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A jam submission

Tower PunchView game page

A short game for the Game Dev tv game jam 2023
Submitted by thebirderer — 3 hours, 14 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 52 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Did you use any existing assets? If so, list them below.
Art Assets Minotaur by Calciumtrice Character Sprites and foreground Tile set A platformer in the forest by Buch Explosion Sprites Explosions and some bullets by chabull Audio Sounds Crate Break 3 by kevinkace PlayerHurt1 by mrickey13 Cartoon Oh-Oh by dersuperanton SFX_Jump_13 by jalastram Springy Jump by EFindlay Bonk-[Rpg]1 by colorsCrimsonTears Cyber Punch 03 by JohnLoser Squash by Natty23 explosion_06 by derplayer 1BramCamera by kwahmah_02 stomp3.wav by stomachache

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I found the dimension-switching difficult to get a hang of without being able to see where the platforms would be each time, but the concept has a lot of merit and could easily be refined to something more accessible. With the wall-jumping that everyone has (rightly!) called attention to, I was put in mind of an entire game that's just that one level from Titanfall 2, but in 2D — how wonderful would that be? The theming was fun, too, and I was delighted to explore the adventures of this weird little kingdom and their weird little problems. Fun stuff!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

A bit too hard given that you restart all the way in the beginning if you use up all three lives. Maybe a life power-up somewhere around the 3rd level would be nice.


A cool idea; making the wall jump exaggerated was kind of cool; the visuals and the music also go well together; one problem is the dimension switch; I think it could’ve been executed better because you can go through walls when you switch back; and a bit more learning curve and mechanics would be nice. Still, good job! :D


Cool game to have, the dimesion transition level design is thoughtful, great job!


I immediately fell in love with that overpowered wall jump and in my humble opinion the game would have been fine with that as the main feature. the dimension-switch was of course on theme, but it was rather frustrating (guessing where a platform might be) and less fun than the wall jump - especially with that random death thing, because you used shadow dimension too much or whatever the reason - that was full on annoying and made me quite the game in the end. I don't try to be mean here, just unfiltered thoughts of my experience, I hope it is somewhat helpful.


I appreciate the unfiltered opinion as I would rather know the faults then be pandered too and make a sub par game. I agree with you and I unfortunately waffled around for the first part of the jam leaving my self with about 4 days to try and complete everything. (Much of the play testing was done in a few hours before it was due) Thank you for your honest opinion and taking the time to give it a play👍 


Cool game! It was a bit difficult for me but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Super good game, it's super fun and the music really fits with the game.


nice platformer. there was just enough challenge for me, and I liked that wall jump was so powerfull. Nice one!


I appreciate you rated my game, so i returned the favor - it is a very nice concept, though my old arthritic hands i couldn't get the double jumps - i may have my kid try it later when he comes to visit. 

overall--- great job especially on the dimensional swapping.


Fun game! dimension shifting adds a level of difficulty for a good challenge, and who doesn't love punching babies, lol. Nice job! 


I wasn't super sure what was going on in the story, am I a heroic king stopping an uprising or a cruel tyrant beating down the common folk? In my case probably the latter, since I liked to hit the guys off of ledges after clearing a level... 😅

Getting a handle on the dimension shifting was tough for me, there's a need for quick reaction times, precision jumping and layout memorization all at once. While I tried my best to clear every level, the one I got stuck on has a section where you need to do a series of wall jumps and then (I think) get into the end area before switching back to the main dimension again, to land properly and then strike your foes.

Part of the problem was that I'm not too good at the wall jumps and I also kept running out of 'juice' for staying in the alternate dimension. I would have kept at it but losing all my lives and needing to restart from the beginning drained my enthusiasm eventually.

That said it's a well made game which looks and sounds very nice and fits the theme perfectly!


Most of my issues stem from me not having anyone play test for me until a few hours before it was due. Next time I'll try and wrangle some people to try it out so I can adjust the difficulty and address any problems. Thank you for playing and the wonderful feedback! 


One of the best submissions in this jam! I really enjoyed it and loved how smart and polished this is. My only comment would be that I wasn't paying attention enough to understand the story, so seeing those people climbing a pole felt really weird :P


unfortunately one of my weak points is making cutscenes which i hope to improve on in the future. Thanks for playing and enjoying my game XD


I like the general idea you had going on here. It was fun to do.  However when it came to using the void, it had it where if i got out of a voice where there was objects like on the third level, it had it where I got stuck inside of it and if I was out of the energy for void it make it where you were completely stuck inside like in the fourth level on the right side. So might want to address that issue with the void making you get stuck in places.  Had trouble on the four level with the ladder. But still a fun game you have here.


Thanks for the play! Unfortunately I didn't  get to play test it as much as I wanted to but all accept any and all suggestions on how to make it better :)


Thats fine. I know gamejam can be tricky for some people. I just wanted to give my feedback to help you out incase you missed it or wasn't aware.  Still great job :)


The concept art and level are very nice, but having to redo all the levels if you restart 3 times is quite punishing and I don’t see a need for it in the game

the ladder was glitchy also, but overall cool experience


Cool game! I really liked the atmosphere and art style. It had me grinning bigtime despite the game being a little bit on the difficult style (though this is a good match for the pixel art era it resembles!).


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


Very cool game, I managed to get to level 8, but sometimes the controls frustrated me :)

I also had some trouble on level 4 with the ladder. Overall, it was very nice and difficult.


Definitely needed more play testing  and next time I do a game jam I will try and add key bindings. Thank you for playing :D


Cool game with changing dimensions. But Level 3 was too hard for me. ;D


I feel bad for the baldies! 


nice game! good mechanics!


I enjoyed wall jumps, but the combination of jump and up button was not ideal, as sometimes it made me run backward downhill.

It was fun.


Tis wild that you only recognize your faults after you messed up.  Thanks for the  play!


As in I recognize the problem in my game after someone points it out, yours was great :D


I love the movement mechanics you have in the game. My game is full of mistakes, but after collecting all the feedback, I will start rewriting it to make it a complete game.

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