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A member registered Aug 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


I understand your sentiment and I am going to break down your statement step by step

What if this is the dev's first game? We all learn via trial and error in our own way, so being this harsh is completely uncalled for.

Lets recontextualize this scenario in some different ways and tell me whether or not you still stand with that idea;
- Your child brings home their first crayon drawing claiming its theirs just for you to find out that its actually their older sibling's drawing
- Your spouse tries to cook their first food, just for you to find out they ordered in the food in MacDonalds and  claimed it was theirs

in these scenarios similar to this lets break this down :
1. They didn't learn, it was NOT trail and error
2. They felt it was okay to deceive you with this
3. No satisfaction is gained from creating , only from the praises 
4. If you were competing with such person would it feel fair ( you might be justifying this because of the quality, imagine if they found the repo to call of duty)

You can make argument that I could have been nicer, which I agree with 

But there is a certain disappointment that comes with seeing programmers condone this idea 

Also there is a rule that majority of the code has to be written during the game jam - which they deserve disqualification for (but I didn't bring that up)

Especially that last part about having to "rethink your game dev journey".

That is a honest feedback I gave to them, no hard feelings, because this is not a way to grow
No programming or game design knowledge or expertise were applied here

Plus, it's a game jam, and there is nothing wrong with using existing assets as long as the dev have the rights to use them and as long as they weren't stolen.

Yes you are right, I support the use of assets 200%

Please I am not coming after them using assets, its the lack of creativity applied in using such assets

I appreciate the effort put into the game,  if there were new levels or unique elements, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Please consider where you stand—being overly nice might not help the team grow.

I apologize for being blunt, but I understand how challenging game development can be.

I’m looking forward to seeing what they create next. 


Loved the audio and the UI

Great job on the gameplay, quite creative

Loved the fact that each potion has its unique trait

You should be proud of yourself

Really love the aesthetics even though it was hard to read what was aesthetics or gameplay
The gameplay was nice and short
The moving platform tiles were not moving my player when I was in contact with them
Nice entry

(3 edits)

I love the title art

Its interesting how you took an existing asset and just submitted it like that
The lack of creativity and the sheer laziness is appalling, you didn't even try to make new levels, just added a silly background there
Even left dev tools in a final game
You didn't even make the control system for mobile

You need to rethink your game dev journey if you really submitted this

Here is a video of the asset pack they used (they even made it worse by zooming in the camera):


(1 edit)

Not alot going on in the gameplay department, the jump felt clunky because the height was inconsistent and I kept getting stuck on edges
The Graphics is a mismatch of various different styles, something to look out for in the future
I do love the character customization
Awesome job on your entry 

This was a creative gameplay idea, leaned more into ordinary magic than black magic, the concept of chickens being the enemies was funny to me
Having the gameplay overplay the action was distracting, you could have set it side by side. Also it would have made the game more easier if the blocks moved after a second or two instead a continuous movement to give it that Tetris feel
Love the pixel art awesome entry

Simple execution, love the creative use of the cake theme

This is an awesome entry, the best I have played so far, with good and innovative mechanics, and appropriate 
Would have made the slow-down option a button, or at least had a level to teach the play how to use it, cause the swipe-up was actually intuitive just difficult to remember as a first-time player.
You merged simple concepts and executed it well 
Go ahead and publish this, awesome entry

This is a nice pixel game, I wish you had done more with  the movement mechanics, added a jump animation and added some polish and feedback with attack and getting hurt
But for 3 hours, well done.
There was too much time in a level to feel pressure
Thanks for your entry

Very fun, very hard, in fact toooo hard... The collider needs to be small to allow a small margin of error and it would be cool to have indicators to know where the obstacles are going to spawn from

My high score is 105
The swiping wasn't that responsive once I got it
Felt like a mini Wario Ware game
Still needs a bit of polishing

(2 edits)

First of all, creating an large world game as a solo developer for a game jam is hugely ambitious and impressive in itself. 

The overall look and feel of the world you've created shows promise.
The visuals and environment design demonstrate your skills and have potential for further development. 

However, there are certainly areas for improvement, especially in tying all the elements together into a cohesive gameplay experience:

I was often unsure of what I was supposed to be doing as a player or what the goals and objectives were meant to be. Some more direction and tutorials would help with onboarding new players.

The controls and mechanics could use more polish - I found myself falling off the map in certain areas as I tried to explore. Smoother controls and collision detection would enhance the experience.

Expanding and connecting the gameplay loops and different mechanics you want players to engage with will help tie the world together. Right now, it feels more like an environment to explore without clear purpose. Defining the core gameplay will make exploration more meaningful.

Overall, you've done fantastic work in building the foundation and showcasing your technical skills in this  solo project. With more time to refine the mechanics, add gameplay loops, and polish the player experience, you'll have something special on your hands. Keep up the creativity and effort!

