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I really enjoyed this game, although my only real complaint is that you don't really know what resources to gather until you die and you also don't know how many resources you have stored up.

Decent game, I would've liked better indicators for tower/enemy health and damage, as I felt too disconnected from the status of the towers, and you get constantly swarmed by endless enemies with no end, which I felt made the story at the beginning a little useless, as you will inevitably die.

I felt like the health was a little overpriced, but other then that the game is really fun!

This game was fun, but challenging. I couldn't figure out what to do with the jello thing, but it was a good idea and it was well implemented.

Thank you for the feedback! :)

Thank you! I wanted to add a help menu or a tutorial or something but I ran out of time, I wanted to save the last day of the jam for bug fixing and balancing but I ended up adding sound effects instead. I enjoyed your game as well. :)

When it said to die at the beginning, I was expecting a troll, and then I fell for literally all of the other ones... wow. Awesome game!

This game was fun, not a lot of content, but it was fun. There wasn't much player interaction, and I went from being bored at 40% with like 1 enemy spawning every second to like 20 enemies at 60% right before anarchy happened. It was very hard to tell if I was winning or losing, but the music was a vibe.

Very nice game! I liked the tile building and the art style, I do feel like it could use a few more things, like moving villagers and telling you the amount of resources you are getting, but overall a very fun game!

The pot throwing mechanic was very satisfying, all the game was really missing was a better sense of direction and a little more content, however, I enjoyed the demo, keep up the good work! (Also when he said that clay was cheap I proceeded to destroy every single pot lol)

Cool game, but very hard. But I shouldn't be complaining.

I really loved this game, so simple, yet so much strategy.

Game concept is good! But like everyone else is saying the player really moves really slow and the boost is not super helpful with that. Over all a fun game. And where have I seen that title before...

Thanks! I was supposed to balance out the game on Saturday, but I instead spent it adding SFX. Lol

Thank you!