see more level variety, and maybe a few different types of obstacles. But overall, excellent work!

Interesting tactical strategy game with excellent art and some interesting systems! I would recommend giving some clearer UX to indicate what actions the player can do; such as highlighting what squares a fish can move to, or where a fish can spawn. It is also a little unclear how combat works, so giving some more visual and auditory feedback on how the battles play out would be appreciated. But overall, great work!

Fun little metroidvania with excellent pixel art and surprisingly informative fish facts! The concept of eating fish to gain exploration powers is really great! But the fact that dying makes you lose the powers and have to repeat the same sequence to get them again leads to frustratingly repetitive play. I'd also recommend having some form of UI to show which powers you currently have. I like the fish changing colors based on what it eats, but it can be difficult to tell whether you only have the power of the most recently eaten fish, or if you retained the powers of previous ones too. But these are all minor suggestions, overall really great work!

Great sprite-work and some fun mechanics! I would recommend adding more sounds and visual indications of what could damage you. But overall, nice work!

Definitely see the QWOP inspiration. I was able to get a good worm-like movement alternating F, O, and P. Very silly, great job!

Thanks so much for playing! The physics system is definitely a bit hard to get the hang of, but hopefully I can improve it in the future.

Really impressive systems here! A multiplayer auto-battler is quite ambitious for a small jam. It definitely has some rough edges, it can use a tutorial and some refining to the match-up ranking, but it is unlike anything else I have seen in a jam. Great work!

A delightful little typing game! The fish designs are very cute, and the collection book is good motivation to keep playing. Great job!

Thanks so much!

This is such a great concept! It feels like some of the movement elements of Splatoon combined with Paper Mario-esque 2D/3D shifts. Jumping felt really good, especially with the great splash noise at the end. I would love to see this expanded upon with a wider variety of mechanics and challenges. But overall, great work!

What a wild mashup of ideas! Some of the fishing timers seemed impossibly fast, but after switching to the blue lure, it was much more doable. Great work!

Thanks so much!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad the finish line effects give players that satisfaction.

Thanks for the feedback! A minimap might be a good idea if I expand upon it.