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Last Banana's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning bananas, spinning tornadoes and spinning enemies.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Assets I used into this project. - Low Poly Ultimate Short Link: - Low Poly Animated Animals Link: - Mega Cute Pet Zoo: - Animation Baking Studio: - Epic Toon FX
Be a gorilla, collect bananas, and defeat other animals, there's no way not to like it! I had a lot of fun with this one and even got a bit sad when I saw there wasn't a third boss. Great job, I loved the art. MONKE
Really liked the throw banannas and pick them up mechanic, the melee felt a bit unresponsive at times but it was overall pretty solid to play! Great Work! :D
pretty cute game. The only feedback is that melee could be more effective
Cute game! I really like the lock on mechanic during the fight. Couldn't really rely on melee as I kept getting too close and got hurt. Overall solid game. Well done!
Cute game. Attack throw and lock on feel intuitive. Good job
The tutorial was very useful and there's a good variety of bosses - melee is very difficult to use with the hit boxes also damaging the player when you're next to the enemy (even when they aren't attacking) but the banana throwing is satisfying!
I liked the attack variety in the boss fights. Fits the theme with the attack types you chose. Art assets chosen look nice, and the SFX feel appropriate.
The tutorial was very clear and helpful.
For improvements, I feel the melee attack needs improving. I could not work out how to use it effectively. Also the hitbox on the Tiger's Bear Traps is a bit harsh when the player is underneath it, seems to hit the players head a lot
Overall, cool submission, just tighten some of the combat. Nice job!
Cool game! I liked the different attack patterns on the bosses and how it gets more difficult over time.
Monke beats other animals somehow feel wrong, but also kinda valid...
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