thanks :)
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wow, i love the jrpg vibes, there's some good musical ideas in here, and it definitely seems like a lot of work went into this. it felt like there was something missing though... some tracks seemed to lack impact that wanted to be feeling based on the musical material. im thinking maybe tasteful dynamics or tempo changes could do the trick? anyway, great work!
Music was great. Cave crawlers reminded me of navigating the workplace after I came out to everyone over email about my name and pronouns and my supervisors kept deadnaming me. (Also the dark, moody halls of the museum were very much like a cave.)
Faking it perfectly captures the mood when visitors, seeing my nametag, said things like "Wow! Interesting name! Did your parents really name you that?" Me: "...Yes." (Not exactly.) Them: "Wow. Your parents must be"
Almost Accepted expresses how I feel when my mom describes me to others as her "eldest" rather than any gendered term for offspring (while still seeming to disregard my pronouns).
Chill, relatable vibes, I like them, would have liked more tracks to compare to the different aspects of my coming out journey. I would have probably cried more, but I just got finished crying after listening to mastoast's entry so I'm a little numb now. :) happy pride
Oh no, you're going to make me cry. My grandfather, also an artist, passed away last March, and I haven't been able to visit his house yet, due to the virus. I don't think I'll find a curious chest when I finally have a chance to visit (his wife still lives there so I won't really be poking around or dealing with clearing things out) but this theme still seems to correlate to some emotional work I've been doing independently.
The actual listening experience is wonderful. I loved His House and Farewaltz.
I'm glad I came back to listen to this again and comment because even though I gave it very high marks it is still somehow even better than I remembered. I guess I thought I might be biased in favor of it because it is a trans story, but no - the music is also just good from beginning to end.
My main question is that Oil and Water wraps up very abruptly and I'm not sure if there's a reason for it. Other than that I just want Reflection to be longer and have more sections. It was so good, and different from anything I've heard in this jam, and I just want more.
Your video presentation is really nice! Happy to hear someone else's lava level track since of my three biome tracks that one was the hardest for me. Yours was very strong - but all of your pieces are. Snow Cherry definitely has me the most pumped. I also want to try this software now, it looks different and interesting.
I really like this one. The harmonic progression is difficult to predict at times, but without it ever feeling directionless. I appreciate you including the score because I could personally benefit from looking at more drum tracks and seeing how other people construct them. I'd like to hear more songs from this game, see what other directions it could go.
This ost strikes me as meticulously thought out. It was a pleasure to listen to something so carefully crafted. I agree with Aibon that there could have been more ways to modify your main theme to keep interest. My favorite tracks were the tracks that took place in different areas - forest, lake, cave, mountain - as they had more of an individual feel to them. I love your concept and overall mood.
I really just liked almost everything about your submission. Well done! Karin's theme got me really pumped, the waltz was sensitive, and putting the two themes together in the third track was done so well. I'm going to listen to Karin's theme again to get me pumped about listening to and rating the rest of these submissions. :)
I understand there is a language barrier here. I think something else was meant by samples, considering that pre-made loops are not allowed. Probably sampled instruments, or something of the sort? It would not make sense for the FAQ to say first that premade loops are not allowed, and then that samples are as long as they are legal, if samples and pre-made loops were equivalent. Maybe it is your responsibility, as someone who acknowledges using only premade loops in your submission, to check with the owner of the jam if there has been a mistake.
I guess I mainly feel that this jam is perhaps not the place for an experiment like this.
Hi. Thanks for outlining some of your perspective. I think part of my confusion here has to do with what is meant by "loop". I tend to think of it as any repeated musical material in a piece of digital music, original or not. I know that in my pieces, a lot of the drum parts and bass lines, and even some of the main melodies, consist of loops that I created for the track myself, either by playing them on my keyboard, or manually clicking them into the program, and then changing them by layering different effects on them. But I understand now these are not the kinds of loops or effects you were referring to.
