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TriPaw Games

A member registered Mar 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Excellent onboarding and ramping up of difficulty in level design. Simple idea, but presented well. Could have used a satisfying sound and/or visual effect when completing a level.

Nice job!

Nice amount of different mechanics. The jumping felt good and when I lost, it always felt like my fault rather than unfair game balancing. Nice work!

(1 edit)

Excellent visuals and audio design. All of it meshed very well with each other and felt like a retro sidescroller with appropriate level of difficulty. I wish there was more to the rolling/reloading mechanic. It seemed like the less shots you had, the more powerful they were so it felt balanced, but that also made me not care what I rolled. Maybe if each shot was more varied depending on what you rolled would have been cooler, but that's asking for a lot in an already awesome Game Jam game. Overall, great job!

Simple, easy to understand gameplay. Very basic right now since everything is just +2 to damage or to health, but I can see some potential here for combining items with others in the slot reels for multiplier bonuses. Nice job!

Excellent presentation. The artwork for this game is gorgeous and cohesive. The gameplay was easily understandable but got repetitive very quickly. It was nice that it counted successive completion of missions, but I didn't feel any sense of progression or need to keep playing more than a few times. The spawn locations of all 4 types of items/enemies also remained the same so it was easy to know where to go no matter what your challenge. I can see the potential for this as some kind of rogue-like though, where you gain new abilities but vastly different challenges as you progress.

Felt a little bit more random than strategic, but I kept playing anyway so that's saying something. I was rescued by stayed for an extra 5 days anyway and then died of starvation. Good job!

Yup, that's a known issue. We had fixed it but it didn't get into the final build due to time :(  Thanks for playing though!

Easy to pick up and understand, but really nice introduction to new mechanics each level. I really really wish I could have used the NumPad instead to control the die. Great job though!

Not bad at all! Laser puzzles are pretty common, but the addition of the dice and how you have to face them different ways, combine them with other ones, that made it enjoyable.

Thanks so much! <3
Specifically the Kill Number for the mites was 4 because that's a homonym for "death" in Chinese and Japanese.

It seems very simple at first, but has a surprising amount of depth to it! A lot at play here with the matching of the colors, getting streaks, and multipliers. Might be easy to just keep jumping on whatever platform, but you'd never rocket up to the high score that way. Very addicting! This could easily just be launched on mobile right now.

Good aesthetics to this game. Very simple to understand, and pick up and just play. I appreciate that in a game jam game. Like many other games in this jam that use an isometric view with dice though, I wish there was better UI to show me what was on the sides of the die I couldn't see.

Satisfying cutting mechanics. Very clever gameplay. I'll be playing this one again!

Not quite sure what to make of this one. Interesting mechanics, but I could never launch the dice correctly into enemies. Good art style and direction, but the grainy filter was a little distracting. I'm seeing the potential here though. Nice job!

It's difficult to get a good score in the game. I've never seen above a 3 star review! Harsh critics, haha. But that's not the point of the game. The random elements were hilarious and to be able to put that many effects, gameplay modifiers, graphics, etc. in this short timeframe was incredible. Captures working in a big team with too many ideas perfectly.

People keep comparing this game to Tron and Snake. I don't know what they're talking about. Seriously though, great fun. It's a super simple concept but has a great strategy. Obviously there's some luck aspect to it, but it feels more strategic than just straight luck.

Straight up excellence. The cutest game hands down in this entire jam. I laughed, I cried, I mostly laughed. If this game doesn't make top 20 I will riot.

The random guns were great, but could have used a bit of balancing. Stage as well because it was hard to get away from enemies while in the middle of rolling. But I played for quite a bit so that's saying something!

Great presentation, obviously! Was a joy to look at. Fun mechanic with the modification of your abilities and having the option to 3-star every level. I had a little bit of a hard time with the platforming though. The side to side movement felt a little bit slippery to me, making many of my deaths feel punishing from the game side rather than my own fault.

Great onboarding and great sense of evolution with the mechanics in each level. I'd say the only real issue I had with it was on the art side. The simplistic art style worked, but I wish the player character was a different color to help more easily distinguish it from the rest of the environment.

Feels a little QWOPish at times with the silly, unique control scheme (that is a compliment, by the way). Was a little hard to see some of the controls, especially when something is in the way. If you know a die well, you can figure it out, but otherwise it's guess work or a process of elimination which doesn't feel good in a time based game.

Very cute design. The menu system felt a little clunky and slowed down the gameplay a lot. Had a lot of trouble in level 2 getting the box across the bridge. It kept getting stuck. Nice job otherwise!

Cutest main character ever. Great controls and lots of potential for more features. I wish there was more with the dice theme, like your speed/efficiency gives you more reels in the slot machine at the end for bonus points. But I also like that it was in defiance of luck :)

Loved the art style and visual effects, but wish the view was a little wider/further away to see more enemies. The abilities were definitely cool but it was a little bit annoying how you basically only had a couple of shots before you had to move away and then you'd get a different ability. The wider view would have helped with that. Very fun though.

Seen a lot of these types of puzzle games during this jam, but I like the presentation on this one. The sound and animations were very satisfying. Super clean and clear art style.

Aesthetics were great. Totally felt like playing an old school paper RPG, especially with the checklist UI. It took a little bit to understand but I totally appreciate that you took the time to make a tutorial video, that really helped. I played for longer than I thought I would so good job!

Great artwork and presentation. The UI was very clear on what was bad and the size of the dice area. I spent a lot of time finishing all of the levels, partly because the height of the jump could use some boosting, but also because I was impatient and loved trying to jump on the dice as they were moving. Good stuff!

5/5 on the physics alone. I had fun with this one.

As others have mentioned, the controls and camera angles were a little bit janky but that's part of the fun with jam games. I laughed, I had a good time. That's all that matters.

Wow, what a blast. Presentation was spot on and gameplay was very frantic fun. Balance of the weapons in terms of damage, speed, and ammo capacity felt just right. I especially loved that the sniper rifle could be targeted so precisely. Great job!

Physics of the dice movement feel great. Variety of the weapons is awesome. They all feel great and unique and I had fun using all of them no matter what I rolled.

Great sound effects. I love the variety of things that can be done and the progression. The simple visuals worked, but definitely could have used more polish to help differentiate things and make it feel more juicy.

Easy to pick up and play, but didn't really have any sense of progression or excitement. Could have used more elements to keep it feeling fresh.

Decent strategy mechanics with your attack distance and friendly fire. Character art is awesome! Wish the gameplay was a little faster with the menu system. Maybe the attack menu opens up closer to where you're clicking?

Just super duper presentation. Cute art, great music, great sound and visual effects. The randomness feels good to the gameplay rather than feeling like you got cheated.

SUPER satisfying visual and audio feedback. Balance and pacing is pretty awesome, challenge is just right. Only real feedback I have right now is I wish the shield lasted like 1 second longer to feel more useful.

Oh yeah, that's some good stuff right there. The art is super simple, but hits the right spot. Superb level design. Obviously could use more levels, but I saw that you ran out of time for that. Hope to see more of this!

Great art and music. Love the variety of powers. I'm a big sucker for satisfying feedback, so I'm kind of sad that there wasn't any sound effects or much visual for attacks/taking damage. Wasn't in due to time constraints I'm sure, but definitely would have upped the enjoyment for me. Nice job!

Starts out as horrifically cute and then that ending ended up being a horrific. In a good way. What a great ending!

Great presentation, interesting strategy to the gameplay. I wish there was more audio and visual feedback for attacks, but I understand if that stuff couldn't make it in because of time constraints. Nice one!