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A member registered Jun 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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I like the combat mechanics, the graphics overal and all seems so well made, the special effects are specially cool to me, I rate graphics and controls over the rest but all is cool, also if you have time please check my game, thanks!

Love it. The game looks (besides the simple shapes and geometry) and feels great, UI, music and filters you use create so distinctive and relaxing look of the game, that I couldn't fall in love with it.

But in the bosses there is a one problem that I want to address, bullet pickups. You NEED to make a way to restore bullets in another way then just step on them, maybe the sniper shot would restore some persent or magnet all the bullets in some range, but now you just neet to constantly jump like madman from the blue triangle, parry with no reward whatsoever orange shapes, dont get too close because this game(of course) has contact damage and watch you back because every shotgun shot can blast you onto the red lasers on the arena that rally hard to hear\see in the heat of battle AND pickup a small portion of bullets in those 2 seconds that you are on the ground, because if you stay longer - you screwed. And all off that with no room for any mistake. I know it's gotta be hard and challenging, but this is too much. 

But with fixes and little more content it would be so fun and cool game.

On of the best submissions, but really, really punishing.

So unique and surreal, I just speechless about all that associated with visuals. It's so  distinctive and polished to perfection that there is really not much to say.

As to the gameplay... I really didn't get it, after I read some comments here I got back to the game just to bash the RMB on the tetrahedron and nothing really happened. Clearer impact on the main boss would be really appreciative. The movement is also really cool, but the turning on the left and right need a little adjusting, really caused a small headache after the 15 minutes of play. But with tweaking and fixing I assure you it would be a masterpiece.

Really looking forward to se this project grow!

Проект просто пушка, когда я увидел как молния вырисовывает силуэт деревьев в дали у меня реально челюсть упала. Скрытый гем.

(1 edit)

Doesn't work. On the first dialog after the "YACK my life" game just freezes and I can't do anything to unfreeze it.  

The car feels nice and responsive. Love the concept of the game, but now the UFO is really stupid and you can just circle around it. Also, the music is really hurts my ears (

Really cool game, enjoyed it a lot. Intro is fire! 

Nice little game, but very cheeseble by accident, I just ran to the boss shooting everywhere and noticed I can just shoot the boss from outside the arena and they got damaged.

Lack of somewhat compelling ending is a little sad too, but overall really not bad!

Jump is really bad and I clipped under the map 5 times on the bee boss, the bubble worm is fine but he just disappeared after the 40% hp threshold. Sad (

Great game it's unbelievable how much work was put into it, it's really impressive for the done period of time! I'm really not a fan of the retro- retro game (more of a game from 90-ish), but even I got sucked into it! The quality is all over the top in all the details, even the annoying one's (air control and tough as nails bosses).

Super cool, love it!

Good game but really could benefit from some invuln moves or some kind of ranged attack. Also really sad that you can't just hold the LMB and swing the blade all the time, but oh well. Nice game, quite hard, but has a lot of charm in it!

Love the art style, music and humor, but the main gameplay after the computer boss gets hella repetitive and the last boss is really rushed jugging by the attacks and the story panels before the last two bosses, ending was funny.

Good game, but chips on the all bosses after first are weaker in my opinion comparetably the first set of two so the exchange mechanic really missed me here.

Would love to see more!

That was a game I guess? I see the vision behind this game, but the realisation is really, really rough. Art is really expressive, but there is not much behind that art.

Hope you can finish the game after jam!

After the first launch when I refreshed the page game stopped working(opera GX here). The first boss is a little confusing and couldn't damage him at all. Like the artstyle tho.

Nice little game, the art is quite charming but there are some little problems with the boss mechanics.

The main one is the second boss, it's good that it teaches players how to dash, but besides that it is really easy and the rocket is a joke, because you always destroy it right after he launches it. When I picked the rocket after the boss it was as weak as in the actual bossfight but now it sometimes were bugging out and phased through the monke.

But besides that - really nice game! 

Crazy good game! Really nailed it on the whole gravitation gimmick, very intuitive in action and gives the player so much freedom!

The boss is cool, but phases transitions a little rushed and not really noticeable. The weapons eschange is a little unnecessary and weapons are really similar to one another so the "charges" could be done a little smarter in the game designing sense (maybe ammo or charges for the blade?).

But the art is good, boss even if it only one here is super polished and game is really, really fun! Great job!

