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Roll in OneView game page

A short puzzle game about rolling dice
Submitted by Trent Baker — 2 hours, 4 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You quite literally take control of a die and navigate the golf course by rolling! The die's upward face is used to indicate how many spaces it will roll

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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got to level 9, and got frustrated, so I didn't finish it. Really cool puzzle gimmick, but some way to rewind moves would really help the game since 1 wrong move can force you to restart the entire level

A cool concept except whenever I rolled a 4, that's all I rolled for the rest of the level.  I got past the first level but that was it. 


Not the most creative idea, but love the cute art and cute scene! Also, the sound when you roll your dice off the level is so amazing :) Incredible that you did the art and the coding in 2 days. Keep up the great work!


Cool little game , super satisfying , Nice graphics too , I think you nailed the atmosphere with this one! Good stuff overall , nice entry :))


Cool idea, very clean visuals. Satisfying sound, when putting the die in the hole. An animation for the rolling would be nice and a undo function. A good idea, very well executed.


I love the relaxing sound of the wind just as i hate number 4 lmao, nice game.


Great job! Really liked the minimalist art style and overall presentation. Great idea too, basically a fun little puzzle game. Like everyone else said, the number 4 is definitely cursed hahah but I definitely enjoyed this!


4 very quickly became my least favourite number. that being said - i like the idea, and it's well executed!


Unless you're at hole 4, yes.


This feel like an android game you could play on your push button phone in the early 2000s in all the right ways.
Clear and simple art and sound design and very easy to understand gameplay loop. 

A lot of people took issue with number 4, but I personaly was trying to roll into it every time, because it brings consistancy to the movement and makes it easy to tell if you can finish the level, or should just restart.
Also undo button, like people have already mentioned would be a great addition.


Thanks for checking it out! Interesting perspective with 4! I was surprised how passionate people ended up being about it lol. It does end up being a failstate in most scenarios, but I guess that's just how cubes work. I think I accidentally made a math problem that seems kind of interesting. Designing the levels I started to wonder if whether it's always possible to land on a 4 in a position that will still let you get in the goal- did you manage to find many holes that worked by rolling onto 4? I know of 3 or 4 at the moment


After playing around on the first level for a bit it feels like on the big enough empty field it's always possible to get 4 into any position you want, but I can't quite understand how to do it. The problem is certanly intriguing, I feel like we will learn a lot about dice cube and it's mathematical properties as a sideeffect of this jam :) 

As for the levels I am not sure, how many I have completed like that.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

This is SUPER creative, and actually very fun, I love it! Here's my scores:

Quick question: why the need of "space" when you hit the hole, instead of just skipping to the next level automatically? Also, why the need to press "R" when I fall and not reset automatically?


Nice scores! Simple answers to your good questions: Space was originally the debug advance level button, and I didn't think to just transition automatically lol. I thought of auto resetting after falling, but I was really happy with how the slide whistle sound turned out and liked listening to it enough to not implement an auto reset hahaha- basically I'm inconveniencing you to entertain my own stupidity!


lmao fair enough


Very cool concept using the top face to determine movement. As others mentioned, the 4 was annoying sometimes but I like that you incorporated it as a solution for some puzzles. 


Really fun game, I think this idea is very creative. As all other people said, getting 4 was annoying, but also one more thing was if you rotated the camera and forgot where forward was, it could sometimes be annoying, so I guess adding an arrow in the forward direction would help.


Fun puzzle game! It was a bit annoying that when you got a 4 you were stuck on 4 forever. Thanks heaps :)


Yes! I stumbled onto the 4 thing early on while making the movement, I guess that's just how cubes work haha- the things making puzzle games can teach you about geometry!


nice idea very creative!, I enjoyed playing it. Nice graphics too.


This was super fun to play. I love how I had to think and strategize to solve this.


Love seeing  another golf themed game! Very fun!


Really cool gaem