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Knockout RunView game page

Neon Speed Run with Online Leaderboards
Submitted by Neverknow247 — 3 minutes, 9 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How cohesive is the game art (do all visual elements work well together)?#234.2004.200
Did you enjoy this entry?#233.5203.520
Do the animations/effects improve the player experience (game juice!)?#253.6403.640
Is the art appealing (do you want to spend more time in this world)?#353.3203.320
How well was the Theme implemented?#463.1203.120

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Which team were you in and what was the modifier for your team?
Team PigDev and the modifier was Network

Which game engine did you use?
Godot 4.2

If you are chosen as the wildcard will you continue in the competition?

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This was tough to begin with, but with a bit of practice felt really fun and smooth. The polish is really nice too, awesome game :)


Thank you so much, I am glad you enjoyed!


I am absolutely terrible at this game, but the movement controls feel pretty well tuned and tightened! My main critical feedback would be in the wall jump. I feel like I'm not getting the force I'd want when pushing off from the wall and it makes any wall jumping required for the levels feel a bit button mashy.

It's a shame the web build didn't render the glow correctly! I'll have to download the game a bit later and see it in action.

Beautiful game regardless, though. Best of luck to you in round 1!


Thank you so much for the feedback! the wall jump is definitely something i want to revisit, so thank you for the feedback there!
It is a shame about the web build. I didnt realize, but godot 4.2 web exports dont support glow so unfortunately ill need to wait for an update to the engine.
Thank you for your feedback!


Nice polish on the gameplay, looks like a real challenge to master all mechanics. Neon visuals are really fitting with that. Congrats !


Thank you! Yeah I am starting to realize that the mechanics might be a bit too much for a jam as they are pretty complicated. (inspired by ghost runner) I appreciate your feedback!


took a little time to get to use full power of dash!! But all in all a very visually pleasing game.. Sounds were on point…


Thank you so much for your feedback! I am glad you enjoyed!


Fun game, lots of nuanced mechanics that are definitely beyond me (this is never my genre but I always enjoy giving it a try) but yet I was still able to get to work a little bit for me! The toilet level was not one I could pass :s

The connection with ‘spectacle’ felt a bit of a reach for me, though the leaderboard implementation is always impressive and definitely hits the ‘network’ requirement, time trials are a great way to do that. (Though anonymous login seems more appropriate vs creating a pwd and username whole setup, you could always retain a 1st party cookie save data with a unique server-generated id if you really want to re-recognize someone without forcing a whole signup flow, which I opted to not do here).


Yeah that is fair. The leaderboard system is a bit complex for a jam, I used Silentwolf api and went large scale because of the features it offers but not necessary for a jam. and yeah my whole idea of specticle was the neon glow and particles with high speed which i did not know html doesnt support until the last day. Thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it and will take it into consideration in the future


This was a really great game!  Your mechanics are super fun!


Nice visuals (even without the glow effect) and atmosphere. Went to the flag but tried to catch the sheep (?) below. I failed here but I was a good experience with "oh", "ha", "hiii" all the way ^^Good job !


Thank you so much! the sheep is pretty difficult to get to! Thanks for playing and your feedback!


Love the visuals you've created. Feels like alot went into this. There's so much to get used to, mechanics-wise. I can't say enough about the leaderboard implementation. Brilliant idea! A really fantastic job all-around.


Thank you for the feedback! The mechanics are pretty complex and alot is going on. Im still trying to figure out how to balance the learning curve, thank you for your kind words!!


Looks great with the simple art style. Once I got use to the controls, felt great to play. Amazing leaderboard system you have set up, especially with the ghosts. 


Thank you so much!! I really struggled with the controls because of the learning curve I knew some people would be turned off, I am going work on making a better tutorial. Im so glad you enjoyed and thank you for the feedback!


I liked this game, especially liking how you can race against a ghost version of yourself to try and improve the time and exploring the different paths to take. I didn't sign up for the leaderboard but this is my time:


nice job! thats a good time!! thank you for playing and im glad you enjoyed! 


Really digging the art style. Was really hard at first, but I enjoyed learning the controls and making high scores.
The leaderboard and ghosts are a nice touch, and a good way to do the network modifier.


I really liked the art style and the controls worked great with a controller. Great job!


thank you so much for playing and i am glad you were able to test the controller! Thank you for your feedback!


I love the complex movement, felt really good to combine different moves to get further. Great job!


thank you! im glad you enjoyed! thank you for the feedback


fast neon ball go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


My favorite game so far. The controls are so smooth once you get a hang of them. I love the vaporwave/neon style graphics. Spent like 20 minutes trying to improve my time lol


I saw! I was watching your score increase!

Thank you so much for playing! I am really glad you enjoyed! I spent so long on trying to get the movement feeling good so I was really excited seeing you times on the board. Thank you again!!

p.s. Not sure if you knew but you can also watch other players times too!