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Diced SoulsView game page

A top-down 3D action game about love.
Submitted by alwaysawake — 2 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

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We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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So this game was just a whole bunch of fun. It was juicy and felt great to play, especially as I sliced my way through walls. The presentation was so on point here, and the movement felt wonderful. I have absolutely no feedback. Great work!


I'm sensible of motion sickness and sadly I couldn't play for too long your game, but! I could play more than enough to feel what the game is about/how to play (and die :D).

Just before I forget, maybe I didn't find it, but it'd have been cool to have a keyboard shortcut to continue between levels (and if there's one, add it on screen then I guess :p) and I agree on the F key too.

The game is really juicy, I had quite a few questions about things happening, mostly understood everything except that red dice and now after reading the comment, I get what happened :D.

The feeling of stabbing/dashing was really great, I find myself happy to see an enemy => "STAB YOU". It's just really satisfying to play, you feel strong and powerful, well done!


I like the way the blade placement makes combat into a sort of frantic dance, it was pretty fun! As others have noted, a lot of stuff isn't communicated very clearly, I didn't really understand what the enemies were supposed to be. If you make a post-jam update, please add an option to turn down camera shake too! I look forward to playing it some more.


Thanks so much for playing and giving feedback! Glad you had fun. The frantic nature of the combat is what it’s all about! Definitely some colour changes and updates to the design are in need when I update. Appreciate the time you took to play, rate, and review. Cheers :D


Really fun and satisfying game! I think a bit more of a tutorial would have helped but had a great time with this one overall :)


Glad you enjoyed your time playing my game! More to come after the jam :D


it feels satisfying and it looks really good. The red dice are confusing but it's overall interesting and cool to play!


I’ve learned my lesson on using red for pickups (unless they are health hearts!). Thanks so much for playing, glad you had fun. Keep an eye out for updates.


I liked the way combat works in this game. That you just dash through the object and spam WASD to deal damage. This gameplay mechanic has some potential. I somehow feel even more engaged with the battle. But its actually is the main problem wih the game. Although it feels great - its hard to conrol. Even when you scale up - you die everytime. I dunno, maybe I should've taken safer approach, but I couldn't resist :D Visually its simple, but the particle effects and pp does their job. Its so satisfying to look at. Overall, really enjoyed your project. Great job.


Thank you for playing :D I’m glad you enjoyed the game! There is a trade off to being big, but it’s worth it for the extra range and the feeling of power. I really wanted the player to think about how to maneuver with their knives attached so it makes for some interesting battles. It’s got a long way to go as a mechanic (I’ve added guns btw), so we’ll see where it takes me.


At least there is enough juice things and particle effects!

Some of my gripes is that color coding is not thought out too well, I did not understand I should get red dices cause they looked dangerous. Very little trial and error and I learned that, so it is not too big problem. Also I think control layout should be spread bit, it is hard to use WASD and dash with F. Some kind of two handed solution, or dash into Shift would work better I think.

But all in all, this is relatively well playing game with pretty high fun factor. 


Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you enjoyed your play through! Good point on the colour for the red dice, originally the player die was red so it made a bit more sense to interact with them initially, but I switched it to black just before submission because it looked a bit more menacing (if that’s a word you can use to describe dice). I also ran out of primary colours for things lol, I might just play around with white/black tones and see how that translates.

Definitely noticed that the dash on the ‘F’ key is a bit janky without using two hands, so I’ve switched that on the post-jam update to the left shift. I’m still deciding whether or not I implement a jump or run so it might just end up on spacebar if I don’t include those abilities.

Appreciate you taking the time to play and review!


Really nice effects! The dashing and the slashing both felt satisfying. Great work!


I’m so glad you had fun playing my game, I had fun making it! The dash and slash combo is so much fun, I really wanted to empower the player as soon as possible by not limiting the abilities and power ups. Just a smashing, dashing, and slashing action fueled time. Appreciate your comment and time playing, look out for a significant update post-jam!


High intensity gameplay with really fun flashy animations. Would love to see where you would take this even further with some more time after the jam. Good job!