(2 edits)

My highest score is 32, pretty fun
Very similar to a game called Chameleon Run

Nice looking character, love the glow effects

Difficulty can be improved

Simple and straightforward gameplay
Good entry
Very smooth flow

I like the concept of your game! The skybox is cool, and the UI is awesome. I think you have a good foundation here.

Some feedback:

Spamming bullets: This can make the game too easy and repetitive. You could consider limiting the number of bullets that can be on the screen at once, or making the bullets do less damage if they are fired too quickly.

Simplistic gameplay: This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it could be improved by adding more variety to the enemies or the levels. You could also consider adding some power-ups or special abilities that would give the player more options.

No sound effects: This can make the game feel a bit empty and lifeless. Adding some sound effects would help to improve the overall immersion.

Destroy particles that are too large: This would help to keep the screen from getting cluttered and make it easier to see what is going on.

Cool skybox: The skybox is a nice touch and helps to set the scene.

The least challenging game I played this jam: This could be improved by making the enemies more difficult or by adding some more challenging levels.

No reason to not hold the shoot button: You could consider making the shoot button automatic, as is the case in most other bullet hell games. This would free up the player's hands to focus on dodging enemy fire or adding some ammo.

Awesome UI: The UI is well-designed and easy to use.

Y position of some objects is offset wrongly: This can make it difficult to hit some enemies or objects. You could consider adjusting the y position of these objects so that they are easier to hit.

Overall, I think the game has some potential, but it could be improved with some additional work. I hope this feedback is helpful!

(2 edits)

Interesting Idea

Not a big fan of the mixed art style (pixel, realistic and cartoony)
There was awesome art individually but the mix did do it justice

For the gameplay; 
Not necessarily fun, but it was functional
Needed a lot of polish

Also didnt see the connection to the theme

Good game

(1 edit)

I would love to know the history of the development of managing 10 people wow

Quite an interesting game you have here
Love the character design, looks like a blend of Terminator with an African girl
The animations were ok
LOVED the music (all 3 of them)

A lot of things felt off to me, and I would try my best to provide constructive criticism :
- The UI would be good but was stretched and wasn't implemented correctly
- Platforming controls would have been more responsive (research better platformer techniques like Coyote Time, Jump buffer etc)
- The background looked cool but wasn't implemented correctly
- Getting a new gun changed the bullet graphic but doesn't change anything to gameplay (most games that feature a gun, your pistol performs differently from your machine gun to change your gameplay style)
- No win-or-lose state (if I fall infinitely if I miss a jump)

- Arrow buttons are a bit too wide from each other
- I can't jump and shoot at the same time
- why is the game over 100mb

(1 edit)

You adhere to the theme, a pretty ambitious plan to make a racing game in a week

It plays nice, I do get stuck sometimes

Noticed that the economy system is missing so I can't really progress even though I got teased to get new cars and unlock levels

Awesome art, especially the splash screen

I don't really have much to say about the gameplay its serviceable and good
Love the fact that I can sideswipe the AI car to spin them around

- Buttons could be bigger
- Checkpoints debug boxes could have been disabled for the release build

Solid Entry

A very good and smooth experience, you went for a small scope and had a great execution

Gameplay was simple to understand and the powerup was fun, wished I had more of that

Couple of things you can improve on:
 - The second jump is affected by gravity that means when the character is falling down and I use my second jump, the jump is slower compared to if I haven't reached the peak of the first jump
-  When it comes to jumping in  platformer games, there are many ways to make it better with concepts like Coyote Time, Jump Buffering, Faster Fall, Edge Climb etc, you can research these topics and enter a rabbit hole of perfecting platformer jump, but that doesn't take away how smooth and responsive your controls felt
- You could have juiced up the gameplay but adding particle effects when you jumped, landed and destroyed enemies, and the sound effects you implemented did a good job of providing feedback

- Really pretty art kudos to the artists, but the character felt less detailed compared to the environment and you also had a mix of enemy characters that didn't match the art style
- Loved the flag in each stage, I wish you went for a more moving looping background with a parallax effect to overall increase the quality of the experience
- In level 1, the green platforms and the green background somewhat made it hard to distinguish the two, you could have considered the contrast or just slapped an outline on the platforms
- Can I appreciate how clean the UI looks

- If you are going to use an AI-generated voice, at least make it sound African and anyone in the team could have voiced it
- Not a big fan of long expose before the gameplay, but I am also guilty of that crime

Awesome presentation, took me a while to get into but it was really straight forward after

(1 edit)

well polished and quite hard to master, excellent polish, awesome entry for a one man team

Short and very interesting concept wished it had more options... But solid for a 48hour game

I love the gameplay, what assets did you use, can I get a link

Love it

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind review, the diabolical part is the ability to see your opponent's next move

