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A jam submission

A Foreign Seeping LightView game page

Submitted by Twitchywhalez — 20 hours, 17 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Mixing Quality#14.5004.500
Composing Quality#24.3334.333
Overall Uniqueness#24.6114.611

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This piece was composed in Logic Pro X. I really wanted to branch out and do more experimentation with sound manipulation so I stretched out a bunch of sounds, added a bunch of granular delays, reverbs, tremolos, and distortions and combined it with some orchestral sounds.

I hope you enjoy my weird experiment!

Covert is made by me by overlaying and editing some of my film photography

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quite honestly your work in every single jam is so fucking good i will be so surprised if you aren't a fully established professional game/film composer in like 5 years. i just love the soundscapes you're able to create so much and i'm so inspired by & envious of the textural elements necessary to make pieces like this lol


Thank you so much! That would be a dream ToT


Wow, you crafted some incredible textures. I love the grindy-pulsating synths and the string flourishes. The atmosphere is so intense and tight. Such an interesting composition. Great work!


I enjoyed your weird experiment :D it has a very cinematic feel to it, and while it could be considered creepy, it sounds surprisingly positive to me. Good stuff :D


...How did you make this cover art? Honestly, this is my favorite cover art of this jam!

At first: the unforgettable atmosphere of the great cosmic horror, which is more powerful than the entire army of mankind ...

Great work with effects!


Thank you! I do a lot of film photography, it's just a hobby of mine, so was looking though my photo folder to find stuff to splice together. The background photo is a mountain range near my college and the second photo is a photo I took of some roots, I cut out just the roots out of the second photo and messed around with Photoshop's FX/blending options and overlayed it over the first photo, then I did similar stuff to the first photo to make it discolored. Sorry if that's a poor explanation, I don't really know how to use Photoshop I just moved a bunch of sliders and picked random colors lol



I do photography too! (But I'm new to this)

For example, the bug from my cover art is my photo)



you're insane at sound design and you're really good at depicting an eerie landscape. i really felt like i was in the space you were depicting with how immersive this is! super unsettling and such an incredible listen. wow. great work!!!!!!!!!


Just wow.

Awesome, totally awesome stuff. I love all the wild timbres and pitch shifting. It gives this eerie sense of space, but with such a strong vibe.

Phenomenal work.


Wow! So eerily beautiful piece. Loving the sound design here, and the story presented with that horrifying beginning giving way to the amazing strings crescendo from 1:11 and the peaceful ending. Amazing work! 


Man you always blow me away, the texture that the strings add especially just create such a strong sense of tension and wonder, i could see this as like epic trailer music for a big game, like maybe if TOTK started a trailer with the depths or sm. Excellent work as always


Its weird in a good way=) Great atmosphere, textures and combinations! Overall picture is full and interesting)


As I mentioned in my reply to your comment, I've always been amazed by the sound design you manage to do do for jams.

The crescendo with the trilling strings at 1:00 was beautiful, gave a really powerful feeling.

Oddly enough that build-up also gave me the feeling that it could be a cool intro to a drum and bass track.

Stellar stuff!


Thank you! Drum and bass is fun, maybe I’ll try it out with this track 


Nice sound design creation, very unique stuff. And very scary if that it was you are going for. I bet Paulxstretch was useful in this one.


Thanks! I was actually planning on using Paulxstretch but I struggled to get it working (I’ve used it before so idk what I was doing wrong) so I just used Logic’s time stretch modes and some reverb. 


Love those dusty, distorted and evolving textures.


Don't usually hear these fx/tremolos in longer form, really cool! 1:00+ progression's just beautiful.


Amazing sound design as always. Really cool effect around 0:45-1:00. Love the string trills over the huge soundscape. Love that crisp ending (for lack of a better word). Great work!


The Prowler from Spiderverse