Cool demo really liked it though not familiar with the genre and was going into it with a little skepticism. But the art is nice, music and sounds are really lacking in this game (Played up till the last boss, but got dealt a really messy hand on the last 30 hp and died, but it was fun!

The only complaint besides the absence of sound and maybe lack of rogue-like elements (like in Spire) or some kind of additional genre is exchange button, when you press it there is no option to not pick an option, I just can't cancel it back to my hand even if didn't choose an option yet, really set me up on the golem boss.

Cool submission!

It's really hard to pinpoint what really disappointed me after the first playthrough.

The XCOM like tiling is good for a turn based game, but there is a severe lack of exposition and maybe a text tutorial on what team member's unique strengths and weaknesses are? The idea of some kind lab rats in SCP-like base trying to escape is really cool, but proper guide and some visual cues of how to approach different foes would be really helpful and without it game feels really hostile to the new player. Great idea, hope after the jam your team will really expand on it.

With some tweaking it would be a great game! 

Really cool little game! Had a lot of fun in it, but ecchange mechanic was fully understood only on the last boss, but maybe I'm just stupid) graphics style and animations are super cute and polished.

The game is really accessible and little brick guy feel's super responsive. Great submission, love it!

Really love the movement in this one, spent more time in the lobby mastering the parkour then in the actual game, but it's not particularly a good thing for a couple of  reason's...

Firstly the enemies they are really spongy and really doesn't look like a bosse's, more of a level hazard, the endless pits with respawn above another abyss is more dangerous than them. Boons are also really weak and in  my opinion  and only make gameplay harder, not more fun or challenging, just harder(like the slow big bullet that's becoming unusable on the fast cube after the couple of cycles). 

The movement and the game flow on the other hand are magnificent, everything starting from main hub, arenas, location with artefacts, music and graphics is phenomenally cohesive and soooooo stylish. This game has so much character and passion put into it that makes me really mourn  the unintuitive at all base of movement tech(the tutor about holding space would save me 20 minutes of learning the mega-jump) and really boring shooting part. 

With this vision you have but extrapolated on the shooter aspect of the game, it would be one of the best new age movement shooters, but even now it's really fun to just be in the game, not really fun to play as intended.

Really good implementation of the theme! I like the overall visual style even if it is a little generic, but it's still charming in a way.

Controls feels good, the music is nice too, the main problem to me is the main strength of the game - the 3 in row genre of games, but that's really my personal preference that not really a downside of the game in any way! Good game!

Ahahaha, that's fire man ) Thank you so much for the review!

Arena fights are not bad, but I think I broke the game somehow and after the second time I've picked the gun it oneshoted every mob with unlimited ammo)
But it was fun even if I didn't fully understand why should I exchange my weapons and how they better than the ones I have already. The graphics are good but the filter makes it a little too muddy for my taste, maybe it's your vision.

Cool game, was nice to play through)

Like the idea of deck building, but there are some really annoying flaw's in the system that really ruins the fun of the loop.

The main reasons are really strictive resource system with really slow recovering dashes and mana. The artifacts are nearly useless if you didn't pick up any cards first. But the bosses are fun and if you choose the 3 card path and only spam laser and focus on the mana management it becomes more feasible.

But artsyle is cohesive and charming in a way, character feels overall good. Cool game!

Cool little game with a great implementation of the exchange theme! Really like most of the weapons, the spear is most satisfying to wield. The vulnerable dash is the main thing that was ruining the fun for me and on the second and third boss not really helping to dodge their attacks.
The difficulty spike on the third arena is too much for me, so sadly I didn't finish the game, but it's good and with a little tweak in balance it would be great!

The lack of music is really disappointing and hit's the atmosphere a bunch. The controls on the keyboard are really messed up (Q for left D for down, S for the right and X for UP???!). But the sprite work and feedback of the strikes is great so with more accesability and polish it would be a great game!

Game has a lot of potential as for a demo prototype. Platforms that you can place are really cool mechanic that gives players a lot of freedom in gameplay!

The bosses are looking kinda goofy and there is a real mismatch of platforms and background textures and style with the bosses texture, but for the most part it's not that crucial.

Interesting game with a really cool ideas!

Presentation is pretty cool in this one! Love the UI and filters you used, sound are also on point. The bullets spread feels a little too not effective, as if you wanted player to be weaker with this pattern(the 5 straight shots would be much more satisfying). Good game, very charming and polished!

