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a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories · By adam le doux

introduce yourself Sticky

A topic by adam le doux created Jan 08, 2023 Views: 3,116 Replies: 88
Viewing posts 1 to 72

say hello!  👋

Hello! I'm Wander, I'm mainly a musician/composer and I like to make soundtracks. I used to make small games for myself (just an excuse to make music lol) with RPG Maker 2000, but never found another game engine like that before I discovered Bitsy! You can find some of the games I've made (mostly for bitsy jams) on my page.

Hello I am Phi(Not my real name).I ma a small indie/web dev who likes to make small games and websites. I mainly use Vs code and  small game engines. I am new to bitsy and am currently making a game in it.You can see some of my stuff on my page.

yo, graymeditations here. i don't know how to make video games, like at all... but i do it anyway.

been using bitsy for about a year & i like it. it's a good way to capture these inane moments of life with a smidge of interactivity.

so yeah... tiny moments, tiny engines, revolution!

💙 welcome y'all! 

Hi, I am new to gamedev. By trade I'm a engineer who uses a lot of programming in his work. I have no art or music experience. I've tried to make games in the past, but my programming experience hindered me as I will get lost in making the engine and never finish anything. I'm hoping with bitsy I will just finish something, anything. Right now working on adapting a scifi story for the latest public domain themed Bitsy Jam. Wish me luck.

welcome and good luck! :D

Hello! You can call me slog. I make things in Bitsy occasionally, and hopefully more often in the future.


Hello, it's Rose ! Sometimes I do Bitsys and it makes me happy. I also do Creative Commons 0 music, and silly Pokemon Fangame on Powerpoint.
Currently working on Pokefan Bitsy game to play with the Bitsy music tool.

welcome to the forum rose!!

Hi. I guess I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Chase, but you can call me Cheez. I was a bit hesitant to come to this forum because I'm really used to Discord, but now I'm here because I still like Bitsy...and might make a small adventure game with it. Who really know though.

Hey! I am Kai. I make bitsy, wander games and anything interactive to explore the worlds I make.
For the bitsy 3D community, I made a little website to combine knowledge and get people started:

Hi, I'm Flo! I made a game in Bitsy once for a game jam and it was really fun & I'm sure I'll use it again. Otherwise, I try to make small gamejam games in unity, tinker in blender, try my hand at drawing, etc.

Hey, I'm Randomdooodle. I created overdue books & edible crooks for the Overdue Library Books (bitsy jam) about two years ago and fell in love with the process. It was my first time entering a game jam or making anything game related, so it really was a brand new experience. I've continued to make things when I've had free time and everyone in the Bitsy community has always been incredibly helpful and encouraging. I'm always excited to see more of the interesting little interactive worlds people put out there for us to explore!

welcome folks! :)

Hi, I'm Wandering Cicada! (or just Cicada) I love making games and playing games! I look forward to seeing everyone's creations!

welcome! :)

Hello, I'm W.J.Holly.  I used to make lots of Bitsy games before I became one with being busy. I love tools which make expression more accessible. I love seeing the simplicity at Bitsy's core blossom into creativity. I'll be watching :)

hiya W.J.Holly!! good to see you again :D

hi! catroidvanaia  here! (cat for short :3 ) i enjoy worldbuilding (i dont do anything with it), playing indie games (cave story, yukis4p, and probably more but i cant recall rn), parentheses (if you couldnt tell already) and aspire to learn bitsy development! i aspire to do everything really but ive neither the time nor the attention span for that.

welcome! <3

Hello hello! I love making bitsy games and I make them when I have time. Thanks Adam for the tool, and everyone else too for sharing your games. 

thanks sarah!!

Hello! You can call me Gwen, any pronoun is fine. I'm and artist who  got into bisty because of a school assignment. It's been a while since I made a bisty game, long enough the discord got archived, but I plan to make more soon. I look forward to joining the next Jam!

hope to see you around Gwen!

Hello, I'm Dark, and recently starting to learn to make bitsy games for fun!


