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A member registered Apr 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for listening!

Its so cool how I can recognize that its celeste, yet it sounds so unique, and completely different from the original!! I love the variations of the leitmotif! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Wow, both of these give off that happy - no care in the world - vibe, like nothing is going to stop you from having a good time. Absolutely incredible!!

This was such a fun listen! Even with limitations it sounds so full! Thanks for sharing!!

The first one is so soothing!! I feel like I could just melt away. Had it on repeat for a while too! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

I love how the charm of the original is still very much there, and yet the instrumentation is all synthy (sort of reminds me of risk of rain 2). Thanks so much for sharing!!

This is so catchy!! I love the vibe you were able to achieve! Thanks so much for sharing!!

This is such a cool groove! Thanks for sharing!!

God of War trying to escape hades. Really cool submission!!

I love the quantity of references you've been able to put in! So much fun listening to it all, thanks so much for sharing!!

This was a really fun listen!! The atmosphere created was really good, and the quantity didnt take away from the quality at all. Thanks so much for sharing!!

Wow. Really impressive how many tracks you've been able to make. 2 hours later and I can say that I enjoyed all of them! Thanks so much for sharing!

Man, I could totally see myself standing on a mountain, listening to this track, and just enjoying the scenery for at least 5 minutes. You really nailed the feeling. Thanks for sharing!

Wow, this was really cool! I hadnt heard Dark Rebirth yet, and so didnt know how it went, so I was kind of hoping that you would suddenly turn it into rock or metal at both 1:35 and 2:31, due to Death by Glamour being very upbeat. After listening to Dark Rebirth though, I understood that it wasn't about it being badass but more spooky. So I listened to yours again with that mindset, and wow. You totally nailed that feeling. Really impressive!!

Thanks so much! As you said the original is a joke song, so I thought it would be fun to see if it were more serious in a future setting. Glad it worked out that way!

This is really cool! For me it almost feels like the middle section is a flashback. You have the buildup, which suddenly drops into something new, and then when that section ends, its like we're right back where we left off before that, with similar instrumentation. I tried clicking to the 3rd section right as the first one ends, and it totally works, which I find super cool! Thanks for sharing!!

Thank you!!

This sounds like it could fit within the soundtrack no problem. The instruments are so celeste its insane. I love the long buildups you've been able to do, always making it more and more intense, until the drums kick in. Thanks for sharing!

Love the vibe!

I love the energy of this song! Really cool submission!!

Really cool! I love the vibe you've created. I can see something like this played at a lounge easily. Nice submission!

I love the variety of quality songs you've made!! Really impressive! It was a joy to just sit back and melt away to this. Thanks for sharing!!

Ooh, I like the idea of slowing down the high pitch to a transition. That could sound really cool! Thanks so much for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind for next time!

Thanks for the comment, glad you picked up on the avatar theme sprinkled in there!

These are really cool! You said that the best feedback for you would be to see what you're aiming at, (0:39 in Under the Mountains Dark and Tall). I like this part a lot! Something that I personally don't like is that the song develops very slowly, and to me never becomes "warlike". Its more a sad slow song, but from what I can tell its not what you envisioned. I think the main reason I interpret it like this is because it sounds like the funeral march, with the background instrument on every beat following the chord, and the vocals following a similar pattern to the funeral march, of starting on the 4th beat, long note on the first, more melody on the 4th and then another long note on the next first. Again this works really well in the beginning to build tension in my opinion, but it becomes very sad over extended period of time.

At 1:55 you change it up, and make it more "warlike", but then it goes away again at 2:00. In my opinion to make a song "warlike" you need a melody that is proud, you need an anthem that people can yell when running into battle.

A dumb example is diggy diggy hole. Its not really what you are aiming for, as yours is a lot more vocals based, and very drum light, and also not as happy and slower (yeah I guess it really isnt what you are aiming for), but the chorus is proud (and its about dwarves).

Small nitpick about the drums, making it louder is good, but it might have been better to change the pattern, and have more hits, rather than one louder one.

Either way it still sounds really nice, Im just nitpicking, and if the effect you mean by "warlike" is sad (like aftermath of war) you can disregard most of what I said. Really cool entry!!

WOW! This is so cool! Love the section at 1:44 to 2:05! A bit of feedback Id give is that, although the crash works in that section, it gets really repetitive, especially always having the delay. It might sound better if you were to do something cool with the rhythm of it. You sort of do this in the following section, where the crash is a lot more interesting, but I would still tune down the reverb in that section. This is a really minor nitpick though, and overall it sounds super cool!

Thanks for the feedback!

Damn, I completely missed the opportunity for a belted out "Secret Tunnel" in the second part, didnt I. Yeah that would have been so cool! Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you!

Yay! Another Avatar submission! I love the way you framed it from the perspective of Uncle Iroh. It felt like I just watched the whole show again. Absolutely stunning, thanks so much for sharing!

This is so sick! Headbanged all the way.

This is super cool! Ive had this song stuck in my head since Edgerunners, so slightly biased, but its super cool hearing it in a more rock remix. Love the change you did to the ending as well! Thanks so much for sharing!

Cool entry! Personally I find some of the instruments too loud, and it gets a bit repetitive, but its cool hearing Dead Cells in an electronic vibe!

Love the big orchestral sound you've managed to create!!

Really groovy vibe! Super cool submission!

This was super cool! I loved the small little details everywhere, really brings the pieces together. Super cool entry!!!

Loved the wheel that never stops. The beginning is so timid yet adventurous, and then 1:14 hits and its just so good. Really cool entry!!

This is super cool! It reminds me of the in other waters soundtrack, which was also a calming game on an ocean, so it fit perfectly in my opinion. Really well done!!!

Wow, Starfall is so magical, definetley my favorite track of the playlist. Really cool entry!

This is so cool, I love the piano work that you did, super cool entry!!!!