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A jam submission

fogView project page

Submitted by scarletbonbon — 37 minutes, 28 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Mixing Quality#133.6113.611
Overall Uniqueness#173.7223.722
Composing Quality#183.3333.333

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Link to Streaming Service

didn't have much time for this one. something about being on a boat in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fog, loneliness and fear turning to bliss

ambient, experimental

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This is really cool! Love the atmosphere and vibe and how it progresses to something more calming, the intro reminds me a little bit of Bad North.

Great work!


Very pleasant atmosphere! Easy listen.


How do you make an airy atmosphere?! Teach me this art, please...


Very cool atmosphere.

My ear craves a little more reverb on some of it to really create the sense of space that I feel the composition deserves.

Before I read your description, this took me to a beach, heavily overcast, with rusty things sticking out of the ground.

I think that image wants me to fill that sense of space with reverb! Heh.

Well done.

Submitted (1 edit)

Cool minimalistic sound design. Interesting and mysterious with just the basics. The percussion adding the lively and random spice it needed. +1 for the pixel art.  I loved this. 


what a unique mixture of relaxing and unnerving. it's like you're in an unfamiliar place that you know you're safe in but are unsure of how you got there or how to exit. the plucking of the strings adds a very important layer that would not exist would it not have been added. very smart choices here, great work!


Love the ambiance, very fitting! Good job :D


Very very relaxing, chords, and cool stuff overtop to keep it interesting! I think the delay on the drums is a little bit too strong, Idk how you are accomplishing that but trying to add more reverb and maybe further apart echoes might help what im hearing a lil bit, but overall really good!!


Cool vibe! Really dig the raw sound of the string being plucked and scraped, works great on this type of stuff.


Calm, bit scary, foggy ambient, great atmosphere.Great short piece!

Submitted (1 edit)

Super impressed! Zelda, TotK or TP came to mind, especially around 0:30, it feels like something ancient's nearby. Percussion later's a very nice add. Could easily see this as a night theme too. The little background ambience effects work so well, it just flows


Very ambient and experimental, I like the touch of some percussions in the middle mixing things up a bit.


Cool ambience. I enjoyed the sporadic percussion rhythm! Great work!


everything being on its own rhythm gave it a very wild sound like nature which was neat!