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A jam submission

Rise of NecromancyView game page

Raise the dead as ally forces to take down the Kingdom!
Submitted by HadiLePanda — 1 hour, 55 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 118 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Yes. Quaternius art assets | OpenGameArt CC0 audio & UI | for icons | Mixamo animations | Unity Asset store free assets

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Pretty fun game. I like the presentation, and the graphics are nice and atmospheric.

I like how the AI of your minions works too, you don't have to worry about them, they just run into battle and fight.

It was a bit hard to see what was going on when there were about 20 of them fighting. When I cast a fireball, I wasn't sure if I done any damage or I missed

And skill 5, the one that enhances your minions power for a shot time, it seems to work regardless of where you point the cursor, or am I mistaken? I couldn't tell, so I always aimed it anyway.

The selection of skills is nice too

I died straight away at the end when somebody one shotted me with a fireball. I think maybe that should be a little less powerful, so you can still fight if you get hit once, but die on 2 hits. A life leech skill would also be good, so you can keep your health topped up.

Great work!


Thanks for playing. Appreciate the detailled feedback :)

The resurrection, drain and buff skills are supposed to work in a certain radius around the cursor when casted, but it's a bit bugged and works in a big range. I also found it more fun for the game jam so I let it be that way.

You mentionned good points that I didn't have time to refine for a lack of time. Will definitely take that into account to make them better for my next games, thank you!


Very fun game. I can be a bit confusing that you have to select the skill beforehand you activate it, but you get used to it. Also it would be nice if you could rotate the camera, was missing that a first tower. Overall a very good game for a jam.


Thanks for playing! :) Appreciate your feedback, will note them to improve future games.


I found it quite difficult to determine which of the creatures were mine and which wanted to attack me. In one phase I fled before my minions. Later on I let myself get killed w/o any defense by some enemies...


Thanks for playing! Sorry to hear that, I will make sure  to improve visibility of difference between minions and enemies. Currently minions are highlighted in green and enemies in red.


Really cool idea for a game. Amassing a huge army was  surprisingly fun, and the selection of spells was nice. The only  issue I had was the camera angle made it a little tough to see and aim spells.  Especially towards the end where there are a ton of enemies and allies it was really easy to get hit by a fireball you couldn't really see coming and die. Some way to regain health would also be good.  I thought all of the art and sound was all well implemented and felt nicely polished.  Overall, great game!


Thank you for playing and for your feedback, really appreciate it :)


Great job! The intro screen, UI, animations, sounds, icons, magical effects: it all looked and felt very polished and was a lot of fun to play. Definitely something to be proud of :)


Thank you for playing, I appreciate your feedback :)


haha ended up with quite an army of minions , i like that you can get quite powerful by resurrecting enemies but you are still not invincible as enemies can quickly kill you . my only suggestion would be to assign some spells to buttons , for example i found myself very rarely using the draining mana skill because it felt inconvenient to switch to it during combat while i should be attacking enemies . but it was still a pretty fun experience .
also this game could be a great opportunity to experiment with  DOTS and the burst compiler .


Thanks for playing, appreciate your feedback!

I'm glad you had a fun experience with creating your army :)

Never thought of doing something similar but on a bigger scale with DOTS, will keep that in mind. Thanks for the suggestion!


Things I liked:

-Super fun to play through- lots of polish and variety in the spells you can cast for a few different playstyles

-Fun progression with building a small army and supporting them

-Awesome visuals and particle effects - looks like a great and polished game!

Things to improve:

-Got a lot of lag, especially towards the end when my army was massive and casting spells slowed to a crawl

-Bigger explosions/ visuals on the big fireball to make it more exciting and feel more powerful

-Clarity with cost of spells on when you gain back magic


Super fun experience and love the ideas surrounding this! Would love to see where this goes!


Thanks for playing, appreciate the detailed feedback! :)

Will make sure to improve taking your points into consideration, thank you!


