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pretty cute, although it took me a long time to figure out you need the exact order of ingredients for it to work, was a bit frustrating

the chimeras are very cute but the artstyle difference between them is a little big jarring

very cool game, i like how you become generally tankier as you play, although i had some pretty bad frame rate issues so the slowness that came from that hurt the experience a bit

this game has some juice, very fun

really cool to see the dev of pseudoregalia(love that game) here, the movement very fluid and fun, the animation and character design are great

took me a bit of time to realize the water restores slime, mostly because it didn't look very important

i felt the jump of the middle sized slime was bit hard to control, there is not much you can do after you've jumped besides stomping which doesn't always help, which was a bit frustrating  

i like that you can bounce slimes on other slimes and chain slimes to makes some crazy moves but i felt like the limited slime resource kind of hindered me from doing that too much

on that note i don't know how this would work in a fuller game but i feel like changing forms from losing slime could be a bit frustrating mid platforming

kinda like in pseudoregalia the world feels pretty empty, i don't think that really matters when the focus is the character and their platforming but might be worth noting if you're gonna take this further 

still, very impressive and really fun game

cute slime bunny? fish? goat? girl

cute game, pretty fun, i feel like adding some form of mechanic where each potion done affects the rat in some way(for example making them grow) would have made the game fit the theme better

not sure why the heater thing hat five stones that alternated being on or off

very cute game with a very clever take on the theme and really fun

it's like weird form of jenga

i like how you  can use other blocks to organize your tower a bit, but i do wish the pick up function was a toggle and not hold

funny, unique fun, goofy, this game is great

i love how you can tap both buttons really fast to "run" it looks very silly

i would make the walk buttons the same and add a small shadow where the next foot is gonna land

cute game,  i've seen another game that does something kind of similar but i incorporated a resizing planet mechanic and i feel like that would fit well here as well, and make it fit the theme a bit better

i've seen the "hole in none" screen options on discord and i think you chose the right one, not quite sure what "hole in none" means but it's cute

my only issue is the black hole is really really hard to see, i think just adding an outline like you did in the level end screen would have fixed that

either way very neat

this game is kinda mixed for me, i like the idea, there is some good art here and the game works well for the most part

mostly i feel like the idea could have been executed better

the isometric view makes movement really annoying, because there is no up for the up botton and it seems to switch directions if it is pressed twice

also, losing health to yourself is very harsh, it is instant and can take away most of your health, that with the kind of annoying controls it turned out frustrating

i do like the idea of the guns on the snake, there is potential here for a cool moving base type game, but i think some of the focus here went to making the snake scale up into different environments. but game fits the theme without it so it feels like bit a of wasted potential

i enjoyed this, the game has some pretty clever level design here and the platforming feels solid

not sure if this was intended or not  but you can technically pass most of the levels by jumping on a block while it is in the air

not sure why you have to grab the cube to resizes it, but hey it works

pretty interesting way to do the "build what you see" game i've seen a few games do, i like it but i feel like the the turning, and skewing options should be less segmented, like only able to move the shape by 25 degrees or something like that

currently i feel it's very difficult to get the correct angle on a lot of these shapes

but interesting game nonetheless

cute cosy game, visually very nice and has a nice sorta clicky gameplay loop

it's not super interesting gameplay wise but i think this is the first game i've seen so far that actually has animal scales as a part of the game

clever and funny game, but i did kinda get jumpscared at the start for some reason possibly starts a bit too loud

didn't quite enjoy it tho, that mostly being the original dino game's fault, the jumps aren't super intuitive

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this game is very cute, i think it really succeeds in delivering vibe , or feelings i guess. like the cosy feeling of the shop and the scary feeling of being in the bottom of the ocean, kinda feels like cosy subnautica in a way 

however i do feel it doesn't quite fit the theme, i get the idea but it isn't really reflected in the gameplay in any significant way

lovely little game, the art is very cute, a bit janky but enough to work, i feel like most of this game's problems would be solved by pushing the camera out a bit, so the player can have more time to react

cute game, pretty funny, a bit buggy but not enough to ruin it

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amazing game, i don't think i've ever play a gmtk jam game that took me an hour and was all from different puzzles, this is practically a full game, kinda reminds me of nitrome stuff in a way

the humor is great, i love the dialog the jokes and the visual jokes( i love the "live action" hand)

the idea is simple and im sure there are a ton of games that did something similar but this one is the best i've seen so far

also, not sure how much the respawn ability was meant to be used but i passed most of the levels mostly because of it, you can both teleport a piece with you when you teleport and also jump right before respawning, giving you some extra height

well done

edit: just noticed this doesn't have nearly as much ratings as it deserves, i hope my comment somehow helps with that

the neck mechanic had way more to it than i though at first, but do i wish this was a puzzle game i feel like it could work with the mechanic better

it's a cute and unique game

side-note, add checkpoints

amazing game, i love the idea, the art, the gameplay, really fun

I've played another game that does the same thing, and i have to say this game does it much better, besides the physics that work better here the addition of the fist size increase really makes this work

you can almost string together attacks using the return velocity of the fist growth

i don't really like that the game is timed, it can add some unneeded stress, although it was well implemented so it didn't bother me

my main issue is kind of the same as the other game that did this, the fist mechanic is just a bit awkward and can make for frustrating moments, here specifically enemies can get trapped between you and the fist and sometimes miss enemies entirely

i really like the visual style the low poly texture style is always cute, gameplay is good too

the main mechanic is executed well but i didn't find interesting

very well made, the gun animation is great, it's really cool to seen a map as big as this that almost works like a metroidvania

solid game, my biggest issue is how it's kinda hard to understand what is going on with the critters,  the player can't tell which one does what and visually they don't seem to be different(at least outside of the ui)

the creature designs are interesting but some of them can kinda look like alien genitalia or something, not sure if that was the intention, but it does work in it's own weird way kinda similar to a lot of rick and morty monster designs

very interesting and fun game, well made levels, good puzzle design and mechanics, very nice style

but what in world happened with the camera and keyboard controls, the buttons are so far apart!! and most of them aren't needed!!

