Very nice and simple game. I like that if some enemies goes further then others, our warriors attack them instead. My main issue with this game is that it needs an auto spinner after you buy all needed warriors. It's a bit inconvenient to constantly click on the wheel and wait until the boss's health bar is 0
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King Spin The Wheel's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spin the wheel
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
About half of it
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I list them all in the game page
I really liked the approach to progression. I felt at times that the rate at which the wheel spun was a hindrance. I also had a couple of occasions where I spent on units too soon and they never appeared on the field. I also didn't see any convenient way to know a meaningful difference between the units strategically.
The art for this one is adorable. I especially liked the larger boss sprites.
It' got a good feel of upgrading the wheel and sending out troops. I liked the Differences between the Boss with the Orge King being a force of nature and the Forest King sending out waves of enemies.
The Wheel and Shop are Cool! My only complaint would be that sometimes the wheel would take a bit longer than most of the spins to stop and that made it a little tough when I needed to push out a bunch of units to defend the base.
Very Good Overall!
Great game! I really like the mechanic of spinning a wheel to spawn troops because I thought it was quite satisfying. I also liked the shop system where you could also adjust the wheel or add additional slices to the wheel to have a different variety of troops to spawn.
Not my usually type of game, I liked this one ! Particulary the aesthetic and general vibe. A little bit difficult to handle informations about troops but it's only for polish. Pretty solid submission, gg !
Loved the game! Struggled to figure out which units were actually better, think i probably removed good ones and replaced them with worse units. But eventually got a wheel that seemed to beat the enemy, either that or i spammed the wheel enough to make a deathball of units that just shot enough arrows to kill thinggs before they reached them. And good use of the theme! Only change i might make is add some sort of way to read what the different units do roughly so that the player can figure out what build they want to try go for.
Really cool little auto battler. I do wish could get more info about the different troops im sending. As I was unsure what troops were best for the different situations
Cool use of the theme and the ability to change and upgrade the wheel as you play is a great idea!
Nice take on the theme! I like how the game kept me spinning that wheel until I got a good soldier to defend my castle! congrats on the submision :)
I like the idea of merging spinning and spawning troops. That's an actual interesting twist.
It's a fun game. However, the spin is too slow i think. Maybe make it faster or option to buy another wheel will be great.
Yeah the issue has been known in development. The initial speed is determined by you, but then the deceleration rate is just ran(iniSpd/3, iniSpd/1.5), which create a bias of where the wheel end up. Therefore i have to widen the random range and put a weight on the lower end. So yeah sometimes you will feel the wheel spin end slower than usual
Wow what a cool concept! It was a bit hard to figure out what each unit does, but it was fun!
I'm disappointed that I can't give this 6/5 stars for fun, that was actually addicting.
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