Really cool take on the theme! Big fan of the "spinning" background, really makes us feel like we are spinning around a tower and adds a lot to it - really enjoyed that. The controls are simple yet have a nice mastery curve, which is super sweet.
Really really solid game, the boss fights are super fun and the whole experience was awesome!
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Very fun game, and I love that you can customize your Top - "extra" things like this in a game jam are really awesome to see. Same goes for the cinematic intro, awesome stuff.
The fights felt fun! The idea of recharging your speed bar at stations is really cool and fits the game really well. Had a lot of fun, great job!
Oh wow, the atmosphere and "vibes" of this gare are so sweet, I can't believe you even got cool art for the loading screens and even unlockable cosmetics!! That is so awesome. Also the training dummy being called the Ultimate Lord of Destruction got me a nice laugh
I also like the "player hub", and being able to actually play the Slots is such a nice touch. Just feels nice to walk around with the music and such. The upgrade system is nice and I love all the "Risk/reward" stuff.
The boss fights were fun, the patterns were enjoyable and some attacks were quite creative. I really really enjoyed this game, well done!
Wow, this game is really unique compared to the other games, never expected to see a game like this in this jam but I absolutely loved it. The randomness in the spinning wheels makes it a lot of fun compared to more standard idle clickers, and overall just a really cool idea and great implementation! Loads of content too, I spent more time with this game than any other game from this jam and had an absolute blast.
This game is so, so, SO much fun. Hitting a 5x shot feels incredibly satisfying. Simple mechanic, but incredibly satisfying to nail and master it. Keeping a 5x going during the intermission phases of bosses such as The Meat and The Creep to then unload as soon as they show up was a really nice feeling, and great job on the visual and audio feedback when you land one of those shots.
I also really enjoyed the game's presentation, the Office sequence adds a lot to the game and is really cool, I enjoyed going through all the e-mails and it's nice to see you some small worldbuilding in a Jam game, the e-mail from mom was super cute. And then, as I was already really enticed by this initial presentation, I load up my first boss and see "Tip: Judging by your Office, you are probably an alcoholic" - that was the cherry on top, loved it!
You have something great here that can definitely be expanded on, really fun game.
Very, very VERY small nitpick: I feel a bit weird being able to press R to reload while at a full magazine; I mean it's not wrong per se, and could be a design choice, but at this point my brain has been conditioned by shooters that when you press R at a full magazine, nothing happens
This game is imo one of the contenders for first place of this jam, incredible experience since the very start, where the visuals and atmosphere really got me hooked really fast. The playable character's look and story is really cool, and the bosses fit the theme really nicely too
The player attack is pretty nice, it has that "easy to learn hard to master" feel that I love in games. The heal mechanism is really really cool too, you get a nice little dopamine hit whenever you heal without losing max health, it feels nice and the visual indicators for this fit really nicely too. I also like the positive/negative logic behind the upgrades system, I am usually a big fan of kiss/curse mechanics!
I have to say, the 2nd boss bugged out to me and I had to restart my game (my character got pushed towards the entrance from an attack and then disappeared) - but other than that it was a really cool experience, great job!
(PS. I recorded the 2nd boss bug if you're interested, in case it is an unknown bug, I can send it to you if it would help you!)
Damn the art style is gorgeous and the atmosphere is really cool, I was instantly hooked from the "Title Menu" alone. Really really awesome stuff, and then the music complements it really well too.
I also really liked the warm-up for the attacks on the bosses, the dots on the dice rearranging into an arrow for his dash attack was so elegantly made.
Really awesome game, great job!
I had so much fun playing this game, and I am a sucker for this type of atmosphere and art direction.
I really enjoy the Spin mechanic, even though it is quite simple it definitely adds a lot to the game, especially in the Hacker fight, I absolutely loved that fight and using the Spin well was essential (obviously to get through 2nd phase, but also during one of the phase 1 attacks). It really felt fun!
The mechanics and telegraphs of the fights were very creative. And every time you "lose full control of your character", it is quite intuitive what you have to do and also very fun to figure it out before it is too late (eg, during zero gravity, and when you have to reflect the last boss's Kamehameha).
Thematic and overall vibe was incredible. Poor dude just wanted a new bike and ended up with a throne... Fantastic!
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write this! We really appreciate it
Regarding the first point for the Fields system, it is something that I also noticed during development - getting a new field makes your other fields smaller, which can naturally be a disadvantage. Couple that with the fact that some Passive upgrades are really strong, and you can be discouraged at times from grabbing more Fields. That is maybe, hopefully, the kind of thing that automatically gets fixed by us simply designing a lot more fields with more variety and that synergize with your on-going build; for example, in the run you described, the Fields that provide you buffs (such as Damage Buff fields and Crit Buff fields) could be great additions, but it does come with the downside of making it harder for you to access your main damage dealer, which would be the three light shots, but hopefully we could design and balance the game and the fields in such a way that this feels like a good and fun trade-off. I felt like the Poison archetype was headed in a good direction in this regard, as different Fields had good synergy with each other.
