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Chris Sutcliffe

A member registered Jun 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was a wonderfully inventive idea, with some great writing and a cool mechanic. I managed to survive until all my peers were dead. I loved the presentation and I loved the writing in the cards.

My one piece of feedback, if you were to take this anywhere, would be to have some kind of change to the cards you get depending on your stats, as this would make it feel like you're moving forward in time.

But yeah, brilliantly dark and fun idea, and I had a lot of fun playing it. Great work!

So this game was just a whole bunch of fun. It was juicy and felt great to play, especially as I sliced my way through walls. The presentation was so on point here, and the movement felt wonderful. I have absolutely no feedback. Great work!

This is a really cool idea for a game that, as you're aware, doesn't quite work. But it's a really inventive use for the dice, and would love to see a version that allows me to kill those damn slime!

This was a great concept, and a very polished game. I loved choosing where my dice went, and I loved how many tactical choices I got. Loved, also, that the UI gave some tips to help the player understand how elements connect against each other.

The only feedback I really have is that adding some kind of mild story would really help. At the moment, it feels like you're playing against the void, and I think your fantastic gameplay would be elevated by the inclusion of an antagonist.

Great work!

This was a wonderful little jam game. It's the perfect size to play quickly, has a wonderful idea at the core, and it's also plays really well. I loved it. Great work!

Thank you so much for playing and leaving feedback. I'm very glad you liked the story and the art.

What a brilliant game! I thought the concept was inventive, the style of the game was beautiful, and it just. felt. SO. satisfying. Everything felt like part of a whole, and it's incredible it was made in two days.

My main feedback is that it would be great to have some kind of points awarded for winning fights. The game kept bringing me back to the build screen, but I never felt the need to chance my build because I didn't want to risk more eyes on my dice.

But boy, if you do make a bigger version of this game, please let me know cos I'll be first in line. Fantastic work!

Thanks so much for playing and for taking the time to leave very detailed feedback. There will be a post-Jam version of the game that addresses some of the points about the mechanics, as it was something we wanted to make clearer but ran out of time on. Glad you liked the art and the writing through.

I really loved the casino vibes of this game, even down to the art deco font! I also thought it felt fun to move your little dice around and slam into the poker chips.

My main minor feedback would be that the camera and the plain green table made it feel like I wasn't moving around, until I was suddenly right at the edge.

But that's a minor gripe, and this is a fun mechanic. Good work!

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you liked the dialogue :)

As I'm sure you're aware, this isn't the only game out there with this puzzle design, but oh boy did you do some great things with theme and adding in extra puzzle elements. I really liked the aesthetics; it makes a big difference to how the game feels compared to just "dice in a void". Good work!

Thanks for much for playing, and yes, our writer really did a lot. There's a post-Jam version of the game coming, which should tweak the difficulty somewhat.

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you liked the story and the characters. We really tried to give them all their own personality.

I had lots of fun with this one. It's a cool idea and it's very polished. If it didn't only have one level, I would think this was a full release of a thing, so great work making this in two days. I loved the magic mechanic and choosing the dice, and would love to see this grow into a larger game. Great work!

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you liked the story. You'll be pleased to hear that there's a post-Jam version coming, with fancier backgrounds and fonts, and a tweaked difficulty. At present, either everyone survives or everyone dies...

While this game is, ultimately, breakout, you've made an incredibly juicy version with some wonderful randomization. It felt a lot of fun to play, so much so that I wanted to get through to the end. It felt very good to get those bricks, and keep all my dice in the air.

If you were planning to expanded, it would be nice to see a few other elements randomize, but this is a fantastic little Jam game. Great work!

Thanks so much! Our artist did some incredible work.

First of all, that opening gave me Spelunky vibes, which is definitely a good thing. The whole game was just so well polished, like you'd had months on it. So, incredible work to your artists. The gameplay was also great, with a lovely dice mechanic that burns out, forcing you to use new weapons. It would be great to see a bit more variety in these, if you're planning an expanded version, but what you had was great!

Wonderful work!

Thanks so much for playing. Glad you liked the characters; we tried really hard to make you care for them.

What a wonderful and very polished puzzle game! I had a lot of fun with this one. The puzzle element had me thinking carefully about my every move, and the sound effects had every move feeling super satisfying. This is one of my favourite games I've played so far. I don't even have any feedback to give, beyond I would love for this to be expanded. Great work!

Thanks so much for playing. There's a post-Jam version on its way, which will have a proper ending (and an ability to skip that opening dialogue in case you want replay and try to keep everyone alive.

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing. Glad you liked the art and the characters; I think our artist and writer did a really good job here.

This is a fun little idea, and a great prototype for something bigger. I thought the monster designed were fun, and music was great, and the core concept has a lot of potential.

My main feedback would be about focusing on the player having agency. Which is hard with randomness, I know, but it often felt like I was hitting attack until I got low on health, and then hitting Item. I very rarely touched "Skill" because it often failed on me. While playing, I thought that maybe Skill should be tied to even numbers or something, to give a 50% chance. But maybe that becomes too powerful and you don't want to use Fight anymore.