Hi! I’m Zeno. Recently I discovered Bitsy, and I love it because it allows me to make and play games on my mobile phone. See you all soon!

welcome Zeno! :)

so cool to hear that you're making bitsy games on your phone! if you have any feedback on what that experience is like, or improvements you'd suggest specifically for phone users, I'd love to hear them <3

Hi all! My name is Nina Martinez and i just started using Bitsy recently to create little games from short stories or ideas that have been bouncing around my brain. Most of my prior experience is based around screenwriting, but I want to learn more about game development and working on the mechanics behind the game. 

that's awesome! welcome Nina!! <3

I'm new here and currently working on a project for school.

nice - good luck on the project!

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toki! I'm appak, and I actually discovered bitsy quite a while ago, but I am only now introducing myself. I occasionally make bitsy games, and usually they're ok. most of the time I mod Celeste Classic. 

mostly i just screw around lol

welcome! <3

hello my mike and i am a noob web developer and game developer.


hi! I'm Data. (Didn't get the username I wanted, so it's a bit of a work-in-progress.) I have a teeny bit of CS experience, but I'm mostly a writer & visual artist (specializing in Photography). I've known about Bitsy for a few years at this point, but I've usually been more of the lurking sort around the community.

hello and welcome!

Hi I make stuff >3

hi there!

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русская версия:
Здравствуйте, я Куст. Я люблю создавать головоломки в Bitsy. Музыку не пишу, язык программирования не знаю. Я просто обычный парень. Сейчас работаю над своей первой игрой, которую я выпущу на . Пожелайте мне удачи.

English version:

Hello, I'm a Bush. I love creating puzzles in Bitsy. I don't write music, I don't know the programming language. I'm just an ordinary guy. I am currently working on my first game, which I will release on . Wish me luck.

welcome! and good luck!! <3

Hi there! I'm Mynaher! I am an aspiring Bitsy/PuzzleScript game developer, and I want to share my games with you all!

Heyo! I’m stysan and I’m on for a pretty long time. I’ve discovered bitsy only today and it seems like a good place to make games! :)

Maybe I've failed to say HELLO!

Hi everyone! I'm CJ, and I've been messing around in bitsy since I saw some cool games on Anna Anthropy's I made a couple of "gift" games for friends in bitsy before I published my first little game. It's a great engine!

hi adam + everyone! i'm a writer and crafter who's been getting into making games over the past year, and in that time at least half a dozen folks folks have told me i had to check out bitsy. i'm so glad i did, because i love the size and feel of the engine, and what i've seen so far of the community is so generous and creative . i'm working on a couple of little sketches at the moment and am super stoked to do more!

hi alanna! welcome to the forum :D

hello! i'm capnka and i've been lurking on here for a while - I'm finally trying to create my first bitsy game and will be joining the upcoming jam. i've mostly done pixel art before but this will be my first attempt at any form of game design!! 

Hello, IwonK here :) I've learned about Bitsy almost two months ago and it was love at first sight :D I've already made my first game "Clean your room!" (ispired by my own room... hee hee... :P ) and I want to make more games :D I've started a challenge to myself and I'm going to make one game a month for a year (wish me luck!).  Starting this September.

I love video games and computers in general, I have a webcomic titled "I won a game!" where I show some slices of my gaming life :D 

I've been playing games practically all my life and I've alwayse wanted to make my own games but I didn't know how. My poor attempts in my teen and adult life didn't work well but then came Bitsy :D 

A huge thank you from me to Adam for creating Bitsy :)

Heyy, I'm Ezra and I'm new to game development and coding. I found bitsy a really amazing place to start with!

Hi! I'm Maciek. For the longest time I've dismissed Bitsy as a weird curiosity, until I tried it myself. I immediately fell in love. In hindsight, I should've known better, as it's been the same way with me and Pico-8. Anyway, I've made a few bitsy things, and currently I'm making a game each week with themes inspired by subsequent letters of the alphabet. Bitsy seems perfect for that!

yo, i go by miniwoolf. i was a member of the old bitsy discord, and i haven't released a game in over a year. until today, that is. i mostly like using bitsy as a visual medium for my poetry and prose. maybe soon i'll have the energy to hack the latest version of bitsy (they put music in it???), who knows! I'm glad this lil tool exists.

