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Very cool take on the them the movement feels float but it very fun to use and its also space so it makes sense! Well done!

Great art and fun concept! Good used of spin and its a fun take with the wreslting style mechanic. I also like that people laugh when you just throw him off to subtly queue to the player thats not the right thing to do haha.

Very cool visual, well done fellow top game! 

Very cool art on the cutscenes but replacing some of those basic poly objects in the actual fight would be nice! Attacks need a bit more aoe to hit as well! Good entry though

Are there controls listed somewhere? game looks super pretty but i can't figure out the controls

Cool use of spin! Though boss fight portions seems a bit missing! The lore, sound and visuals are really cool though as are the mechanics

Boss attacks leave very little time to react I think just making the arena bigger might help this so you have a bit more time to dodge. Nice take on spin!

Mouse is super cute! I will say the camera is a bit rough since your constantly having to look up. You loose a lot of visibility with the 3rd person view!

Amazing entry! How does this not have more ratings! This is just a full ass game right here. I love unlocking the new moves and comboing them is easy to do and easy to see when it happens vs when you mess it up. Awesome work! Cool use of spin and the theme of the game fits well with the mechanics

Cool boss attack patterns! Fun little bullet hell game. I enjoyed dodging between the projectiles!

Cool ideas, but the controls hold it back i feel!

Amazing entry! Great art and silly theme, good use of spin. The only thing i would change would be the controls, the feel a little awkward to control, but when they do work game is very satisfying! Well done!

Gotta rate this one cause of the cute dogo with a sword haha, though it seems like the first 2 bosses can just be beaten by spamming the attack button. Well done though!

You heard it here first! Saturn is a NERD haha. Love the charm of this game and its pretty polished. Good use of theme as well and the controls are easy to understand. Well done!

Nice simple but satisfying. I like the way the tops deflect each other and feel like they have some weight to their collisions. Curious did you use physics objects for the player and enemy top? Or was it all simulated by your scripting?

Well done Robin! Glad i got to finally play this one after watching it develop super cools stuff!

Great job, good use of spin. Perspective is not as bad as i thought it would be with the way things rotate which is impressive for a 2d game!

its a classic nintendo game with a simliar idea (the camera 'flys' for you while you focus on just moving around the screen)

as a fellow first time jammer well done sir! You for sure gets points for theme! a lot of spin here! Though maybe the spinning camera is a bit much haha :P Great work hope we both make it in again next year!

What an unhinged hilarious experience haha. Those cutscenes were a work of art well done! loved the full lean into jank

Haha the silly story is fun! And the mechanics are interesting though i do get the dash and dash to your partner mixed up a lot. Very cool ideas though i had fun with it!

AMAZING one of my top choices to win honestly. Just the right amount of customization/unlocks for a jam game, the right amount of health on the bosses, cool take on the theme, interesting varied bosses. Amazing! Loved it

Okay i really like this as a game but the most annoying part is the part i think you added for theme, the spinning to select balls haha. Also as others have mentioned first level is very overwhelming with projectiles. But a really cool concept and its really fun to score goals!

Feels super clean and polished and has a lot going for it. I just wish i wasnt shit at rhythm games haha well done though!

Very cool and polished game, another entry that feels like its a full 5-10 dollar steam game but done in a month wow!!! Clean combat good balance between the sword and the bow, bosses telegraph attacks pretty well and have a good length to the fight. Well done! The spin theme feels a little light but I had so much fun playing that didnt bother me too much ;P

Amazing! I gave this one max point for fun cause i was chasing all those upgrades haha. I like how the upgrades actually changed up the gameplay a lot. Controls were tight, visuals were good, writing was funny, well done!

Haha i love the art for this. Its basic but honestly the animations on the bosses are pretty good! Well done! Also though the player mechanics are simple the bosses have interesting attack patterns that are not hard to learn. Good job!

Need more spin!

Very cool visuals brings me back to star fox days! Would be nice to have a bit more control over my aim i feel like my windows to hit the boss are super limited based on the camera movement. I like the use of spin though to turn a traditional star fox style game into focus on rotation around! 

Very cool visuals and the transition to first person is great! I feel like the first boss moves to quick for how big he is though, made it kind of hard to aim and made him feel much smaller then he looked!

Very unique take on the theme. I really like the feeling of 'curving' your attacks! Makes me feel like im curving bullets in the  WANTED movie. Well done great polish, I had a lot of fun with this one!

I think you got a great start here! The way the weapons rotate is pretty cool, I like how you have control over what attack you use vs some of the other 'roulette weapon' games on here that are just random. Keep at it!

Cute intro art and the song choice is perfect haha. Great job

Damn that was awesome!! The graphics might be minimalist but they work so well to keep the combat clean. The boss attacks are fast pass but you feel like your character is responsive to keep up and they are telegraphed with such clear signs its very obvious where you need to stand to be safe. The music is awesome and the sounds effects flow super well. Very clean game here that is very satisfying to play!

The attack patterns of the bosses were pretty neat! Great job

I've been a sucker for these kinda games since i played slay the spire. Though I would love to see a bit more card variety. The swap idea is neat but its not super clear how it works. Seems like the boss does it randomly  but I can jsut swap back if im fast enough. I'd be interested in seeing the combat have a bit more spice if it gets developed further!

I like the mechanics of the dragon snake fight of closing the doors, would love the opportunity to hit him with my attack while hes trapped and maybe have a bit more interaction. Good job with the original art!

Aesthetic is awesome, controls feel pretty good too once you get the hang of them. But some of the upgrades were a bit confusing? I think i lost dps after beating the first boss which felt reallllly bad for the second boss considering how little the windows to attack were. Some sort of 'stunned' window after the second bosses' spin attack would be nice as I feel like she just kept chaining attacks that made her un-hittable, especially when she got enraged.  Nice polished game though well done!

Thanks buddy! Looking forward to seeing you in future Jams!

Oh wow thanks so much for the love and playing! I'm gonna be honest I've never even played to the 8th loop so doesn't surprise me haha. If i keep working on  this I'll be sure to squash this bug for longer runs! Thanks so much!