Would love to see this idea grow, especially if you can add other classes and a leveling system. There's lots of room to grow. Great work!

Thanks for playing the game! I had a look at your streams and couldn't see you playing the game, but would love to see that if you have a link. Glad you like the art too; I think our artist did a brilliant job. 

As I'm sure you're aware, this isn't the only puzzle game like this in the Jam. However, 1) it means that I was better at it than I expected, and 2) the level of polish here made this game stand out from the others. The dice movement felt great, and (while simple), the sound effect when you match gave me a good dopamine hit.

My only really feedback would be that I didn't quite understand the scoring or the timer. Sometimes I would get a score of 0, for seeming to do the same thing. And was the time connected to my score?

But you've made a very polished puzzle game here. Great work!

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you liked the presentation. Our artist and composer did a fantastic job to bring the world alive.

What a fantastic idea at the core of this: that you can decide what your enemy stats are based on random rolls. This works very wonderfully as a prototype, and would love to see where this could go.

My main feedback would be on little polish details. It would be good to see the fight end instead of jumping straight to a victory screen. It would also be good to see which dice I've already used a bit easier. But these are simple little chances to help develop a very cool game idea. Good work!

Thanks so much for playing and glad you liked the writing. There will be a post-Jam version of the game on its way, and it'll make it a lot harder to skip some of that dialogue you liked so much (and will also have an ending). Keep an eye out, and thanks again for playing and leaving a review!

First of all, kudos for learning a whole new tool the day before a jam! Your game is super cute and has a great idea at the core of it: throwing a wildcard into the mix and seeing how that changes your predicament. I loved the different elements that it affected, and could see loads more if you ever decided to expand the game.

My main criticism is something that would be hard to change with the current mechanic: it's that I could just spam random until I got the solution I wanted. There doesn't seem to be a cost to just pressing S. But I also appreciate that having a cost might end up leaving you in a difficult situation where the game is impossible. It's definitely a game design nightmare.

However, your game was fun and inventive, and I'm very impressed. Great work!

Of course there were other enemies; I'm a fool! There were those nasty dice that came running at me! Also, you're not the only jam entry to to have the scope for a ranged enemy.

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you enjoyed the concept and the writing. As our artist has already said, there is a post-jam version in the works, with some updated UI (and an ending).

This is a fantastic game, and one of my favourites played so far. I loved the central mechanic, I loved the funny writing, and I loved the style of it. So much of it worked so well, and I can see this growing if you wanted to take it further. The core mechanic works so well, it could definitely be expanded.

I have three points of feedback, but please note how minor this feedback is, and appreciate how much I loved the game. This is simply little, easy-to-fix coding suggestions.

1) It felt a little weird to play the game primarily with a mouse, but then have to press space. This could be a mouse click instead.

2) I would have the first button press during dialogue fill the rest of the dialogue, and the next button skip. I unfortunately skipped past a few bits of dialogue

3) The dice tend to scatter outwards, which means that often the numbers show right at the edge of the screen. I would have some kinda invisible wall come in to effect to keep the dice somewhat centralized.

But, as mentioned, these are super minor points in a game that is genuinely brilliant. Fantastic work!

Thanks so much for playing, and glad you liked the art and the dialogue. There's a post-jam version coming with an ending, so keep an eye out for that. It'll also make it easier to see what outcomes your decisions have, so you'll be able to keep people alive. :)

What an ingenious game and wonderfully executed idea. Everything worked for me: the simple colours, the relaxing music, the really interesting (and fast decision) gameplay. Like, I try to give feedback on everything I play, but I'm at a loss for what to say. It is just a perfect version of what it is: a lovely, inventive jam game. Incredible work!

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed the game. There is a post-jam version that is closer to a full game, and will have a proper end to the story, so keep an eye out!

So I was fascinated to play the game that had (almost) the same name was ours. I loved that it was a completely different idea, with some lovely colourful graphics and cute little sprites.

My main feedback would be about the difficulty. I just couldn't get my little poker chip to survive very long, but loved the style and the different challenges thrown at me. Good work!

Thanks so much for playing and glad you liked the style and the story. A post-jam version is on its way, with a proper ending, some clearer direction on the decisions you make, and improved UI. Keep an eye out!

This was a very calming and cute experience, that ended way too soon. I was just getting the hang of the mechanics and then the game was over! Would love more, especially growing the mechanics more. But I loved the music, I thought the sound and graphics were just right for the genre, and I thought the puzzles were pretty well-thought out.

Basically, great work!

This is one of my favourite games that I've played so far in the jam. The mechanics are beautifully simple, but play really nicely into the game, forcing you to adapt to the weapons given. Also, the fact that you have to pick up gold to progress is also a lovely way to encourage players to get into harms way.

My only feedback is likely something you've already thought about and couldn't do because of time, but I think the game would be great with some more enemy variety. But I could genuinely see this becoming a bigger, fuller, game.

In summary: I loved it. Great work. (I even forgot to mention to cute little character and animation)