I'm pleased to hear that when you listened to other submissions you heard only original melodies, and no pre-made loops. But this should not have surprised you, because pre-made loops were not allowed to be used in this jam (and perhaps should not be used in your submission.) It's on the question and answer section on the overview page.
It is interesting to learn that everything in your composition here was a collage of loops made by others, because apart from them not being allowed, I didn't realize that loops like these even existed/were readily available. (I really thought pre-made loops were mainly drum beats ahaha.) If your intention is to teach others how to identify when sound tracks are made up of pre-made loops, and not just to try and fool as many people as possible, I don't know if you have achieved that. Your game page explains everything, but your jam submission page doesn't include any notes about your intent, so some may listen to your composition, vote, and leave with their own impressions, without ever discovering what it actually is. But at least I learned something!
Hello. I feel very conflicted about the description on your game page. I try to stay constructive when I leave comments, and I especially don't want to leave a negative comment on someone's page after they've left so many in depth positive comments on everyone else's.
But I don't even know how to perceive a piece without bias if I go into it after reading that you went into composing it to prove to yourself that a certain method of composition was worthless. Like, I don't even know what to say. I think upon hearing this on the soundcloud playlist at the beginning of judgement I found it somewhat generic, normally I would never say something like that on someone's page, I might even try and find something positive about the composition to comment on instead, but if that's what you were going for then... congratulations?
I doubt that all of the positive comments on your submission page here were from people who were just trying to spare your feelings. In this track, you've effortlessly achieved something that others aspire to. Maybe people want to make music like this and they don't know how, and you did it, and that takes skill, knowledge of music theory, a good ear, an understanding of pacing, what have you. And you're here being like all of that is just trash that sounds good. Which maybe? But... so dismissive. I feel like at least some of the other submissions here are the result of "playing with loops in a DAW" ... are they also all forgettable clones? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, I doubt you really mean that, but I thought you might be interested in how your statement came across to me, in particular. I'm going to hold off on voting for this submission, I think I've already voted on your other one. Have a nice night!
the melody i'm talking about is the melody in your Options track. The pop clave is there, but so many submissions have used it already (including mine) that i don't really notice it anymore.
but it's really just the melody there that's ringing a bell. (this section, transposed to a minor, if it makes sense: a g f e d e, f e, d e e f e f g a) i've been listening to a lot of legend of zelda music lately so maybe there's something similar in there and my brain is grabbing onto it. :shrug:
well, i'll let you know if i identify it, and i'll try and get back to you later about the harmonies.
Wow, what an incredible amount of work, and thank you for including such a thorough explanation on your page. It really helped to follow along in all of the tracks.
Some parts of this I'm really digging, other parts, the harmony just kind of loses me. But I can't tell if it's because there's something missing from the harmony or if I just haven't studied enough jazz harmony -_-
I'm really stumped about melody number two. It sounds sooo familiar to me but I can't figure out what it's reminding me of. If you were inspired by an existing melody please let me know what it was, or else I will just scratch my head over this for a while.
Really well done incorporating your themes so thoroughly. This was a fun listen.
This has some promising parts and I'm happy to hear you got over a creative block with this. I have two main comments, the first one is that I listened on your soundcloud playlist so I wouldn't have to download, and the tracks are in a different order than you've listed in your description. So I listened to them in the playlist order before realizing this, and then went back and listened to them in your intended order. I think it was a better experience the second time, so I would suggest going back into your soundcloud playlist and putting the tracks back into their proper order.
My second comment echos Yazorius's. Your strongest tracks were the ones where you were able to develop the material a bit. But some of these are just really repetitive loops. I think they would benefit a lot from some more melodic material layered on top. That's just my two cents though. Turnabout was very strong, and Sacred Grove had good vibes. Telling Stories makes a good beginning and end. Hero's Respite was also very effective. I think you just needed a bit more time for the others.