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Hello, I am Laura Palavecino from Argentina. I am a researcher and transmedia artist interested in the experimentation with visual art, poetry, alt.ctrl, installations and interactivity. These are my main sites & .I love making games with Bitsy and I often give courses on it.

Hi! My name is Online, I'm a game design student and am enjoying messing around with bitsy!

Hi everyone! I'm Nico Valdivia Hennig, Co-Founder of Niebla Games, an indie Studio from Chile, and I'm also a Researcher in Game Design and Production. I'm currently pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of California, Riverside. Additionally, I'm a part of Río Junto, a collective that organizes cultural activities with Latin American creators to develop events and exhibitions in Southern California, with a special focus on digital media, art, and games.

Hello I'm Earthan Huq, I'm a game design student at Hostos CUNY, with instructors Marcello D. Viana Neto and Matthew Baloušek. Marcello has us making Bitsy games for our 101 final project.

I've come here to ask a very specific question regarding bitsy logic, but I imagine I will have more questions before this project is completed. Sad to learn I missed the Discord entirely.

Hello ! I'm Waves, I'm an Independant Game Designer in France & sometimes I make art. 
I've come here to ask question about Bitsy because I discover this fantastic Tool recently ! 

Hi, I am Vivi. I love game development and art, and I want to make some games in Bitsy. Its constraints appeal to me and I can't wait to see what we all have to share!

Hello - I'm Gaz - a fledgling ttrpg developer who stumbled across this tool recently and am keen to explore it further.  The tutorials and guides seem really helpful, but I'll no doubt have questions, so I'm introducing myself in advance :)

Hi! I’m a poet tapping into video game media as another way of expression. I’m learning Godot but Bitsy comes in very handy as a step in the ladder. I’ve got more than a scene made so far! Not the next best-seller but will it get published? I hope so.

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Hi. I'm mainly using Bitsy (and Bitsy offshoots) to make short educational games that teach languages. My dream would be to make games that get you from 0 to fluent in a language without feeling like it took effort. There are a lot of so-called "educational games" out there that are really just a flashcard system under a thin veil, I would like to help change that. I would also like to make games (not necessarily educational) in minority languages for which few to no games exist. 

Bitsy is great because you can program a whole game in it with only extremely basic coding knowledge - I have studied BASIC but not Javascript, the in-game Bitsy coding is similar to BASIC.

Hi there! I'm a farm advisor in California who's leading a 4-H project with bitsy. Going to teach kids how to make some simple games. I have a lot of 5th graders so it seems more appropriate than something like Pico-8. We're in a rural area so there are not a lot of STEM opportunities or resources.

Hey y'all, I'm Horia, I'm a digital arts student and I've always been a big fan of Bitsy-type games. Recently I've had the opportunity to actually work with it a little bit as part of an assignment so I thought I might as well introduce myself :D!

Hi! I'm Alex, I'm a musician and a voice actor, and I've always been interested in making adventure games. Thanks for making such a fun little tool!

hello! i'm peach, i only realised today that the bitsy discord was archived (!?!?!? D:) and equally immediately realised this forum exists, and here i am! i love small engines and small funky games!!!!!!!!!!! rah

Hi, I'm Linda, and I'm a musician / level designer. I'm not new to bitsy and it's been a while since I finished a project in it but I'm hoping to make something new with it, either for a jam or as a seperate project. :)

Hi, I'm Voln! I like fiddling with bitsy from time to time, and recently started looking more into the hacks. I'm currently working on a bitsy 3d project, and I would like to make something using the sokoban hack, which I found here:

So far, I haven't been able to get the sokoban hack to work, but I think I just need to do more reading to make sure I really understand everything.

Hello! I'm Anika, and I'm working on a game about archives and outerspace!

