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A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really appreciated the check point and level select system, nice quality of life feature. I thought the level design and enemy patrol patterns were well done and offered a fun challenge. I think there is some conflicting art styles going on between the characters and environment art. Also I would have liked to see some more feedback when you completed a level. Overall well done, there is a nice bit of polish and good gameplay here.

Excellent entry. Core mechanic was interesting and the level design allowed me to explore it to its full potential. Impressed with the large amount of varied content, I can tell you guys worked hard on this! Noticed a few little bugs like the sword getting stuck in the throw state and would have liked to see more visual feedback (like a health bar or something) for the Boss.

(2 edits)

5 Star game in every category as I feel it is a complete, polished, beautiful, and fun game. The amazing creativity of the world building is bolstered by the game design and visuals. Very much appreciated all of the references to the community. 

I may be a little biased lol but even without the GDFG references this game could stand on its own. With more content, and commercial level polish I could see this working well in the the retro games market. Would be really cool to see this on a Gameboy or playdate!

Very tight and well done core mechanics and level design. The interesting core mechanic was explored to its full potential and had some really satisfying moments. Would have liked to see an actual bullet or shell for the projectile to match the rest of the games wonderful graphics. 

Judging just the core mechanic as its clear the rest is incomplete.

The movement of the ship is has a good amount of momentum and weight and I thought was done well. Its packaged in nice graphical effect with the headlights and cave environment. Would have liked to Seen some kind of direction indicator so I knew where to go as i got the sense the game is more about dodging the walls rather than figuring out where to go.

I had fun with this game and thought it was nicely polished with extra features such as the leaderboard. I would have maybe stuck with the genre norm spacebar for the jump, as I think that added some clunky-ness to the controls. 

Well presented and polished game. Made solving math problems fun with the right amount of tension. The one UI critique I have is that the health bars should have maybe been on the lower part of the screen where the math boxes are. Sense the player is so hyper focused on the math box, you cant really see the health bars where they are currently. 


You are totally welcome to make a print and play tabletop game. Not sure how many people will play it though as we already have low numbers.

Hey! I'd like to rate this game on Ludum Dare but there is no link to its submission page.

Here is my submission for the level editor competition:


Really enjoyed the creativity of this game. Several times I was caught off guard by how cool the premise of the game was. The gameplay is solid but would benefit from some polish. Mostly some feedback to the player that would better inform them as to what the various UI buttons do.

Really like the simplistic and retro art style. The puzzles are well thought out and fun. Provide an interesting mix of platforming and strategy with mixing an matching the different powerups. Looking forward to seeing this idea get expanded.

The core mechanic is really smooth and fun. I wish it would last longer however. Maybe you could implement some kind of time "collection" system. Where you can add seconds to the time by running into certain things.

I picked it first because it was playable in the browser and looked like the rules were going to be easily grasped quickly. I like to start with something I can jump into quick as it helps me get "in the zone" :)

Very well done short narrative game.  A good example of edutainment. Like others, I had a glitch with me being able to click on a object more than once and it being counted for the total. This game seems like it is a professionally made project for a school. I'm an adult and I learned a lot about something I had only a faint familiarity with. Keep building your experience with making these kinds of games and I think you could make some really special projects.

Interesting potential with this platformer, but I got frustrated early with the inconsistency of the jump. I think what might help is to make the platforms out of one collider, instead of having them piece by piece. The piece by piece art aesthetic looks good, but made for really inconsistent movement. If you just used one invisible collider to approximate all the pieces, I think that would improve it a lot!

This game is fun and charming, and my favorite game of the jam. Simple game mechanic thats the right amount of chaotic. Art style is great and perfectly fitting. Nothing bad to say other than the mouse sensitivity was insanely high. But I have noticed that with a lot of the games I play web builds of so it could be an issue on my end.

The core shooting feature was well executed I thought. Could have used some UI or feed back, like real time scoring, to keep the player a little more engaged.

Really cool mechanic with having to light up your path. The jumping puzzles with the torches were satisfying to complete. I think there may have been a glitch with collecting the red crystal. Either way i think it needed a sound effect or something as feedback. Subtle things like that that let the player know they are doing the right thing.

