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A jam submission

Crunkle's SideshowView game page

Survive in a twisted sideshow
Submitted by Dev Pirates (@devpirates) — 5 days, 21 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How cohesive is the game art (do all visual elements work well together)?#44.6334.633
Is the art appealing (do you want to spend more time in this world)?#74.2334.233
How well was the Theme implemented?#124.2334.233
Did you enjoy this entry?#153.7673.767
Do the animations/effects improve the player experience (game juice!)?#183.9333.933

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Which team were you in and what was the modifier for your team?
Team Spacespy, the modifier was Minute

Which game engine did you use?
Godot 4

If you are chosen as the wildcard will you continue in the competition?
Of course

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Wow this was a great entry! I loved the GB style and I could definitely imagine this as some twisted wario ware spin off. The gameplay was really fun, and I loved the focus on the smaller minigames. Overall, amazing entry


I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for playing!


This is exactly along the lines of what i was wanting to do!! Heck yea!! It was going to be different games but awesome job!! Loved the art and story!


Ah yeah! Thank you for playing!


The art is absolutely amazing!!! Really enjoyed playing this, and it fit the theme and modifier really well.


Thank you so much and thank you for playing!


5 stars across the board! I am a sucker for GB gfx, and I found the writing to be really funny and well done. That crunkle is a cool creepy guy. Of the games that used "spectacle" to mean, well, a spectacle, this one comes through loud and clear. Couple of tiny nits for a future version: 1) I think the dialog should advance on any button click. (The arrow icon made me think it was the "right" button, but IIRC it's ENTER ... took me a second to figure out. 2) When you draw out text one character at a time, it's a nice touch to have the words at the end of the line wrap before it "half types out" ... haha no idea if I'm describing it right, If this one doesn't get to the next round I'll eat my fuzzy bunny slippers!


Thank you so much! And thanks for playing!
1) That might help.

2) I get what you're saying, I didn't do anything fancy with the text so a little more effort in that would make things better.

I'm hoping it was enough to get me to the next round, there are a lot of good games though.


Loved the artstyle, and the gameplay was really fun too

Only miniscule complaint i can think of is that the menu doesn't work with the mouse, otherwise it's a perfect minigame collection, wrapped in cool graphics


Thank you and thank you for playing!

I don't think much about the mouse as I tend to focus on keyboard and gamepad, but I can see at least having some UI accepting mouse clicks would make things easier for a wider variety of players.


The GB palette for this is incredible, and it definitely reminds me of something like WarioWare. I can't believe how much you made for only having about 1-2 hours a day to work on it! 

My biggest criticism for something to look at next round if you continue with this process is that I definitely wanted a little more feedback on my inputs and especially when I missed something. It wasn't always obvious what killed me. Oh, the audio was also really quiet for me! Especially the music. 

Amazing job! Can't wait to see what you do next round. 


Thank you! The GB palette was has been an itch for a long time and this time it just came together. If I don't continue with this game, I'm really tempted to do another using the GB palette and resolution.

I agree with you on the input feedback, the sounds do help with that, it can go up a few levels by pressing the [+] key on the keyboard, I didn't display the volume changes, but it starts at 7 and goes up to 10.


Very nice, complete game. Your art style is amazing. What did you use for the pixel art?

Super cool idea, perfect for a jam!


I created all the art in Aseprite.  Thank you for playing!


The art is very well put together. I even got to live another day at the circus. At first a was a bit confused with the lion, but that didnt last long :) great entry


Thanks for playing!


Very well made, stunning art scheme and palette! Even the itch page with control diagrams. Each stage was nicely designed and cohesive. I survived with 13 after a few failed attempts :D

Not that this round has to do with this, but I’m scratching my head on the advice to give for the input prompts. It took me a moment to realize why I was dying in some versus another, until I realized the knife throwing challenge is the only one where you aren’t trying to spam/follow the rhythm of the inputs shown on screen, because I was trying to do the left/right as fast as the prompts were showing at first. Maybe replacing with a tightrope challenge where there’s a “correct” direction you always have to lean could work to stick just with input prompt matching?

(and, now reading the comments below, I see you’re already thinking of this, so I’m sure you’ll be able to iron it out!)


I'm happy you enjoyed it and thank you for playing. Yeah, I only had 1-2 hours a day to work on it (because of a full time job and 1 year old), and I lost three days on something that wasn't panning out. I will try to fix things after the voting is over, and I'll think about making it into a bigger game later, but I kind of like it.


The pixel art is really nice ! Some game are really hard (i don't think i fully understand the one with the lion)but i had fun. Good job !


Thank you and thanks for playing! The Beast Tamer one is a timed press game, you wait for the right time to press the button. Too early and you drop the chair (might still have a chance to recover before the beast attacks), too late and the beast attacks you.


I might be showing my age, but... I grew up on the GB and I gotta say, you nailed it!

The art not only looks like GB graphics, but the art itself is beautiful! It even plays like a GB game. I enjoyed all the mini games (once I figured out what I was supposed to do). Great job on... everything!!!


Thank you. I'm an old person that grew up with a classic GameBoy too. I was torn on the mini game prompts, I didn't want them all to be understood that well the first time through, but I think a little more prompting would have helped.


I survived the show and got a score of 9. The intro and mini games were all good fun, with the knife throwing being my favourite. I think the lion taming one was good too but might be better if it was just pressing space. All the art is really well done and I like the colour palette used


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it. The beast taming one you only have to press one, but it can be either.


Fun game, good art style and the minigames were simple and understandable for the most part! Got a little confused with some, but managed to figure them out before long. Overall great work!


Thanks. I think some prompts in addition to the controls display would have helped, things like "Time it", "Tap", "Dodge", etc.


Unfortunatelly I couldnt play your game:

Developer (1 edit)

Odd, I had people play it on a variety of systems. The fix for that error is a checkbox that is currently checked. Sorry you could not play it.


Wow this was great!  Loved the art and old school style.  Excellent variety of minigames that fit the theme well.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing!


Wow! Really great job, the game was clean and really well done. it reminded me of playing game and watch gallery on gba. Amazing work!


That and Wario Ware were inspirations for this. Thank you for playing!


Love the artwork in this. Very nice execution :)


Thank you!


Some really great sprite work and animations, particularly in the skeleton character.  The mini-games are simple but effective.  Overall, a really nice and polished game.


Thank you so much for playing!


Amazing work Dev Pirates once again!

The aesthetic was impeccable with the whole horror vibes perfectly morphed with the circus spectacle. I also enjoyed the minigames being easy to grasp when picking up. I can only imagine how much work you put on those animations and character designs! <3


Thank you! The art work took about 2/3 of the time. Thanks for playing!


Very funnnn game played second time….. I like the balloon knife game.. art is subtle and green hues makes it more fun..


Thank you for playing!

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