Hi, i’m RomanS - founder of the project. Developing various software for ESPboy I managed to achieve emulation of different platforms, including relatively little known but interesting ones - Arduboy, Gamebuino, Pokitto, Chip8/Schip... Having come across bitsy on the Internet I was amazed by its brevity and elegance and was quite surprised by the huge number of games made on this platform. Of course I have Bitsy support in my development list for ESPboy. I think it's great to be able to run these great games on a tiny handheld device.)

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hi! i'm a cartoonist who occasionally makes bitsy games. nice to meet you all! (also - is there a link to the May bitsy jam?)

Hi, I'm Leo and I made a sad little game using Bitsy! I guess I'll go to the showcase thread now and showcase it there.

Nice to meet you all, hope you are making the games of your dreams.


I'm an independent artist living in France.

Just discovered Bitsy two days ago and finished my first game ever today. I published it on

Who could guess that, two days ago ? Not me ! Thanks.

Hi! I am a teacher hoping to use Bitsy to teach fundamentals of game design!

hi. i like to make tiny stories in bitsy, mostly super simple stuff like poems and stuff. tryna figure out funnier things, but ya. love showing this tools to others n have taught it at libraries, etc. <3 

Thats super cool! I had never thought of integrating poetry or using it as a core inspiration for a game! 

Hi!   I'm a university student learning how to make games with bitsy.

Hello, I’m Ansel and I’m new to game development. I’m a hobby artist primarily working in comics, but recently started pursuing an interest in games and Bitsy has been a great resource for learning some hands-on game design without having to leap right into code. I very much appreciate the work and care put into it!

Hi hello! I'm CandleSign - not exactly a gamedev or anything, even if I like to imagine projects I haven't officially released anything before, but I just really love coding (so much that I almost never use premade drag-and-drop/point-and-click engines but bitsy is lovely) and making music. I also love art in general (and in particular games and music which, yeah, checks out haha).
I'm not sure how much time I'll spend doing bitsy stuff but now that I've gotten dragged into the jam (shoot! I was supposed to be busy!) I'm growing quite fond of the whole thing. Also I initially learnt about it from Pol Clarissou's moss as texture as space folding onto itself (lovely game! check it out!) but have found a few more I really like so I'll keep exploring. I can't wait to see what you all have made :>

Hi, I'm Chris, releasing stuff as Eldritch Renaissance Cake. I do music, game dev, and pixel art as hobbies, particularly in the indie and small games sphere... so bitsy seemed like a logical fit! I just used bitsy for the first time for a game jam last weekend ("Music of the Night" - on my itch page). I'm glad to find this place as a resource to search for answers to questions. And it's cool to read about others here and see what people are making ❤

Hi! I'm Orlando, I've had fun playing a few bitsy games so trying it out myself! I'm thinking of making a few settings of poems in bitsy. I'm also working on a VN/RPG in RenPy, and I'm a musician and photographer. 

Hi, I'm Marcelo, I teach game design at Hostos Community College in the Bronx. Every semester my students make tons of games in bitsy. Thank you adam!

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Hi, I'm Ads, I'm an indie game developer, and plan on using Bitsy to scratch my itch to tell short stories, and have fun with pixels! Eventually I will contribute tutorials for Bitsy as I'm interested in working towards the Games education sector.

こんにちは 私はsaraudonといいます 




Hello!  I'm saraudon.

Nice to meet you!

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Hello! I'm Alf (the programmer half of Pigeon Milk Games, my wife does the art)! I'm making my first bitsy game.

I might ask a few questions here and there! And I'll share my game once it's ready - it's maybe a very optimistic undertaking lol

Hello! My name is Petro. I`m programmer from Ukraine. My hobbies are game development and drawing. Thank you Adam!

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Hello! I'm WitchWhale! I used to be very into coding but it gradually dropped off my list of hobbies. I want to get into game making again and even though I have only made one Bitsy game before, this game engine has begun dragging me back to my forgotten passion

I've started working on a Bitsy game and hope to share it when its finished!