Good game! Had some performance issues in the web player so switched to the downloaded version which ran just fine.


Thank you for playing! Yes unfortunately I didn't have time to work on optimization for lack of time.


This is a really great submission! I loved the different powers. I think my power quickly snowballed though to the point that it was too easy, but at the same time I loved the power trip haha. Controlling hordes of the undead is awesome. There definitely will need to be some better optimization too as the game was chugging along for me in the final bit of what I assumed would eventually be a throne room. Absolutely great work here though! Good job to you and your team!


Thank you for playing, appreciate the feedback :)


Very fun RPG style game. The atmosphere and setting were on point with a variety of different moves to use and master. Great job.


Thank you for playing, I'm happy you had a good time! :)


quite a lot to offer here in terms content , very challenging game, love the ability resurrect the fallen
was not able to beat it but I will revisit until I do great job.


Thank you  for playing!


what a fun game!! the music and atmosphere are so potent, and there's nothing quite as satisfying as being able to raise minions to do your bidding, watching your army grow~ i agree with an earlier comment that a small touch of balancing would be great, but it definitely didn't detract from how much fun i'm having with it! :D great job, we're looking forward to seeing what you create next!!


Thanks a lot for playing, I'm very happy to hear you had such a great experience! :D

Will do my best to keep improving and making quality games!


This game was seriously awesome. Strong sense of progression in such a short game, perfect length for a jam game, too. It teaches you how to play in a simple and straightforward way, without too much reading. Also it's just plain fun to play! The art looks good, the sounds are excellent, and there is a nice variety of enemies. The level of polish is high too, and it could easily be scaled into a longer game.  Fantastic work!


Thank you so much, really appreciate your positive comment! I'm glad you had a great experience :)


Wow! How did you manage to squeeze all that work into 10 days? Impressive! Great visuals, great sound, good match for the theme. I didn't get very far, just lack of time, I hope I can give it another go soon.


Well how to say that I've lost quite a lot of hair during these 10 days xD I wanted to challenge myself by putting my best knowledge into play!

Thank you for playing, even for a small amount of time!


hi there, it's a really fun game, great work.


Hello, thank you for playing the game!


Absolutely incredible that you three managed to create such a game in 10 days. Multiple abilities, a variety of enemies, smooth control, a complete combat system, and fitting music. It just feels so complete! It is fun taking over corpses and slowly building up a strong army. An amazing submission.

I think the visual clarity can use some refinement. Given the low light and the camera angle, it is difficult to tell units apart even with the border. Solutions for this might be to change the camera angle (or give the player more control over the camera), you can adjust the camera in a way that exaggerates the unique form of each enemy. You can also have a fixed angle, and build the character models for that angle deliberately. Focus mainly on the silhouette, large shapes, and sizes of the units (color and lighting are a bit difficult given the darkness). This complement with the UI elements should make the game more readable. Or maybe you have some other solutions that will work better. It will be interesting to see what you've come up with

The game is exceedingly polished. I'm sure you worked hard on this, and I must say that hard work pays off. Great work!


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, really appreciate it!

You've mentioned great points, and I'll definitely take them as lessons when making games in the future! :)


I liked the mechanics of the game. The constructive criticism I would have to give is that the game was chugging towards the end and my computer is pretty decent, so having the game be less intensive (I'm guessing it would be optimizing particles) would be the thing to focus on


Thank you for playing, and for the critisism. I agree with you, some optimization is detinitely required. For the duration of the jam I sadly didn't have time to work on that part. Will make sure to improve that in the future, thanks :)


This game graphics are amazing one !! One of the greatest submission for this jam


Thanks so much,  really appreciate it!


Cool game, well done. I really enjoyed it, it reminds me those sleepless nights playing Diablo 2 like 15 years ago.


Thank you! Glad to hear that :)


Nice game. Really liked ressurection mechanic. I was just hoping that i dont need to ressurect my toaster computer. :) GJ


Haha, fortunately not xD Thank you for playing!

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