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The Run (GMTK Jam 2024)View game page

A fast-paced horror puzzler about SCALE.
Submitted by SleepingSafari — 1 day, 23 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 101 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Your character scales to fit through gaps, or grows bigger to gain speed - all to run away from the killer!

Development Time

48 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
All assets were created by me.

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Great game! But I think the early levels are a bit hard.



Yup, been getting that feedback a lot. Gonna look into implementing difficulty levels.

Thanks for playing!


I really like the idea of scaling up to go faster but then you have to go below obstacles as you run away from the ennemy. The music added tension to the run, making it really fun to play. However, I got stuck at the button press thing, growing big while being below it didn't open anything so I kept dying here. 


Ah, glad you liked it! Was really fun balancing all the elements, from mechanics to music, etc. Was so stoked when it started to come together in the end. Would really have loved to work a bit more on sound design.

Ah damn, a lot of people have been struggling with the button and having trouble figuring it out. As a consolation, I can at least say it wasn't far from the end. If you can, please drop a vid/gif of it happening so I can see if I can narrow it down, cause haven't been able to replicate it on my end.

Otherwise, really appreciate you playing!


The idea is good! It was a bit hard for me to manage to survive for very long.


Thanks! Indeed, need to tweak that difficulty a bit. Appreciate you playing :)


Having bigger size mean faster move speed was clever; it made for an interesting balancing act, especially with the somewhat slow size changing -- i.e. trying to get as big as possible between obstacles while scaling down soon enough that you actually clear the gaps.

Music was great and really added a lot of the tension. I would have liked to see even more of that tension building by e.g. making the music more intense the closer the killer is to you. I also liked the added mechanics of the button/door (and making the player have to stand there and wait for it to open was a great call) and the gates that opened and closed by themselves. It would have been cool to have a few more implementations of those, or new ones.

Ran into a bug with the gates that open and close, where if I get hit by them on the way down, I just get stuck in there and can't really scale anymore (I just sort of vibrate in place).


Yeah, was super stoked when the trade-off between speed and scale clicked! Glad you enjoyed the music. Was scared I was spending too much time on it, but really dug the atmosphere it added in the end :)

Indeed, outside the time limitations of the jam, tension is the one thing I really want to spend time on. Yeah, would have loved to add more obstacles. With the time limit, I tried to do a small variety of sections to get the concept/possibilities across. A few things I want to implement are a weight mechanic - as a you scale up and down, you become lighter/heavier to control elevator platforms. 

Yeah, wanted to implement an End Screen when you get hit by moving gates. But at least it was kiiiind of a lose condition lol. The timing of the gates also change if you touch them. Want them to keep the same momentum when you stand against them. 

Quite a few things to work on! Thanks for playing and for the in-depth feedback :)


when the music kicks in 😳👌


Ahh, I was so stoked when I got that down! Thanks for playing :)


At the first glance I thought it's gonna be bad because the idea was really simple and graphically its just colored cubes. But if I'm being honest I liked it. Running from the red cube was really fun for some reason. Though it's a bit hard and the controls are weird. I would make AD to move and WS to scale. The only complaint I have is the controls. Hardness is just a skill issue of mine. Really fun game. Good job.


Well, really appreciate you giving it a go! And thanks for the kind words and feedback!

Indeed, going to look into button remapping so that people can adjust to their liking. Would be a cool feature to work on that I've never tried before! And then difficulty level, as well. Not sure if difficulty levels should adjust player speed or enemy speed. Will tinker and see.

Or I could just go the dude-bro route and say "git gud". But that would just be a cop out haha.

Thanks for playing!


Any game that can make me scared of a lifeless geometric figure gets an immediate 5 stars. The concept is amazing! And I'd love to see it developed further haha


Hell yeah! Thanks so much! Really appreciate the kind words. And yes, definitely looking to take this further. First time in a loooong while I've dared to venture into the mystical world of coding, and I've been having a blast. Really enjoying working on this prototype.

Kudos for playing!


Great game, however a few times the game broke, the killer touched me and didn't kill me, as well as the button press not being registered. I assume it has something to do with your collisions! Other than that, fun, thrilling game! 


Thanks! Yeah, the collisions have been wreaking some havoc. I know about the player/enemy one, which I had trouble figuring out before I submitted. The button one is currently a bit of a mystery, though. Haven't been able to replicate it and I've tested on a few different browsers and systems. Wondering if resolution is somehow affecting it? If you are able to capture a vid/gif of it happening, that would help loads!

Thanks for playing, and glad you found it thrilling!


Please DM me on discord (name: ohhmaxx ) about some videos, I will find the time to record some gameplay, and if found, will send it over.


Most stressfull rectangle I've ever seen. Very addictive, fun!


A new era in Red Rectangle dominance!

Haha, thanks for playing :)


I liked it a lot. The entrance of the enemy was cinematic! The scenes were engaging, I want to see more of it!


So stoked you liked the intro, that was one of my favourite parts to implement. Especially getting the timing right with the sound/speed of the enemy. Definitely looking to take it further.

Thanks so much for playing!


This is intense. Great game!


Thanks, tension mandatory! Dig the profile pic :)

Appreciate the play!


This was a really fun game actually, simple but also a challenge! hope you try mine too :)


Thanks for playing, glad you had fun! Just tried your team's game and really loved it! Hope you take it further. Awesome work :)


VERY unique use of the size changing gimmick! My favorite yet, in fact! The only weak point is the visuals, but the rest is great! Phenomenal execution and fun engaging gameplay! Short and sweet, love it!


Yooo, thanks so much for the kind words! Really appreciate it!

Indeed, art is definitely where I have the least experience and find it super time-consuming for jams! I do dig the minimalist style, though. Obviously, bears a striking resemblance to Thomas was Alone, so will have to work on that too, haha. But yeah, as much as I love the minimalism, really want to fill up the environment a bit more with stuff like the poster.

Thanks so much for the feedback and playing :)


This game needs wasd support for all the 60% keyboard brothers out there. Other than that this is the first horror game ive seen so super unique. Great idea and really fun!


Hell yeah, glad I could add some horror to the jam!

Sweet, wanna try to implement button remapping. Would be a cool thing to figure out. A few people said they found the control scheme a bit weird. I am among the keyboard brethren, but with platformers, I've always preferred arrow keys for movement and letter keys for actions. Would be cool to give people the option to choose!

Awesome, thanks for the feedback and playing!


Had some trouble with the first button, but gg on the idea! the micro-strategy of changing size to go faster or be able to pass gaps is nice, congratulation :D


Thanks so much! Yeah, was only the one button. But seems quite a few people had trouble there, still not sure what it is, but suspecting collisions. Time to do some digging!

Had fun fine-tuning the micro-strategy!

Thanks for playing!


Very fun and gives anxiety :)


Thanks! Anxiety is the name of the game! Well, no, it's "The Run". But you know what I mean :)

Appreciate the play!


Very fun runner!


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :)


Such a great concept changing you speed based on scale! The level design was also pretty good and the game was fun overall!


Really appreciate the kind comment! Glad you dug the level design, that was one thing I was unsure about. Kudos for playing!


Loved it! Everything is spot on for the ambiance: music, gameplay, level design. Would definitely play a long version of this one.


So glad you loved it! Really tried to create some ambience by dedicating a bit of time to all the elements, stoked that it come through. Defs looking to work on this further!


Really cool concept! Was legitimately hard though lol.


Thanks! Yeah, didn't realise as I was constantly testing as I worked on it. Shows you the importance of feedback and getting play testers. Appreciate you playing and commenting :)

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