Nice little game with a charming spritework! Music is really good touch and reminds me of the ones that playing in the actual molls where I go) Cool game, maybe the arena is little too empty on the last boss.

Thank you for the feedback! Really appreciate it!

Not my type of games, but I can't say that it was real quality gaming.
Didn't fully understand how all of the exchange and gold system works but maybe I was just neglectful enough to the tutorial).
Overall great visuals and sounds(music maybe was too nagging for my taste) and really cool system that can really grow into the successful big project! Best of luck!

Thanks for the feedback!

Cutscene should be skippable, not sure what you meant by that, but otherwise the second boss really punishing is you didn't use mush of a RMB attack that lifts him in the air and combo him there, also the airslump tech when you purposefully whiff two attacks in the air stailling yourself, so you could deal third attack on your way down and knock him down.

He is really challenging and for our shame gives not much of an audio visual cues of when to dodge his armoured kick and shotgun blast.

Sorry for inconvenience (

Funny cat game. Like the track and interfaces but the boss feels a little bit too repetative and echange mechanic is not that intuitive and really helpful. Love the MC design, simple but charming. Sounds of impact and overall lacking( 
Good start, really looking forward to further development nad growth of the project!

WOW, what a great game! Awesome sprites, bosses, artwork of the backgrounds, upgrades that really matter and music, thats the most insane part - original soundtrack with 3+ good tracks and really fitting too!

The only complaint is that with our progress and upgrades - the challange not really building up, the last boss was by far the easyest and died really fast with all the buffs I got.

More bosses, more upgrades, MORE , MORE, MOOOORE! 

Great game, love it! 

Penguin are great, but the game really needs more polish.

The lacking animations on the gargoyles are really lacking and all the hammers/maces in the game are not usable at all (they are too slow and dealing not much more damage in return). The graphics are fine, the character really responsive but some times when I would pick up a new rapier it would only trust backwards.

Good game, but really rough execution.

Love the voiceacting and the setting of the game! Really cool bosses and exchange mechanic feels good, for the most of the time...
It was a big mistake to give stock weapons limited ammo, they are weak, really not that accurate and have 15 bullets each?! And worst of all, if you ran out of them(which really easy to do) and didn't  cut off the weapons with those joke of a guns(which is similary really easy to do) you are forsed to start the boss all over again!

Really screwed me up, but the mainloop was really fun and more mecha games are always better!

One of the best implementations of the theme I saw, at least one of the most fun! The art and sound's a little rough on the edges, but with more time I'm shure it will be even better.

The closing gates at the start of the level are cool artistic touch, but they glitched on me couple of times ( sometimes they didn't open fully, only one part slided, the second time they didn't open at all!).

But overall nice little game.

Very strange game for sure. Music and enemies are really off-putting and seems like to etierly different project, but the main gameplay is quite fun so it doesn't really irritate.

The main characters are good, but don't really feel different... Encountered bug on every playthrough I got some white screen filter that stayed permanently, also after I beat waves the black book is no longer active, so there is no choice at all. The wording is little misguiding as well, it took me a couple of waves to understand what "charging" means, and what is "superjump" is still mystery to me)

But the idea is fun and with the proper polish it would be a great project!

Pixelart is nice even if I'm not really into it. Bosses (becides third, it just a heart icon lol) are cool looking, EVA angels vibes. Character feels really responsive.

Boons after the bosses are really confusing, it's says about some kind on fire damage, but I (seemingly) don't have any kind of firedealing attacks, the shooting buff, but I can't even shoot? Maybe the lack of time, but it's the only dowside for me - the buffs that you can get really not worth the HP penalty. 

But becides that, the game  is pretty neat!

Sadly there is only one boss in the game, and he doesn't do much. Second weapon that you can buy feels just the same. Art is nice, but movement os too restrictive and impact of the shots is little weak.

Hope you will update this game in the future!

Good project loved the exchange mechanics and artsyle in general! Great MC spritework and animations.

The main issue was the bugs on entering the new area, I just got stuck offscreen all the time I went on the left or right from the main hub, right after the previous arena. Also the exchange of elements on the right whitch was a little  slow(the orbit should be a little smaller, the third element many times offscreen during the fight and tutorial).
And the game is too short, really wanted to play more!

Great project.