The ability to cheat was our take on the diabolical theme

Next time we should make that more obvious

you can update your rating with this new info

(1 edit)

Love the opening sequence, probably a bit too long that I forgot what it was about

I was expecting a horror game just to find a platformer, that's how spooky it felt 

Great vibe; awesome use of ambient sounds, music, colours and particle effects

The different levels were great platforming challenges
The platformer needed tighter controls

One thing I noticed was you needed to remove your finger from the jump button to make it jump; it should have happened instantly (messed up my jumping aim)

This is a top-class game, with smooth controls and a pretty evil theme

I would say probably too evil, you got probably hit zombies or other cars

The only jank I saw was when you rolled over people, the car would have a hard time moving afterwards (P.S love the way time slows for a bit when you hit someone)

Tons of dialogue, a cute character, an intriguing story, lacking gameplay
Level 2 was unplayable because of the joystick
I think you could have removed combat and made it a purely narrative game where your goal is just to escape

Otherwise love the premise 

From a concept standpoint, the game is pretty awesome

You are a zombie destroying other humans, which is probably very creative
The gameplay is smooth and straightforward with a lot of tapping to kill 

Progression of enemies tells a story of how you are a zombie wreaking havoc

Improvements and Suggestions;
Enemies don't deal constant damage which is weird but works well balancing
Instead of shooting bullets what about you spawn other zombies
You can have other abilities like bombs, missiles
The Graphics is readable but can be improved by adjusting the lighting and a few colour changes

Thanks for the feedback;

The Evil part is that you can see your opponent's next move using the prediction

And you can use this to destroy your opponent

Play the game again with this new knowledge and utterly wreck your opponents

Update your feedback and rating when you are done

Thanks for your feedback and the nice words;

Spells are:
Rage increases your attack power( you start with 20 attack)
Weaken reduces your opponent's power

Spells powered with prediction; you can annihilate the enemy with ease

So you play the game again with this new knowledge

Thanks for the feedback; 

The counter-attack; Block defeats Attack
Attack defeats Grab
Grab defeats Block

You can also reduce the quality settings

Using this new information, you can play the game again and tell us more about your experience thanks

Really cool entry, sorry I cant rate cause I didn't submit

Really love the animation especially the dash and the button hover 

Pretty Hard actually, I see you didn't get time to add some coyote time and other platformer goodness

Chilling Vibes

Awesome game, slow pokes like me go for easy mode

I would have loved a larger hitbox for the button

A short simple awesome experience
I love the African reference
Great lighting for mobile, awesome effects and soundtracks
Nice and minimalist UI that was consistent all through

The most fun part of the game was the boss battles  which had awesome animations
The boss battles felt like they needed two fingers on the screen for me to be effective to defeat them
This is a solid entry, awesome job

Lovely graphics with well-baked lights
Quality polishing and player feedback with the camera shake and damage particles and enemy knockback
Good difficulty curve with enemy variety 
Not much to say than a simple concept executed well
Good entry, would love to see an upgrade shop in the future to add more depth to the gameplay

Lovely concept, I liked the story and theming here,  very educational
the game plays well, has nice controls, lovely graphics
The difficulty progression is decent, at some point, it was very difficult to hit all of them
The icons were pretty self-explanatory on what they do, so great job on that
Wished the earth became blacker as it loses health

And the missiles mechanic is fun to pull off

Wow, this game is an excellent entry
Probably the most fun I had in the game jam
I love the African aesthetic and it seems to have a storyline going on, but that can be explored more
The art is beautiful, and the UI looked good but had some inconsistency, especially in the lose/win menu
A good amount of content was in the game to keep me playing for about an hour trying different relics and characters
It got really difficult at level 6 upwards but it was fun to experiment, the game would benefit from being a roguelike cause had all my stats reset every time went up a level

The polishing of the game is awesome, and the music was good
An issue was the balancing of the levels and relic:
Some relics felt really powerful, and some were too weak 
For example: the blue vial relic does not have a good tradeoff, and the flute is really powerful but you have to be lucky
Shango was the weakest character in my opinion and but it was fun messing around with other characters in different levels where I got stuck
My brain could not calculate some outcomes so having a helping UI would be great

Great entry, love the concept and execution

Lovely art and graphics, really loved the character and enemy designs
UI looked great and cute but inconsistent in some parts, I couldn't see my score and timer cause the colour was blending with the background
Controls felt unnatural but functional, it was a creative twist on the theme with a shooter genre.

I couldn't pass level 9 cause the boss was hard and also the jump  didn't work sometimes
Noticed the google play login and the leaderboard, because I couldn't see my score the leaderboard had less impact on motivation to keep playing 
Great work adding monetization features so we get to see the potential of it being monetizable 
Good entry, the game has the potential to be more fun