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Wayside BrawlView game page

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Submitted by Bad Piggy (@BadPiggyproduc1) — 1 day, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
SOUNDS / MUSIC#513.5983.598
ART / VISUALS#863.6603.660
USE OF THEME#923.1553.155
BOSS DESIGN#943.1963.196

Ranked from 97 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
You switch between 2 fighters who differ in their actions

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?
Art - Yes , Music - No

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?

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I got a worse highest rating, but better overall since the last time I tried.

I'll preload the good things.

It's a BadPiggy game. The style, both gameplay and art is consistent with your previous games, and as expected, is good. Instantly recognizable.

I like that you managed to put in some storytelling in the background, with the newspaper clippings. Makes the game feel more whole.

Game game is very juicy and satisfying to play. The visual and audio feedback is all there, and all good.

The camera work during the takedowns is absolutely superb.

Some tiny nitpicks now.

The tutorial UI could have used some love. Some effect/audio/flash/scale when you advance the tutorial would have been nice.

The music is nice and fitting, but some more consistent and general ambient sounds would have been welcome.

And the bigger ones, or my personal "gripes"

Perfect dodging doesn't feel well telegraphed. I know there's the shadow and the slowdown, but I still don't feel/notice it, most of the time. Timing the dodge is also weird, I can't consistently pull it off, and I can't remember if I should dodge a bit before the inner circle hits the outline, or exactly when it hits the outline. Also couldn't tell if I get I frames or not, but if I do, it's for a very short amount of time.

On the topic of bosses, It's good. The one pattern per phase gets unsatisfying pretty fast though. I know exactly what's coming, and what to react to it, which is OK, but I need to repeat that at least 3-5 times. Either more phases, or 2-3 attack patterns per phase would solve this, I think.

The exchange mechanic is good, but It only needs to be used for breaking block, or choosing your flavor of special move. You mostly use the blue guy, and get actively punished for using the purple guy.

All in all, it's a good game, and I had fun playing it!

Would be interesting to see what Wayside Brawl 2 brings, now that the dream team is reunited :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Ayo. Thanks for playing and for the feedback lol

Admittedly yeah, the tutorial UI definitely could've had some more flair to it.

And unfortunately yes, I should've explained how perfect dodges work a little better lol

Basically you need to dodge when the attack circle is almost complete. And no, you don't have i-frames on dodging. I felt that it would cause people to dodge into attacks rather than away from them, which is what I wanted

Apologies for the boss patterns being mostly the same lol. I felt that if I mixed them up too much then it might lead to the game being more frustrating than it currently would be for some.

And yeah, the exchange mechanic could've had a little more to it as well, though I felt that keeping it as simple as it currently is would ensure that players atleast understand how to use it quickly

But either way, thank you for playing and for the feedback :)


Well, I do eagerly await when you polish this up to be a Def Jam : Fight for NY meets Godhand, with the BadPiggy signature art style :)


Really well designed game all  round. Well done!! I'd never have thought this game was made in a month

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The game is interesting. Bosses are well designed. I like the punches and combos. I like the atmosphere of the cheering crowd. It really helps create a good atmosphere. I like this game.


Too cool to be bad


Cool game. I liked the art. The controls were hard to figure out at first and it was a bit hard to defeat the boss. Just hoped that the characters had their own health. There were also times where I got stuck in the corner and couldn't move, so I had to restart the game. Still, I enjoyed playing it.


If you use only a purple character, the camera will twitch uncomfortably and the boss fight will come to a standstill because I will just forever knock down the boss's attack. The boss seems to have several attack animations, but in fact it's all the same essence, just get out of the circle in time. The circle narrows for a long time, which makes the boss fight feel too simple. The art style is not bad, simple but in one style, it was fun to play.


Coooll, it's satisfying to play.


Damnnn, Game feel is really good!


Oh goodd, THE FEEL of this game, visuals, sound and smoothness and responsiveness was very good.
IT really felt like playing these type retro and pixel graphic games on old play stations in summer holiday.

Overall : Very Cool !


very good I like, is very naice


Excellent stuff! Really fun and entertaining!


I loved your game, it is a simple, but very fun battle system. But what really sells the game for me is the boss pattern, it is perfectly crafted around the mechanics and I have to applaud for that. The game looks quite stunning and the choice of music is great. My two biggest problem were the controls which feel like I could get a cramp after a while and the fact that there is only a single boss. I would love to play more with new content.

I also think your game would benefit to be played on a controller.

Submitted (1 edit)


It's frenetic and fun. I will really take it as inspiration for future projects. One of the best works of this Jam.

As constructive criticism I must say that the control configuration is terrible. WASD to move Shift to dodge, C to hit, Space to Switch and V for fatality would have been much better.


You could also use K and L to attack and dodge, and also use J to perform a takedown. Mentioned it in the tutorial


Yes, I know, but unfortunately I still feel very uncomfortable :(

Anyways, is a great game! I love it.

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

The "feel" of this game is its greatest strength. The sound design and the visuals come together to make a game where it just FEELS good to press buttons. Now, that being said, as a long-time fighting game player, I feel that the mechanics are a little forced. By that I mean the whole swapping mechanic. While I see the concept and can get behind it, I notice that the game is set up in such a way as to force its use. For example, if I dodge an attack and try to counter during the boss' recovery, they just auto-block or auto-dodge based on whatever state they are in, regardless of the fact that they are in an attack animation. This is also true when landing a counterattack during the startup of a boss' attack. Don't get me wrong, I understand that you want the player to use the swap mechanic, but I think that there are more elegant ways to do this. Maybe the boss takes more damage when you use the right move, or they get stunned. (Think about Punch Out, as an example.) As it is now, it feels like it's just random as to whether the game will let me get a hit in, which as a fighting game player, is not very engaging.

That being said, the game looks and sounds great, and it should only take a little tweaking to give the player more agency. I look forward to seeing where you take this project in the future!

Developer (1 edit)

You're right in that I should have added a stun state outside of the stagger state tbh

And yeah, I could definitely have incentivised players to switch between the two fighters a little better outside of the boss auto-blocking after a certain point lol

It's just that was the only thing I could think of at the time to ensure that players don't just spam the kick move

Thank you for playing and for the feedback :)


Really action packed. The game understands how to make a player play in a way that is fun and exciting without necessarily forcing their hand. The controls can be a bit tricky at first, but after that it’s smooth sailing. The polish is really strong on this one too.


I really loved the amount of juice and polish you put into the core mechanics. It *feels* good to play. Nice Job!


Solid gameplay, very hard hitting. Came pretty far on the first try once I got the hang of the controls.


Really cool mechanic, and the sound really sets the mood of the game, really nice job. A great game for fighting game lovers, great work!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It's really fun.

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