That being said! We did talk about a system to explore and have more customizability for your wheel. We are not sure if it would be a good addition to the game and did not have time to experiment with it, but it would tackle this specific thing. Basically upgrades that gives you more avenues to customize your wheel. For example, an upgrade that lets you increase or decrease the size of a field. This could be integrated into the current system (just another type of upgrade that can show up), or even a parallel system (eg a vendor between bosses). So maybe now, you would chose upgrades to ensure that your three light shots is your bread and butter, and remains as the biggest field in your wheel, but you can place other, more supportive and/or niche fields in your wheel, and have them take up significantly less space. For stuff like situational fields and such, it could be nice!
Again, really appreciate your feedback, thank you so much!
We do have a little bit of acceleration in our movement, from our initial testing having instantaneous direction change felt a bit off, but that is really good feedback! Definitely will look into the acceleration values and tweak them (or even remove it, as our initial tests were very early on into development)
Unless it is actually "real lag" from the WebGL build haha, could be the case!
Thank you for playing our game, glad you enjoyed it !
Okay I have to say, the intro is hand-down my favorite so far in this Jam and it's not even close, it was hilarious and cutesy and meme-y and all that, definitely made me really hooked immediately!
And then this stuff keeps on being great, all the way to the "reveal", I lost it with the flashback of catmom saying that catdad is always the cutest, genuinely incredible stuff hahaha. Even the transitions between bosses, the loading screens, the music, etc., everything is *REALLY* nicely done and I loved it.
Gameplay wise, I found the dive/submerge mechanic really cool. There wasn't any boss attack that I felt like it wasn't obvious, it was very easy to tell whether I should be above water or below water and it was really interesting to use that to dodge stuff. I find this even more particularly interesting because our game has a similar premise (boss in the middle, rotate around him), and while we did consider having a "multiple rings" thing going on to give us more freedom in designing boss abilities, it never crossed our minds to have something like your submerge/dive, I genuinely think it is genius, and it was perfectly integrated into the gameplay.
Really strong entry, great job!
I really really like this take on the theme! It's a really fun concept to use the "spin" mechanic to choose the type of bullet in your chamber, and the bullets themselves felt different enough to be interesting, to the point that I would actively try to get a specific one in specific situations, and if I "failed the timing", I would adapt to get the most out of the one I got, which was loads of fun!
Loved the casino theme/visuals too, and the music fits this atmosphere quite well. Great job, loved the game!
This game is incredible, and a very strong contender to win this Jam imo.
Really cool take on the theme, and thematically it all fits nicely and neatly. I love the Embers resource, using it to spin the fire, to move around and as a resource relevant to various cards.
The vibe and atmosphere is really nice, fitting the idea of "sitting around a cozy fire with friends...", but then the music still increases properly in intensity to remind you that you are still fighting monsters, it's awesome!
Everything feels very polished and clean. I would really love to see this game released on Steam some day.
Glad you like it! Thank you for playing our game.
And yes, I think Health Regen is one of the most op upgrades haha; the logic would be that it is a great "early run" power, but doesn't scale very well - since it's just a 0.4 that won't scale up as both player health and boss damage increases. However, since we were only able to do two bosses, the game doesn't get to a point where this is noticeable!
The heal field was semi-inspired by Soulslike games - in the sense that to drink from your Estus flask, you need to choose a good time to do so. Our idea was that to heal, you would have to find the right moment that would allow you to stay in that field for long enough. Definitely did feel a bit underwhelming to use though, and would need a balance pass!
The game looks and feels incredible. The little intro at the start is awesome and really sets the atmosphere - which, again, is amazing. The looks of the bosses is really awesome, especially Judas, Devourer of the Moon. Everything from his name to his look is incredible to me. I also really dig the transition between levels/bosses
The controls have that "easy to learn, hard to master" feel to it which I absolutely love when games nail that feeling, which yours definitely does.
Continuously losing to bosses and quickly trying again felt very fun, and I was in a cycle of "Okay one more try before I go to sleep" for... a lot more than one more try haha. In the end, I was really motivated to beat them.
There is a lot of "game feel" related things that I love, such as the sounds when you jump and the impact when you land; also the different color/alpha when you're grounded, jumping, and dashing.
The main criticism I have is that since this is the type of game where you are supposed to try each boss *a lot of times*, the "get them to 50% first to start the fight" got boring eventually. I liked it at the start, thought it was fitting thematically, it also gave you some time to figure out the weak point, etc., so overall a good idea - but I feel like 50% is too much - I just wanted to hop onto my next attempt faster!
The controls have a learning curve but once you get used to them, they are extremely fun. Feels really satisfying to nail the movement.
Also, incredible work with the music, sounds and art/visuals. Everything looks and feels good. The death animations and even the small tutorial images were really nice to look at!
The music gives me a fun, cozy, "chill" vibe, but the gameplay itself makes me be on my toes! Which is a nice mix. Really really fun game
Oh wow, this game is really really fun! Perfect take on the theme, and the boss fights felt just the perfect amount of challenging for me personally, along with very creative mechanics that fit the unique player controls
The aesthetics, sounds, and the little "extra details" like the ball machine sound/animation to show the new boss; as well as everything hourglass related, top-notch stuff... Everything ties in together really well and the game feel is incredible