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A jam submission

Not Again!View game page

A twin stick stealth shooter where you can't stop shooting!
Submitted by JustWinginIt
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 66 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The player cannot control when they shoot!

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We created all art during the game jam

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We used pre-existing audio

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It is sooo well made and polished. I like it a lot, awesome entry 馃挭


Thank you! Very happy you liked it!


Funny game and visuals are great! 

It feels impossible to not hit your co-workers a single time in the last level but maybe that was the intention, it got really out of control.


Thank you very much!

It kinda was the intention to be super difficult not to hit the coworkers on the last level, but mainly we just didn't have time to fine tune the coworkers. Just means you get to hear more crying!

Deleted 133 days ago

Thank you!


Splatoon was here...

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you for playing!

Didn't get much time for playtesting unfortunately so never got to find tune some of the elements.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

OMG guys it was amazing, really nice job, the art, the narrative, dialogs and the music make the game so fun. 5* guys you deserve it. gg


Thank you! Super glad you enjoyed it! 


Nice game! I like the comic style of the game. On small screenshots it almost looks like it was drawn in 2D. The game is fun to play. Sometimes the guns clipped through walls.

I had to play it twice because of the fun :D


Thank you playing! I am really happy with the art. Damien and Becky did a wonderful job! 

Shooting through the walls amused us so we never fixed it :D


The artstyle is awesome! Love the bright paint on the greyscale office. The game plays pretty smoothly, too. It seemed lock up for me on the "Submit score" screen, though.


Thank you for playing! 

Had an issue with the submit score button that I didn't get time to fix. Pressing enter on that screen will also progress so long as you have a name in the box :)


Hehe love the idea, and the extra limbs just spawning everywhere. Also liked the style and the music great game overall. Congrats.


Thank you for playing our game!

Yeah, can't quite remember where the extra limb idea came from, but once the idea was there it was too funny to drop!

I'm super proud with the whole team for what they managed! So happy with the art.


Best game I've played so far!! Everything on the form deserves more than 5 stars!


You're too kinda! Really happy you enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun to create. The proudest we've ever been with a Game Jam by far!


love the lil voices and the co-workers crying when theyre hit

color choice is great too! getting shot = color

great job!


Recording the voices was a lot of fun. It was really tough to not laugh the whole time!

Thank you for you kind words. :)


The art was awesome!


Thank you! Damien and Becky always surprise me with their work :)


Good job! The graphics definitely had a unique style and theme. The gameplay was really fun too. Well done! :)


Thank you :) I'm consistently impressed at what the art guys can achieve! 


A very very funny game! the voice made me laugh so many times hahahaha


Yeah we had a great time recording them. We recorded more lines but unfortunately didn't get them all implemented. 


Great visuals and sound! I liked the feeling of it a lot. But it seems the guns can also shoot through walls if the player is close enough. And I think it might be better, if the camera is a little bit more zoomed out, as the reach of the guns can hit coworkers, that are out of the camera. Especially the last level suffers from this, as it get hard to tell what's going on.

Oh, and I didn't know you can actually aim in this game. Have to press LM and moving the mouse instead of just moving the mouse seems a little conter-intuitive.


Thanks for the feedback. We decided it was funnier if you could shoot through walls so we never fixed it :D

I was planning on removing the LMB click to aim but couldn't figure out how to get it to prioritise between keyboard/mouse controls vs gamepad controls without that. In typical fashion I figured out the approach about ten minutes after the deadline.  


I love how the coworkers are just crying, if you hit them xD great audio


Thanks! I was worried that with how hectic the game was, people wouldn't notice, ha!


Great voice acting :D 

(Also, I'd recommend saying on the start screen that this requires a gamepad to play)


Thank you so much! We had so much fun recording the voices! The raw files have so much laughing on them.

You can play the game either mouse and keyboard or game pad! 

We wanted to do better tutorials but just ran out of time. You know how it is!


I loved this game. It fit the theme well, was very fun, and the music was great.


hank you! Glad you enjoyed it! 


This game was delightfully wacky with a great look.  Nice job!


Thank you very much! I'm happy people are enjoying it. 


This was such a fun game! It's on the short side, but it makes up for it by its sheer absurdity, and I really enjoyed it.


Thank you! We had more levels made but didn't get time to implement them. But we learnt a lot so hopefully our next time round will play longer.

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