Congratulations on all your progress this year. Ended it with easily your best game.

I think the level design shines in this project. Lots of hidden things to pick up in nooks and crannies and signs that tell you which way to go and keep the flow of the game moving. Unfortunately the camera jitter on the jump made the game hard to play as the quick motion was making me nauseas. I think If the camera would move a little smoother on the jump it would alleviate this. Also, during the narrative parts, it would be nice to have character portraits when certain characters are mentioned. It was hard keeping who's who straight.

This game has a solid foundation, just needs some polish and I think you could have something fun.

Really charming little game. Impressed by the ability to save and load villages. Had to leave my own mark on your village :)

This was an excellent game and had some great level design. It was cool how you took the relatively simple shooting mechanic and explored the depth of it. Using the shoot animation to "glide" through the air was super cool. By far the best feature was of course the handsome guy in the cage! Not to much I can critique honestly. Maybe some more juice when taking damage and some visual polish like a parallax effect or something. Really good work!

Congrats on completing your first game. That's a big milestone that a lot of dev's never get to. Anyways I enjoyed this game and had fun. I thought the enemy diversity was really cool and interesting and made for fun things to shoot and dodge. Unfortunately the shop either didn't work for me or I didn't have enough blood to pay and so stuff didn't come up. Also I would have liked to have genre norm controls where space was jump and LMB was shoot. Pretty solid for your first game, nice work!

I had a lot of fun playing this game. I think you did a great job with the sound and overall mood. Very charming and very "Ultra".  There was a nice bit of depth with being able to "swipe" the ball and curve it. Idk if it was just me but the paddle speed seemed really really high and initially hard to control. Once I got used to it it wasn't so bad. Anyways nice work!

The amount of content and features in this game is impressive. The puzzles are well design and very well thought out. It was also incredibly well polished and even had achievements! This is a really good example of how you can take a simple idea, and just make tiny twists on it, and get a lot of content. Combine that with the level of polish you did and you have a very complete and fun game.

Visually the best project you have made so far. Now just combine it with the game design of last month's project and I think you will have something awesome!

The scoreboard is a neat feature that I think makes up for the simplicity of the game design. The game is pretty heavily RNG dependent, which is not my personal favorite, but I can see the allure. For a 10-15 hours project, well done!

The explosions are some of the best 2d visual effects I have seen! Impossible not to have fun with those effects. I would have liked to seen a more visible color/outline for the enemy projectiles as they blend into the explosion effects. I had fun playing!

Cool historical setting! Had fun with the trading strategy mechanics. Never figured out quite what hiring people did. Looks like maybe there was some more features planned to vary the gameplay but they were not fully implemented. Still I had fun with my time with it :)

Hi Ben!

This is the first project of yours I have played so I wasn't sure of your skill level going into it. I would say this is a solid entry given that you just learned your gamedev tools this month. There was some polish stuff like improper tilling sprites that noticed. I am sure with some more experience with your tools you will learn how to fix these. From a game design standpoint, I thought this was a pretty simple platformer. Nothing wrong with it but it wasn't as deep as it could be I felt. 1 more extra mechanic (Shooting, Wall jumps, Powerups) would have helped with this I think. Also the difficulty pacing felt a little off with a big spike in level 4. I'd say you have built a good foundational skill set and I am excited to see where you go from here!

Glad to see that you have kept improving and this is the best most polished project you have made so far. I'd like to see you make some more levels for this. It is a fun, simple to grasp puzzle concept that I really enjoyed. Nice work!

Awesome aesthetic and fun to play. I have to agree with some of the other critique in that the controls feel a little sticky.

Awesome ambiance and really unique style! Enemies had a satisfying hard but not too hard behavior to them.

Awesome ambiance and really unique style! Enemies had a satisfying hard but not too hard behavior to them.

Aesthetically this game looks very good, really loved the visuals. Had trouble with the gameplay as it was very difficult and not immediately apparent what you were supposed to do. I think easing the player into the mechanics a little more would be a good improvement.

I didn't quite understand how the math worked and how the game was played. I think it would help if you added some more UI to the game screen that Had the number values next to the food. The art work is very charming and well done!