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A jam submission

Blight of FuseView project page

Impressions Composing Jam #1 - Boss Theme
Submitted by wt64 — 34 minutes, 9 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Composing Quality#14.5564.556
Mixing Quality#64.0564.056
Overall Uniqueness#84.1674.167

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This track became an imagined final boss theme for Fuse from Fusionfall, Cartoon Network’s old MMO. The game is about saving the Cartoon Network Universe (CNU?) from the threat of green fusions, many being mirror versions of famous CN characters. The theme would play when fighting Lord Fuse, the massive final boss. Was a big childhood game for me, one of soundtracks to stick most in mind personally!

Game's original theme:

I wanted to create a boss theme, drawing inspiration from TotK and Dark Souls. I found a way to incorporate Fusionfall’s main theme, so I kept the track focused on that. Some star wars inspiration's in there too. My main gripes are with crowding—I’d retouch the mix and voicing with more time, and maybe add some sections, but glad with what I could get to and learn!

Open to any feedback for what to keep/change as always, but hope you enjoy!

Thank you Alex for hosting this jam!! I feel it's well needed to have a jam for experimenting, and for people to share with everyone. I've enjoyed revisiting unused articulations, and letting loose on intensity. It's been so nice to see people in their element too on their tracks!

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Amazing composition! I'm insanely jealous of people who are able to write super dynamic orchestral boss music like this, great work!


thanks so much!! That means a lot from you- i'm insanely jealous of people that get the sound design so pristine ^^


Intense! I could definitely see this in fusionfall. Very final boss-esque


I'm glad, thanks!

HostSubmitted (2 edits) (+1)

Very good work!

I think my main feedback is that it gets a little chaotic in that you sort of lose the tempo just a little at the beginning and in some of the sections.

But the overall work and scoring is absolutely fantastic. Wonderful job!


Oh interesting! Did think my momentum could use some work at times, but hadn't considered tempo. Appreciate the feedback and kind words!


It's like the tempo is fine, but in the mix the rhythm gets a little lost, like the chaotic effect could be refined to maintain musicality. I mainly say this too because it sounds like the type of chaotic you're going for isn't avant garde, and it's more of a cinematic type of chaos, although sometimes those two overlap just a bit.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I see, that makes plenty of sense. Come to think of it, the cinematic focus for chaos (with avant garde tone maybe) is what I like about TotK's boss themes. There were background elements and percussive areas in this song I felt I didn't fully refine. I'll keep in mind when I revisit this


Do you make music for movies? It was wonderful!

My musical competence (or rather, its complete absence) does not allow me to say something... Because you've done an incredible job! Cool!


This made me happy ^^ thank you!!

and I think you sell yourself short, i saw in an intro you've only been doing music for a few months?? and already plenty inspiring work for me!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Holy cow!!! A fusionfall track for a music jam??? ommggg :D this game has served as inspiration for me for over 12 years, so it's very cool seeing more fanmusic for it :D

I think this works well as a track for Fuse! It has that uncanny feeling and I really like how you're bringing back some of the instruments/motifs from other themes/sounds in the game. The mixing could sound a bit different, like less extreme peaks, or more cohesion to some parts, so it would have more of an identity of its own, but overall, it does make for thrilling Fusionfall track! The clash of sounds on the other hand goes really well with what we see in the game of Fuse. Alien and foreboding!

Thanks for making this and submitting it in the jam so I could find more fusionfall fanmusic! :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yooooo!! A fellow FusionFall enjoyer?? O.o that's amazing how it's inspired you!

Identity’s such a great point, I hadn’t thought of it that way before. I actually started the track from fragments, so I did feel I could’ve done more with cohesiveness like you said. It’s nice to know the clashing/uncanniness is creating that alien vibe for you. I definitely want to revisit this piece, so I really appreciate the feedback!

Aw! We’ve got to keep spreading the love for it. I have a couple of other tracks on YT if you’re interested! I’ll take every chance I get to write for this game >:)


omg, love your reply <3 that's the spirit! yes! I had the same reaction seeing another FF fan in the wild x3

absolutely going to listen to your other fufa tracks now when I'm back home!


the proper reaction >:3!! yea! whenever you take a listen, i'd love to hear what you think :D


nice orchestration and very nice use of dissonance while keeping it tasteful, great chords! i love how you gave each section of the orchestra a time to shine - a lot of people writing orchestra music usually hone in a specific instrument family and neglect to give much attention to other parts of the orchestra, but you've achieved fluency well in this composition. as a band kid, this is honestly something i'd have fun playing in a band setting! nice work!!


Thank you, I'm glad!! I can get a bit nutty about trying to share the love to each instrument group as if they're kids of mine haha, so that means a ton, thank 


The piano and percussion writing is what really makes this stand out for me with the totk inspirations, the sporadic and all over the place parts that just fill in the blank space left by everything else, with all these incredible shots, in between! I love how you mess with rhythm in this too, makes it super engaging. The sharp dynamic contrast in this piece is so cool, and I think you could have gone even further with it in that aspect! Excellent stuff tho


Thank you!! Space-filling and rhythm (first kinda free-rhythm testing in awhile) were my two biggest focuses, so very glad that resonated ^^

I'd love to hear any specific thoughts on 'sharp dynamic contrast', if any come to mind, interesting!


I mean the way you so seamlessly flow from these loud punchy and aggressive full ensemble parts to more narrow and quieter moments, which really creates that sense of pushing forward and change in the piece. I Think you did a very good job of it, and it could be elevated just a little bit more if you made some of the louds a bit louder, and the quieter spots a little bit softer to make that difference even more intense.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I see, helpful to know forward motion's resonating so much! And there were def spots I'd add articulations or cut back, so it's helpful to think to approach *around* dynamics and deliberately, now that you say it. Thanks for this, I do want to revisit the piece, so it's giving me some ideas already ^^


Definitely one of the most chaotic tracks I've heard so far :D quite impressive!


Hehe did try to do a bit extra with the orchestration, thank you!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Wooow... Such an epic orchestration! Great track!


Appreciate it, thank you! ^^


Really love all the flourishes with the chromatic percussion, piano and harp. Lots changing parts without feeling too busy or fast, your arrangement and orchestration chops are solid. Fantastic stuff!


Thanks for the kind words! ^^ it's nice to hear things felt cohesive for you


You really did fused TOTK and Dark souls I can clearly hear both inspirations. Very well done orchestration, i'm impressed. Well done.


Means a lot hearing the styles came together for you, thanks a lot!


What a great track. There's so many different interesting elements, I love the precussion and all the different instruments, they seem very chaotic, but cohesive at the same time. I never played Fusionfall, but this track fits so well for a final boss theme, I would really want to see it with some game footage


So glad it resonated and feels enticing enough to want to play the game, thank you!


The size of this composition! It's huge and I feel huge listening to it. Dope. 


Thanks!! It's a big boss fight so glad size stood out


Great percussion, great composition! I definitely get the TOTK influence. Gives me the vibes of a boss battle against a large enemy or large army. Slightly creepy vibe like you're fighting something otherworldly. Great work!


Thanks so much! is a big creepy boss hehe, so glad that comes across :)


You thought you could just post a Pikmin boss theme here unaltered and get away with it? (Compliment)


xD thank you!! Listening now, the style vibes hard with me, so I very much appreciate this