i get that a camera that is not top down is more cinematic but why is it the default? at the start of each level i had to rapidly press the tab key just to get it to change cameras, and it sometimes doesn't help because the camera switches anyway if the rock flies of screen 

besides that, my main issues are the sun glow(can hide the rock) and the both the sun growth speed up and time speed up should be turned into speed down buttons, this is a game about precision

i don't mean to be mean here, the game is good but this just baffled me.

i love this, the voice acting is great, and it's the perfect type of game to put it in, i feel like this could be made into a full game, a chill narrative clicker game

super funny,  good game

i do wonder what these pillars lead up to...

very well made, has a lot of juice and works really well with the music

while i get that this game is supposed to be hard i'm not sure if it's possible at all, and that's mostly on the hit box

even at the smallest size i got hit by stuff that didn't even seem close, doesn't help that  real hitbox only shows up sometimes

mostly needs some tuning to make it just difficult not impossible

our game has a similar idea(bigger hit box more power etc) but didn't end up as polished sadly

i really enjoyed this, the sort of puppeted parts of the large robot are weirdly nostalgic to me

i also really like the idea of a small hero with very large attacks

the addition of coyote time was very appreciated
i like the mechanic of health = energy to use abilities but it might need a bit of fixing, so does the fist ability, it can sometimes get stuck in walls and stop the player from dashing.

i like the game overall but it needs a lot of bug fixes, time and play testing

there is some nice humor here, in a way a few things are presented

not sure why but the monster didn't render right and looked like a rectangle made of lines

the feeding menu could have be a bit more intuitive, but otherwise very cute

this one is weird, stylistically it works pretty well(altho the finger jump scare kinda got me at first) the evil black goo is very cool and i like the way it moves and is damaged

i really like the build ability in a type of game like this but the walls need to be able to be destroyed by the goo, because you can just cheese it with a dome

i get the burst and split abilities but they very quickly filled the map and made the game less fun

anyway pretty interesting game

thanks for playing!, yeah we were a bit short on time in the end so most of the game didn't pan out like we hoped

and no bullets aren't supposed to hit each other, but it's pretty funny when they do

i feel like this game would work better if everything has a grid, the tower sizes too, there are to many sizes the towers can be in

additionally the shader makes me a bit nauseous

but it is an interesting idea

i really like the world building concept of city on  a scale i think the art shows the idea well

that being said this feels like you added way too much mechanics and didn't leave time make them work

the two main problems i had which weren't just bugs were

1 the player way too slow, they need to be able to run from one side of the map to the other for this to work well

2 the player should be the only think affecting the scales, otherwise it should be more clear what is pulling down the scale and were, you could add some more world building here, like "the fate of the scales is tied to the hero" or something like that

i weirdly got into this, something about the sort of tower defence progression works well here

im not very sure about the rest of it, first of all why is the player a platforming character? besides sometimes pushing blocks they can't quite affect anything during the wave itself

secondly im not sure about the building here, mostly i don't get what was the intended build, not sure why all the guns need to be arranged vertically in a line for them to work, or why the blocks have physics.

i've followed your stuff for a while it's nice to see the consistency of this team,  very recogniseable style, in gameplay and art

besides the wall climbing ability and kind of stunted jumping this is a very good game very well made

cute, has some neat art here and a nice idea

but the game has to much janky physics to work and can easly be cheesed by spamming the give button as the scale shifts it's weight

also, you can lose your weights 

neat, not my type of game but very well made, glad there was a way to mute the voice over, while it was well placed game wise, but these kinda things should probably be done by professional actors

a few notes

the spike tile does not fit this game, it's a completely turn based thinky game and spikes require a different type of thinking

also, usually with these games there is an option to go back a step, i feel like that was missing here

i really love this, the art is adorable and the animation of the wizard is very cute, love the opening cutscence

gameplay wise, it's great, i like how you have to use mirrors bounce the grow beam, and how most level puzzle solution just, mess around with the physics till it works, the few levels where you have to grow yourself are great too

altho, physics games usually have the problem of being unpredictable and buggy this game has that but it didn't bother me enough to  ruin the experience

Super cool game, i'm assuming you went for a neon white vibe, you really managed to capture it well here

the bean mechanic doesn't work so well for me tho. you've taken the card mechanic from neon white but i don't think it works in this context.

i think keeping the bean power unlimited would have worked better for the game overall

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so Luftrausers with lasers and time travel super cool!
i think the strongest aspect of this game for me is the time travel mechanic of the first pilot there is a ton of dept to be found here
i find it really cool that you can take a very risky move that takes half your health but kills alot of enemies then rewind and let your clone do it as you escape unharmed

i feel like it's interaction with the airmine might need some looking into since you can ignore it's cooldown by reversing time and letting you clone use it, so idk if that's intentional or not

the second pilot is also fun with the dash ability and shied but i didn't find the airroll thing as useful

i would recommend going forward to try to focus on the time rewind mechanic, maybe having other pilots with variation of this ability some other twist or just giving this ability to every pilot

also had weird invincibility bug where i've lost my shield and just didn't lost health from anything, being in the water will cause like a constant damage effect

edit: forgot to mention, this game needs an infinite space, similar to Luftrausers getting stuck in the water or top of the map is fine but reaching the sides of the map is really annoying when you lose sight of the player character, id also recommend adding some more height to the world map