Thanks for playing :D I wanted to really focus on smooth controls, effects, and sound for this jam. I’ve already fixed small bugs, added some UI sounds, and a new weapon. I’m also going to have some new levels completed, so when the jam ends, keep an eye out!


Controls you nailed I think, feels good. 


Nice game, very fluid and energetic , good use of particles , enemy's look awesome too. Didnt get the different colored doors to much though, why some I could break through and others I couldn't. Either way a lot of potential for a larger game with or without the dice!


Thanks for playing! The coloured doors were to add a bit of variety to an otherwise pretty standard base game. Orange for automatic doors, pink for dashing through, and blue for destructible. They also act as barriers for triggering the AI, so you can either skirt around their interactions to avoid them or go all out. I’m really pleased you enjoyed the gameplay, the effects and audio really make a big difference to the game’s feel. I’ve already cleaned everything up and added a few extra features for after the jam. Appreciate your time playing and reviewing, cheers.


the presentation is top-notch. pretty fun game, good job!


had a weird bug where I could only move down.  The die would move up on its own and I could only force it to go down by pressing s.  Could not move left or right, which stopped me from progressing past the first little section.  great looking aesthetic though.


It’s shame you got stuck, especially at the first level. You missed out on all the juicy goodness. Did you restart the level? There’s a pause menu to do that. Would love to know where or how it happened so I can fix it. Was a controller plugged in or controller mapping software running while you were playing?

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Yeah it looks really interesting and I'd love to play it, regardless of the jam.  I actually unplugged everything I have plugged into my computer just to be sure, restarted the level, the game, and my computer, and no matter what i did I just could not take control of the dice.  I also just tried it again right now and had the same issue.   I also tried playing a few different games now to see if its a problem on my end, but nothing else I'm playing has a similar 'button held' issue, which makes me think its not a problem on my end.  Sorry about that, not trying to be a pain at all. 

Edit:  also just deleted and redownloaded and had the same issue.  Sorry about that


Thanks for going to the effort of troubleshooting, I’m going to have a tinker and see if there’s anything I can find that’d cause this. As far I can tell the system is pretty robust but it might be my implementation of the new Unity input system :( Appreciate your time! Cheers


Ok after playing through some other games I noticed I was having the same issue in games made with Unity.  After doing some digging I figured out the issue, theres something wrong with the driver I have for controllers, even though I'm not using one, thats causing a constant up input (but only on games made in unity for some reason).  Disabling this driver fixed things though, so I wanted to come back and change my feedback.

Fantastic work.  The effects youre using are really well done.  The combat was a little tricky, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  Good job!


Really simple and fun game! The feedbacks are very pleasing on the eyes


Took me a few tries to get ahold of the combat mechanics and pass the second level. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. This could be a really cool concept to build upon into a larger game. Felt just like the name suggests - dark souls but you're a die. 


Thanks so much for playing! I hope you had as much fun as I did making it. I’m pretty keen to keep adding to it as there’s quite a few interesting ways it could be improved. I only thought I was going to have enough time for the tutorial, and as you can tell from the last level it was just slapped together from bits that I made in like twenty minutes lol. I actually added more systems than I could implement in the allotted time including a jump ability, guns (which I really regret not getting into the submission), other enemies, and couch co-op. If not this game, then another very similar one. The combat mechanic was way more interesting than I thought it would be. Appreciate the feedback. Watch this space!


Very flashy! Waaaaay too many enemies though, at least on the first level; the mechanics of only being able to damage them with knives on sides of the dice is cool, but it only works when you can navigate around them.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Great point on the enemies. I spent most of my time making menus and thinking of ideas, so I had very little time to actually design levels, which lead me to being overzealous and giving them too much health and power. It does go from zero to one hundred pretty quickly after the tutorial, but that’s mostly because of time constraints and I’ve played one too many top down roguelikes recently. I wanted a more gradual introduction to enemies and different traps, I even have co-op ready to go and guns, but that’ll have to come in a later iteration or different form of game. Hope you had fun either way, much appreciated.