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Little Rover CorporationView game page

A short management game about gathering resources from dangerous planets.
Submitted by Uncommon Grackle — 13 hours, 51 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The rover must be built to a specific weight requirement - the more advanced planets will require a lighter weight and therefore more planning and parts research. The rover even sits on a little scale!

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Development, artwork by myself.


"Leaving Home" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Envision" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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Cool game! There is no complicated graphics or action, but the legend is delivered so well and beliveable that you feel the athmosphere. That's very nice. I like how it's short, and pretty much everything you need to know is right in the gameplay, tutorial is short and you learn connections and possibilities gradually by playing and reading descriptions of items and planets. And the items are so different, it's more than just gradual growth of efficiency, it's rock-paper-scissors choosing of best option for a mission, that's so cool.
I softlocked myself by spending too much and there was no going back, at least I didn't see the possibility to recover. That seem to be the only part I'd like to see fixed. Aside from that, great little game, thanks for making this!


Honestly I'm a sucker for these randomly generated text adventure games and this scratched that itch!
Kind of reminds me of this hunger games simulator
I like how you have to watch your weight limit and kind of push your luck!
Well done!


Appreciate the kind words, thanks for playing!


Cool game. It would be a nice idea to have a button for speeding up the exploring if the player wanted.


Appreciate the feedback, I can understand wanting to speed up the exploration process after a few times through it. Thanks for playing my game!


This one was a surprise, I loved the gameboy style and I wasn't expecting the text only part. I really like this combination between old PC game and GameBoy graphics.


I'm glad you enjoyed the style, thanks for playing!

Submitted (1 edit)

Neat little game you've made! I like how there is context to what you're doing and with the text and amazing art, you can visualize what kind of journey your little rover goes on! I think some menu sound effects would help a lot considering the entire game is navigating menus. Also, it's a bit too easy if you try to do the first planet only. Otherwise, I can't complain because I was immersed!

Good job! I hope you had fun in the game jam. 


I'm glad you found the game immersive despite being mostly text based, I tried to give the events enough interest to make up for the lack of visuals. Definitely agree on the sound effects, I cut them for the sake of time but they would have added a lot to the feel of the game I think. Thanks for playing!


This game is great for some quick and short entertainment. If you want a few ideas for what to balance blackthorn is super abusable in which I can just spam it like 4-5 times and be geared out maybe find a way to balance to where the player has to play the first level a few more times before they get the mid tier gear to progress through the second level!


Appreciate the feedback! The balance is something I didn't get to spend as much time as I'd like on, I agree that it might be a bit too easy to get to the second planet. Thanks for playing!


Although I am not a huge fan of this type of game, I like your design of the game UI and animations. And the gameplay was more fun than I expected, great job!  


Glad you found something to enjoy even if it wasn't your preferred genre, thanks for playing!


Interesting take! The music fits well, and I enjoyed checking the parts in order to get bellow the weight limit. Maybe I got lucky but it didn't really feel like I was at risk at any point. I likes seeing reading the expedition log as it went

Overall a great game! well done


Thank you for the feedback! The balance of the game was definitely my biggest concern, I was low on time and leaned towards the easier side just in case, but I may have made it a bit too much so. Thanks for playing!


Very cool


Thank you for playing!


I like the color scheme, it makes the visuals feel very cohesive! The music was also very fitting and helped set the mood. I was unable to go to Blackthorn with my 48/50 kg rover setup (Weatherproof, Tank Tread, Titanium, Nuclear, Ore Sonar) but that's honestly a pretty minor bug if you ask me. I was also unsure why I getting bankrupted, so perhaps I could have used more clear indication on why that was happening.

Anyway, when I saw the screen with the RP text describing what my rover was, I was immediately invested! I saw from the other comments that this was your first jam, and considering that, I think that's very impressive. Overall this game was very well executed in my opinion!


That's an interesting bug, I'll need to give that combo a try. Is it possible you didn't have the money to build the rover that you wanted to send? Both weight and money need to be good before can you go to a planet (although I could have communicated this better!). Totally agree that the "lose" state can be quite sudden and could be better communicated as well. I appreciate the kind words, thanks for playing!


I honestly loved my time with it. More detailed breakdown in the dms.


Much appreciated, thank you for playing my game!


I enjoyed this way more than I expected I would when I saw what type of game it was! To the point that I kept playing after reaching the goal just to see how much I could earn in one run. If there was more upgrades and more planet types I would have definitely kept playing for longer! Simple but pretty fun. GG

.exes are pretty sus and usually give virus warnings when opening, for future games I'd recommend packaging as a zip instead. But to anyone reading this the game is legit so download it and give it a play! 


Wow, that is a way higher profit than I thought was possible in a single run. Appreciate the kind words! And yeah, this was my first jam so I didn't really know what the norm was for file downloads, I realized my mistake when I saw that every other game I downloaded was a zip file. Lesson learned for next jam, I appreciate you playing my game despite that!


feel interesting at first, but soon got bored. The idea of player choose diffrent setup and planet to mine is fine, but the process doesnt make me feel im part of it,  maybe add some event let the player make choice can fix that, and let player choose when to return, to weigh the risk(should i return to the base? or should i search around a little more)

the goal of making 20,000 profit feels so far, maybe slice it into few step? Like 500 - 2000 - 5000 - 10,000 - 20,000, and with each goal reached player can purchase  new equipment or unlock a new planet, so there will always some new for player to discover.


I appreciate your thoughts! I agree there's plenty of opportunity to expand on the interactivity of the game, should I work on this again in the future. I was hoping the research on new parts might provide something to work towards on the path to 20,000, but paying to unlock the planets is also a great idea. Thanks for playing!


Really fun to play, simple idea that's well-executed and presented. You can experiment with a lot of different component combinations which adds replay value. This with whole system of planets would be nice. Definitely one of my favorites so far!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing!


I really like this game. On the surface, the interface is really simple, but there's a deceptive amount of depth to it. I think that not giving stat numbers or exact descriptions of things was the right call for this game, and I say that as someone who usually likes optimizing stats. I also like that there's a defined endpoint. If it wasn't there, I can see myself playing until I got bored, and then my last memory of this game would be boredom. But the endpoint provides a nice point to stop playing while satisfied.

One thing that would've been pretty cool would be more planets. Like maybe you get offered 3 planets from a pool of like 8 or something, and which three you're offered changes after each mission.


The randomized planets is a smart idea, maybe something to think about if I work on this game in the future. Thank you for playing!


Neat little game! I like the customization options a ton and think that the money/load system is interesting. The random events drip feed of text is really good at adding some amount of suspense to the journeys even if its entirely text based. I do wish I could visually see the changes made to my vehicle so the changes felt like they had more weight, but overall good job.


Funny you should say that, I was originally planning to have the rover sprite change according to what was equipped, but unfortunately I had to cut that feature for the sake of time. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing my game!


Super Fun Game! In my first playthrough I immediately built the slickest fastest drill I could and it crashed and burned! I was much more practical on the second playthrough and got all the way till the end!


If only the coolest option in a game was always the most practical! Thanks for playing!