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The GlowView project page

A song for when the leaves turn orange
Submitted by Aedyn LoPresti — 20 hours, 1 minute before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Mixing Quality#113.8893.889
Composing Quality#143.7223.722
Overall Uniqueness#153.7783.778

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Some backstory- I've made a decent amount of music at this point, but I usually stay away from making fully acoustic tracks due to personal preference. I came up with a chord progression that stuck with me for a while, so I needed to put pen to paper.

When I did, I created this track, a little folk, a little indietronica, a little something else. It reminds me of a warm campfire in October. A used my balalaika, guitar, and various synthetic plugins and percussion samples to make this track work.

I hope you enjoy it!

I intend to work on this further, so a full public release will have to wait for another day. That being said let me know if this link works :)

Edit: I should have mentioned this sooner, but there will be vocals over this track which is why there is leftover space. Thanks!

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I love the acoustic sound! Very calming and chill, excited to hear vocals over this I think that would fit very well!


wow!! it's such a treat to hear acoustic tracks like this--most of us tend towards digital/synthetic VSTs, so it's always a pleasant treat for the ears to hear a more lowkey acoustic track. it reminds me of a character setting out to leave home in the middle of the night; there's an undercurrent of sadness and hurt, but also this sense of hope/determination moving towards something they know they have to do?

not sure if any of that makes sense, but great track!! i love visualizing music to scenes in my head, so i always know it's a good sign if i start imagining scenes lol


Ooh I love that story visual you came up with. I definitely have some plans for the track lyrically along those lines that are very similar! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)


Nicely done! Adding vocals makes a lot of sense, as I did find it to be a bit empty as it is now. At around 1:30 I was expecting the guitar to pick up speed and intensity. In its current state, I feel like the added percussion is a bit too gentle. But I imagine that with added vocals, things will fit better and the track can keep that campfire feeling without having to escalate.

Good stuff :D


Thanks Frib! I definitely agree that the vocals will round out the song quite a bit. I'll keep your feedback in mind in case the vocals are not quite enough  :) 

This is a beautiful track that made me wish i had joined this jam. The recorded plucked instruments and so much richness and warmth. I look forward to hearing the full version. 


Wow, thanks Zephyr! I really appreciate you listening to this even though you're not in the jam. :) 



Overall - very... soulful? All these musical instruments blaring from every possible angle and point in the space create an incredible atmosphere... The cute little box that sounds at the beginning of each chord is... GRAH CUTE! The song is smooth and a bit hypnotizing) Definitely one of those songs I would love to listen to at my leisure!

Will there be a version with vocals? I'm waiting for the vocal version)


Thanks! I'm glad you like it! 

There will be a version with vocals, just not before this jam is over :) Keep your eyes out for it though!


really nice indie-like track! it gives me the vibe of time mindlessly passing by in a campfire-like environment the night before everybody parts ways. i love the warm feel. something this track could benefit from is a moving melody floating above the chord progression given by the piano, or like pixcele said, some vocals, just to add some variation! overall, very nice job!


Thanks!  Vocals will be on his track eventually. It definitely will benefit from a melody line. :)


Completely matched that warm campfire you mentioned, before reading that I was about to say that this made me think of a nice warm get together with friends, wrapped up in blankets drinking hot drinks and just sharing nice stories with each other. The vibes of this are so great, and I think it will be even better with vocals added in! 


Thanks Pixcele! I'm glad you get the vibe :)


First thoughts:

Love it so far. Really want vocals at 0:31.

I might even want to sing over this if you allowed it! Heh.

You used a Bailalaika! Awesome.

I would definitely describe this as having some angst and melancholy, reminds me of indie rock in the 2000s.


Thanks! I definitely hear what you're saying about the indie rock. After I've developed it some more I might reach back out if you're still interested in providing some vocals. :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Super pleasant and listenable work! Very clear mix to me and lovely instrumentation. The closest that comes to mind is Avril 14 by Aphex Twin, to me this felt somewhat more uplifting. So homey and delicate too, the guitar instrument near almost sounds like a music box. I think it would fit great around a campfire, with gentle singing or soft instrument over it. Saw your OST Jam submission too, and I enjoyed hearing the sorta warm vibe there too, so accoustics feels like a great new medium to try! Keep working on this, I'll keep an eye out if you ever post the full version!


Wow thanks! I actually love Aphex Twin, thats quite the compliment! I'm really glad you like it and continue to keep your eyes out for the full version :)


Solid vibe even without vocals added yet! Only thing I feel might be a cool addition would be to add some little flourishes to the piano part, so it's not just playing sustained chords all the time (just a personal feeling so take with a grain of salt😀).


Thanks Eetu! I'm definitely going to do that. :)


Super atmospheric track! Try to cut bit of sub and low frequencies from guitars, they will better mix with other instruments. Great work!


Thanks! Last night after hearing some feedback,I did that and it sounds much better now. A bit less overwhelming on the ears.

Submitted (1 edit)

Very pleasant acoustic, makes a nice combo with the percussive instrument. Very nice vibe, I'd love to hear the vocals over this once it's done! Great work!


Thanks, Glad you like it! I'm excited for the vocals too!


Sweet track, very calm, I enjoyed listening. For critique part I think the chords are nice liked the arrangement of the tracks, you have the foundation now just need a melody on top. For the mix I liked the panned guitar its a just a little bit too loud compared to the keys that plays in center it should be the other way around, guitar panned a little lower cutitng some bass frequencies and put the keys up front for a better stereo image. Good job !

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks fox, I appreciate the feedback!


The link does work

The chords are quite nice but sometimes I really want the fourth chord to go down a bit to lead into the first chord again. I heard it happen I think once at 1:43 and it was great which is why I wanted more.

I also think the quiet guitar near the end sounded a bit off. 

lastly, I think there should just be more happening. as is it is kind of just chords for almost 3 minutes and if that's what you're going for then that's fine but even just some little flourishes here and there could add a lot.


Thanks jofes for the thoughts! I'm not too good with theory but I do believe that I do the thing at 1:43 a few times throughout the song. Also, for the quiet guitar at the end, are you referring to the strummed guitar or the balalaika riff? The balalaika riff is something I'll probably work on a bit further. Also, I left a lot of space open in the song because there are going to be vocals added. I just haven't written the lyrics with the person I usually co-write with yet :) I might add in a few little flourishes, we'll see, I'm not particularly skilled at guitar so I kept it fairly simple.



Ah if there are going to be vocals then that makes sense. I do not know if it is the strummed guitar or the balalaika riff I just know that it was quiet and came in near the end


Ok, gotcha. Either way I'll workshop it :)