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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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The boss fights are hilarious to go through and all the character sprites are so cute! The attack combo animations are also really good! I do wish I had more chances to see all the sprite work because some fights just go by too fast to appreciate them! 

I understand due to time constraints, it may not have been possible, but I also would've loved to see unique abilities from each Justice member (maybe some that counter the possible Advent abilities), since at the moment, I didn't see much purpose in swapping characters besides slight damage variations.

Really enjoyed the banter between the game and the player, reminds me of similar dynamics like in Portal 2 or Stanley Parable. Being able to intentionally go out of bounds (cuz no walls) got me thinking "What if there're secrets the "narrator" doesn't want me to know about? What if there's like a corrupted text file with some dark secret?". That probably wasn't the intention, but the edgy side of me thinks that'd be cool 😎. 

Really love the atmosphere of this! It's definitely got that Earthbound feel with the background and effects, but also mixed with some Undertale-like combat. As others said, the visuals are impressive, especially the UI! 

A few things I wanted to point out:

  • I would consider giving the player more control over their jumps (tapping jump performs a small hop), as it really helps make movement feel a lot more responsive! 
  • I was also a bit confused in the beginning on how to attack and such, as it wasn't that clear at first. Perhaps as the first attack only, you could pause the screen when the line is in the center with a "Press Space!" or "Attack!" prompt as a quick and simple interactive tutorial. And maybe the enemy health bar could flash red to indicate getting hit.
  • Adding to the "speedy bullets" feedback as others have said, perhaps a way to circumvent this, is to have a bullet that gradually speeds up. Of course, there should be a limit to how fast it should go, but just an idea!

Overall, great job with the game!

I'm stunned at how polished this is for a one-man jam game. Super cute art, genius boss and combat design, great storytelling, banger BGM, and a 2nd phase?! It's got it all! I especially liked all the audio/visual feedback for everything, like how attacks give off a small spark and clink sound when it lands.

I did encounter 1 funny bug where if you and Biboo (Bijou?) run at each other at full speed at the start, you clip into the ground. (I think restarting during one of her attacks and overlapping colliders had something to do with it). Unfortunately, I can't cheese her this way and still must git gud😔.

A fun short lil platformer! I like how floaty the jumps feel and the levels are paced well to show the mechanics and story in each level. And somehow, classic music fits Fauna perfectly😂.

I did feel that the hitbox on some thorns were way bigger than it seemed, and it's easy for corrupted fauna to get stuck somewhere trying to chase you.

But nonetheless, great job with the game!

I really really wanted to add visual indicators for the buffs and DEF, but I ran out of time sadly! It's definitely something I'll add in an update. As for enemy HP visibility, I was unsure whether it should be visible for not during development, but seeing it now, I do think it should be visible. Thank you for the feedback!

I did plan for the player to be able to change abilities into more useful ones (like having items/blessings give more attack options), but I didn't have time to add them :(. However even so, the starting abilities definitely are lacking in offensive abilities. Thanks for playing!

A fellow dungeon enjoyer I see 👀. I love this kind of traditional dungeon crawler and you did a great job adapting it into one! There's no limit to some actions, so I found it's easy to spam them in fights (like heal and boomerang). I'm also curious what the "Wait" option was intended for, perhaps as a "defend" option?

A nice and simple pachinko game! The balls do feel a bit heavy, so its bit more predictable to know where they'll land. I would experiment with bouncy bumpers or moving objects to spice it up a bit!

Really cool (or you could say edgy) action platformer! Plus, any game with a parry is already an A+ in my book. Biboo feels really good to control and I love the motivation mechanic. I could totally see some sort of platforming challenge section with the rapid slash and hover mechanics. 

Also, I lost it at Marco Juan 😂.

Wow. The amount of quality put into this game is insane, especially in the art. It's such a cute and cozy shop simulator and I'm sure Fauna would be so delighted if she saw this. I especially enjoy the fact that the special customers (talents) can be given various trinkets, and their reactions differ with each one (I found the Korone + Soap combo especially funny and cute). I also just want to compliment the amount of detail put into the art of the shop, all the trinkets, UI, and the adorable characters. So good!

For feedback, I think there's a bug with the "dirty finger" item. When asked for the "dirty finger", only the normal "finger" works.  There's also a funny bug if you hold left mouse button, hover over an trinket, and move the cursor very quickly, you can rearrange the whole store and make it very messy lol.

A solid platformer with very responsive controls! Love the different mechanics you gradually introduced into the levels and it was super fun building up speed on the ice :D. I could see potential in some sort of speedrunning mode.

As for feedback, it's just a bit hard to tell the ice from the spikes sometimes, because of the color, but I assume that was for the sake of saving time.

ooh! A paper mario-inspired Ina game is genius, with the color and paint mechanics. The art style is also super cute and fitting! I can see a lot of potential for many ideas here!

Very cute and cozy game! Love all the cute takodachi and fish variations! My only feedback is that I wish you could reel in more than 2 fish at a time, cuz I think it'd be fun to grab a whole bunch of fish on the way up.

Interesting concept! I can see where you got the inspiration from (one step from eden) and I like how you turned it into a more traditional bullet hell. 

Just a couple suggestions if you ever decide to expand:
- Bae's hit box seems to extend above the tiles, so bullets on the top row could still hit you on the middle row. Personally, I'd resize the hitbox to fit inside each tile instead.
- Speeding up player movement would make it feel more responsive, in my opinion.
- As a difficulty increase, some tiles could "break" and prevent movement on them, just like in OSFE.

But overall, this is a great start to a game!

Thanks for playing! I do agree it's hard to tell when you can hit Bae, which was why I gave her the red shield looking thing whenever she's invincible, but it displays way too late or early in this build :(. I'll plan to fix that and add some hit sfx/vfx in a later build.

Thank you!! The dialogue is lowkey hard-coded for the sake of the jam lol, but I'll find a way to skip! (and louder clinks ofc :D)

Love the idea of random buff/debuffs while playing, but they feel quite tame for a buff/debuff. Maybe it's because there's a limit to them, but it'd be funny if there were like 30 buff/debuffs at once. It seems like some buffs/debuffs can also cancel each other out, so sometimes it'll feel like normal gameplay.  

One idea I'd suggest is have multiple taiyakis spawn after some time as a difficulty increase. For example, a normal taiyaki and pink taiyaki both spawn at the same time, but the player should prioritize the pink one or lose a life.

But anyways, great job! It's a very fun and cute game!

Having to juggle the 3 rules at the same time is very chaotic and melts my brain after a certain point lol.  I'm not used to Aki's scissors hand with the thumb out, so I sometimes mistake it for paper if I'm too fast.  Otherwise, super fun and addicting!

that's right! In the current version, Fauna should also count as animal-themed.

Thanks for the feedback! You brought up some really good points.

>There's a lot of QoL changes I couldn't add cuz of time constraints (like time remaining, talent name text, theme text, etc). A theme change warning indicator is definitely one I also need to add lol.

>For pause cheesing, I was thinking of having a "curtain" cover the screen whenever the game is paused or out of focus to prevent those kinds of things, but like you said, cheating isn't really a big concern as long as they still have fun with it (at least in single-player games)!

Love the references and fourth wall breaking in the dialogue. The audio design is also fantastic. The movement from launching pebbles are also really satisfying. The only small gripe I have is that some jumps are quite precise if you're not used to platformers. Great work!

Pretty fun game! It reminded me of the rhythm heaven robot filling minigame. The pouring took a little bit of time to get used to (felt a lil too fast at first), but it got addicting once I got the hang of it.